Chapter 107, gas

The joy of Wei Xiaobei’s heart was hard to suppress, driving the trace gas to swim in Dantian.

When this trace gas swims in Dantian, the Qi Sense that is gathered up will be merged into it a little bit. Gradually, this trace gas will start to grow.

If you have been a hundred times thinner than your hair before, then after swimming around Dantian, you will grow several times before the arrived.

After the lap of the wire, the Qi Sense in Dantian disappeared a lot. Fortunately, the Qi Sense generated in the body constantly poured into the Dantian, keeping the Qi Sense in the Dantian above a level. .

Wei Xiaobei is like playing a big fish to eat a small fish game, constantly driving the a trace of gas to swim constantly, making it grow stronger.

I don’t know how long it took, Wei Xiaobei felt a little bit of tingling in her mind, and then got out of this state of view.

After seeing some stinging heads, Wei Xiaobei knows that this is because her internal vision time is too long, so that the spirit is over-consumed.

Wei Xiaobei glanced at Huang Dajun. Fortunately, Huang Dajun didn’t wake up at this time. It seems that the time is no more than an hour.

To say, Wei Xiaobei’s internal vision is more risky. Whether it is a black giant or a Huang Dajun that may wake up, it may pose a threat to himself. If you don’t say anything, just interfere with your luck, it will be enough. I am mad at myself.

If you don’t see the dramatic Qi Sense that has just emerged from the Eight Extremities Fist, it’s a rare opportunity, and he won’t be so risky.

Wei Xiaobei lay down on the sand for a while, and after the sting of the sorrow in his mind subsided, he did not dare to continue to stand up and just focus on the Attribute Panel.

This time, the Evolution Points consumed by the Eight Extremities Fist only have 300 points. Undoubtedly, this confirms Wei Xiaobei’s determine.

As usual, I want to upgrade Mastering through Fusing and Linking to Near Perfection. According to Wei Xiaobei, at least 500Evolution Points are required.

While practicing, and constantly breaking through in the battle, the consumption is reduced a lot when I put in the Evolution Points.

Near Perfection !

Wei Xiaobei’s heart is hard to suppress, jumping from the sand and kicking the boxing ring.

A set of Eight Extremities is down, Wei Xiaobei feels comfortable, and the Eight Extremities Fist arrived Near Perfection’s realm, not only deeper understanding of the Eight Extremities Fist, but also let yourself break through the Clear Vigor and enter the Inner Energy Level.

If you look at the Attribute Panel, there is no change in the attribute value, but Wei Xiaobei knows that by entering this Inner Energy level, he has almost increased his strength by more than 30%, and at least 20%.

That is, if the conversion is an attribute value, it is equivalent to the Inner Energy hierarchy raising the attribute value on the Attribute Panel by 20% five, but this should be considered a hidden attribute.

Drinking two mouthfuls of water to supplement the water consumed by the body, Wei Xiaobei kicked gently under Huang Dajun.

After that, Huang Dajun snorted and waking up from a coma.

“Wake up? Then let’s go!”

Wei Xiaobei said a word, he continued on the road.

Huang Dajun squatted on the sand and had some stiff body, staring at Wei Xiaobei with a sinister look, and then followed.

For Huang Dajun, his heart is panic. In addition to the panic about this strange world and the panic of Wei Xiaobei, he doesn’t know if Wei Xiaobei found his own mind and stunned himself to Wei Xiaobei. Things, my heart is incomprehensible.

But at this time, Huang Dajun has no more ways. He can only follow Wei Xiaobei, trying to figure out where it is, and then save himself. If there is a chance, he will not have a slight enthusiasm for Wei Xiaobei.

For Huang Dajun’s awkward look at the back, Wei Xiaobei only felt a slight tingling on the back, and then Reflex came over. This is Huang Dajun’s gaze.

This is the benefit of the arrived Inner Energy hierarchy.

No matter where you are, as long as someone peepes and looks at yourself, then Wei Xiaobei will be treated with the corresponding Reflex, as if he was gently poked with a needle.

The only thing that makes Wei Xiaobei regret is that this Inner Energy level doesn’t show up on the Attribute Panel, so it can’t be upgraded with Evolution Points.

Thinking about things in his mind, Wei Xiaobei did not pay attention to Huang Dajun. In his eyes, Huang Dajun is now just a dead body forget it.

Because of this kind of contempt, which led to what happened afterwards, Wei Xiaobei understood the truth afterwards. As long as it is a person, don’t underestimate the other side. The gap on the strength, in many cases, does not mean that the other party is a member. Huang Dajun can’t hurt himself by the toy he is at, but he can do it.

Wei Xiaobei put 20%’s attention on walking and alerting all around, while 80%’s attention is on the Attribute Panel.

After absorbing the ENUMXEvolution Points to upgrade the Eight Extremities Fist to Near Perfection, Wei Xiaobei has 300Evolution Points left.

After thinking for a while, Wei Xiaobei raised the four branch attributes under Agility’s main attribute a little, and raised the Agility main attribute to the arrived 13 point.

The Agility main attribute of the 13 point makes Wei Xiaobei feel more relaxed when walking, and even in the sand, his body is not easy to tilt.

Of course, the branch attribute under Agility’s main attribute is fully improved, and the benefits are not just that. There is some improvement in vision, hand flexibility, and so on.

Sight of vision, the vision of the X-ray point of the Hand-eye Coordination is roughly equivalent to the vision of an excellent sniper.

Where are the 180Evolution Points left and where are you going?

Wei Xiaobei became slower at the foot, Huang Dajun once again stared at Wei Xiaobei, but quickly hanged his head and followed, not knowing what to think.

Of course, in Huang Dajun’s view, the hatred of wives and wives is not shared. From Huang Dajun’s hanging and twisted face, the squirming mouth, you can know that he really hated Wei Xiaobei.

To say that this 180Evolution Points, very few, less invested in any branch attribute, is difficult to play a more powerful effect.

Put into the skills?

Wei Xiaobei’s attention is swept through the skills, Shooting (Intermediate), Military Fist (Intermediate), Electrical Work (Beginner), Eight Extremities Fist (Near Perfection), Fishing (Beginner), Three Emperor Cannon Fist (Beginner) .

A total of six skills.

Three Emperor Cannon Fist is the first option to be excluded.

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