Chapter 106, Near Perfection


Wei Xiaobei’s eyes were collected, it was like nothing, said with a smile: “Nothing, Huang Ge will follow me later, I will take you out of here.”

After finishing the conversation, Wei Xiaobei squats in the direction of huge spear, move towards the red mountain range.

He knew in his heart that this Huang Dajun had almost come out before it, no matter its eyes, the hidden things in the look and even the clenched fists, they all confirmed this.

Wei Xiaobei guessed that this had a great relationship with himself. Was this Huang Dajun and Li Lanxing disintegrated and then angered to himself?

Wei Xiaobei thought about it, it is difficult to derive the truth from the clues in his hands.

Huang Dajun looked at Wei Xiaobei, who gradually climbed to the top of the hill. The look on his face was no longer controlled. He looked at Wei Xiaobei’s back and swears in his mouth, then chased it up.

He knows that in this strange and mysterious strange place, no matter how he came in, but for now, if he wants to live, he has to rely on the waste of Wei Xiaobei!

Well, although Huang Dajun still screams at the heart, Wei Xiaobei is a waste, but in fact, he also has to find some uncomfortable discoveries, he is really no match for the other side here, which makes his heart anger more vigorous.

Let the murderous thought he had born before became more and more hot.

Wei Xiaobei walked in front, and it was faintly aware that Huang Dajun was watching her eyes behind.

This kind of gaze is hostile! Wei Xiaobei suddenly understood, after a moment of contemplation, he stopped and turned around, move towards Huang Dajun said with a smile: “Yellow brother, I saw you quarreling with Sister Lan that day, nothing?”

Huang Dajun heard this sentence, the anger of my heart suddenly rose again, and opened his mouth and said: “Not because of… nothing, reconciliation.”

Halfway through, Huang Dajun woke up and changed his mouth, forcing the anger of his heart to be suppressed.

“It’s okay.” Wei Xiaobei laughed at Hehe’s words and turned to move on, but the previous decision was confirmed.

Huang Dajun is indeed hostile to herself and not too shallow, and Wei Xiaobei even perceives a trace killing!

Oh, it seems that this Huang Dajun can’t be left.

Wei Xiaobei is never the kind of good old man.

If the other party is not hostile to himself, Wei Xiaobei can reach out and help, but if the other party is hostile to himself and still kills the machine, he is not so stupid, put himself on the cutting board to let the other fish.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

But before that, Wei Xiaobei intends to let this Huang Dajun play a residual value.

After all, in Dust World, Wei Xiaobei didn’t dare to say that he was invincible. When he met some powerful Monster, he was able to win a lot of opportunities for survival with a cannon fodder!

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei suddenly found that she has gradually become somewhat hard-hearted.

In the following journey, Wei Xiaobei encountered several black giant sneak attacks, but most of them were black and white at the same time.

There is no danger, but Huang Dajun is scared to death.

After several sneak attacks, Wei Xiaobei regained 200Evolution Points, bringing the total number of Evolution Points to the size of the awarded 880.

This made Wei Xiaobei very satisfied, and when he took a break, he started the Evolution Points into the Eight Extremities Fist.

With the rapid consumption of Evolution Points, the words “Eight Extremities Fist”, which had become somewhat black, were blackened until the color was dark, and the Mastering through Fusing and Linking behind the Eight Extremities Fist quickly dissipated and replaced by Near Perfection IV. The color of the Eight Extremities Fist is also quickly converted from black to light cyan.

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei felt that there were countless figures in his mind. These figures were Wei Xiaobei’s own images, and then he put out the various pieces of Eight Extremities Fist in his mind, various boxing and Six Harmonies Great Spear moves. , began to exercise.

Wei Xiaobei was able to perceive that with the practice of these figures, his understanding of the Eight Extremities Fist gradually deepened, and even the violent Qi Sense appeared in the body. Wei Xiaobei had practiced some Qi Sense before, but it was rare. It is not as dramatic as Qi Sense at this time.

Wei Xiaobei is even able to vaguely perceive some of the state of the body at this time.

Is this the internal view?

Wei Xiaobei had a clear comprehension in her heart, but she did not forget Huang Dajun who was resting on her side. She had a right-handed knife and looked at Huang Dajun, and moved towards the back of her neck.

Huang Dajun didn’t even have time for Reflex. He fell down on the sand and stunned.

After Huang Dajun was settled, Wei Xiaobei will look around all the time, without the movement of the black giant python, even standing on the sand with an internal strength pile, breathing naturally, to guide the air, to rule out all the distracting thoughts, will mind Focus on Dantian.

After the moment, Wei Xiaobei noticed that the violent Qi Sense was rising again.

Wei Xiaobei thought that the Qi Sense produced in the body began to move towards the Dantian. After five or six minutes, the Qi Sense in Dantian has made Wei Xiaobei feel very painful.

Dedicated to Dantian!

Wei Xiaobei didn’t dare to relax at the moment, and the idea continued to introduce Qi Sense into Dantian, making Qi Sense in Dantian constantly compressing itself.

In fact, it is extremely difficult for Wei Xiaobei to use Qi Sense to introduce Qi Sense into it. For those who are born in the body, Qi Sense does not listen to Wei Xiaobei’s command, so I want to use ideas to mobilize Qi. Sense is tantamount to picking sand with a needle!

In short, every effort can only bring 1% of Qi Sense to Dantian.

I don’t know how long it took. Finally, the IQ Sense compression award limit in Dantian, a trace and Qi Sense are somewhat different, suddenly born in Dantian!

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but have a surprise at this moment.

This is a trace of gas, which is very similar to Qi Sense, but it is fundamentally different.

Qi Sense This stuff is a feeling in the body, a mysterious substance, which can promote the body to be slow and strong, but Wei Xiaobei’s idea is difficult to manipulate this kind of thing, it is like untrained wild horses, running around on the grassland Even with strong control, it is difficult.

And this a trace of gas is different, Wei Xiaobei’s idea can be manipulated! Just like the manipulation of your own arm!

Wei Xiaobei Some surprises, for this kind of gas, Eight Extremities Fist also has its own introduction, Inner Energy is angry, with a gas-filled hole, strong bones and skins, Transforming Vigor, thundering, viscera, radiant, spirited !

Well, in a simpler way, after the arrived Inner Energy, it will produce such a gas, which can penetrate the acupuncture points, so as to wash the meridians and the body to achieve the effect of strengthening the muscles and bones. After arriving at the Transforming Vigor, it can be used. Tiger-Panther Thunderclap and the like wash the internal organs to achieve a strong dirty and strong blood effect.

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