The Chief Designer Of The Aircraft Carrier Was Dismissed By The University?

Chapter 311 With A Grandson Like This, What More Can My Husband Ask For? Qin Yu And His Wife's

Chapter 311 Having a grandson like this, what more can my husband ask for? Qin Yu and his wife's reaction

At this moment.

Qin Xiao came out of Guo Shengfeng's office. Not long after he arrived at the office prepared for him at the base, Liu Yang came to the door with a look of anxiety.

For pilots like Liu Yang, not to mention the office, a dormitory that doesn't have a few people assigned to one room is not bad.

However, Qin Xiao's status is different after all. In the entire Dongshendu Air Force training base, there are people with higher rank than Qin Xiao, but there really isn't one with higher status than Qin Xiao.

Some generals like Rear Admiral may have a higher rank than Qin Xiao, but when it comes to power, they are far inferior to Qin Xiao.

In wartime, he can unconditionally command all fighters on the battlefield, which is more powerful than many generals.

This is the ace pilot.

What's more, Qin Xiao is still a top ace, and there is a second status that is enough to be included in the cabinet. When it comes to the second status, there are not many people in the entire Eastern God Alliance who have a higher status than Qin Xiao.

However, not many people know about this second identity.

Most of the people who really know it are high-level people, and the high-level people who know Qin Xiao's identity also know that this is top-secret information and won't say it anywhere.

also? I dare not say it anywhere.

Five-star top-secret identity, how can it be passed on to the ears of others.

However, even so, even Qin Xiao's status as the top ace pilot is more than enough to maintain a detached position in this base.

When Liu Yang came back, it was not unexpected.

It's normal, even if he didn't self-register, Guo Shengfeng wouldn't say no, and when he just went to Guo Shengfeng's place, he had already heard Guo Shengfeng mention the matter of revealing his true identity to people like Liu Yang.

The air force pilot who hunted down the top ace, a person who has become a god in the hearts of all the ace pilots of the Eastern God Alliance, just apologise, and still have the opportunity to get along alone, and even ask for advice. Come, no doubt about that.

Therefore, when he saw Liu Yang who was still a little nervous standing at the door, Qin Xiao motioned him to come in.

"Sit down, I know why you are here."

Liu Yang didn't dare to sit either, standing there awkwardly, a little embarrassed.

Before he came, he had cheered himself up, but when it came time to face his idol, he found that his courage was still too small.

"Didn't you have a lot of courage when you were trying to compete with me? Why don't you speak now?" Qin Xiao looked at him and asked.

Liu Yang raised his head with a wry smile.

Can this be the same?

I didn't know Qin Xiao's identity before, I thought everyone was almost the same, but now I know that, on the one hand, Qin Xiao's military rank is much higher than him, and the most important thing is that this is the man who exists like a god in his mind. !

With his own power, he killed the top ace of the Star Alliance, the Black Mamba, and proved to all the Air Force pilots of the Eastern God Alliance that the Eastern God Alliance also has ace pilots who can hunt the top ace by themselves.

Tell everyone that among the Eastern God Alliance Air Force, there are also strong, top strong.

On that day, when the video shot by the military satellite was uploaded to the Air Force intranet, everyone was shocked.

It was on that day that Liu Yang regarded Qin Xiao as his idol, a god, and someone he needed to chase after in his life.

In front of someone who he regards as a god, how dare he make mistakes, how dare he be as casual as before.

Liu Yang didn't say a word, and felt extremely anxious in his heart.

As for Qin Xiao, he didn't mean to embarrass Liu Yang. He was also an Air Force pilot of the Eastern God Alliance, that is, a comrade-in-arms, who could hand over his back to the opponent's comrade-in-arms.

Liu Yang asked himself to compete, and he just wanted to become a member of the JX-20 fighter jet formation. This kind of opportunity, I am afraid that anyone will do so.

Liu Yang, he just did something that everyone would do.

Glancing at Liu Yang, Qin Xiao said, "It was Colonel Guo who asked you to come here, right? It's not necessary at all. Could it be that I'm so careful in your hearts?"

Liu Yang hurriedly shook his head, "No, definitely not."

If Qin Xiao really wanted to be careful, if he won before and sneered at him, the effect would be much better than now.

"I'll take your apology when you're here. It's just a trivial matter. You don't need to worry about it. You can go back if it's all right. I think you're quite uneasy here with me."

When it came to leaving, Liu Yang gritted his teeth and said, "? Qin Da... I'll still call you Cang Qiong god-tier. We always call you that. I have a question I really want to know."

Firmament god-tier?

Qin Xiao was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Tell me, as long as I know, I will definitely tell you, unless it is related to confidential information."

"No, no, it's not secret." Liu Yang waved his hand quickly and said, "I'm just curious, what conditions must be met to achieve the ultimate maneuver of the small radius and large loop of the sky god-tier, I tried it before. A lot of times, I can barely do it on a flight simulator, but when it comes to controlling the actual aircraft, it's completely impossible."

"But I don't know where it doesn't work. After thinking about it for a long time, I can't come up with it. Many comrades around me have tried it, but it doesn't work, but I can't find anyone who understands to ask."

Having said that, Liu Yang scratched his head awkwardly, and then looked at Qin Xiao expectantly.

Qin Xiao didn't expect Liu Yang to ask this, he thought for a while and said, "I didn't want to mention this, but since you asked, let me also say that if you want to complete that extreme maneuver, it has a lot to do with the overload that the pilot can adapt to. Very high requirements, not to mention adapting to overload 10G, at least to be able to adapt to overload 9G, it is possible to complete that extreme maneuver in actual combat."


Next, Qin Xiao told Liu Yang some key points about the extreme maneuver. Liu Yang was very excited when he heard it, just when he was about to leave Qin Xiao's office..

Suddenly, Qin Xiao's cell phone rang.

Qin Xiao glanced down and found that it was Grandpa who called. He was stunned for a while at first, because the old man seldom took the initiative to call. He, I have to say, Qin Xiao was a little surprised.

But soon, he came back to his senses, thought of something, and when he answered the phone, he said, "Grandpa, have you received the item?"

The invitation letter for the Alliance's 200-year Daqing military parade, counting the time, the time should have arrived.

The old man called, basically it was related to the invitation letter.

However, Qin Xiao's sudden words made the old man a little stunned, "What?"

Qin Xiao smiled and said: "Invitation letter, I ask Nankong Command to send you an invitation letter for the Alliance's two-hundred-year-old military parade. If you count the time, it should arrive in the next two days."

Qin Guan was stunned for a moment, with an incredible color in his tone: "Grandson, did you really send the invitation letter for the alliance's two-hundred-year Daqing military parade?"

"Really." Qin Xiao nodded.

Qin looked at the invitation letter in his hand, glanced over the content, then took a deep breath and said, "But this position...this position..."

Hearing this, Qin Xiao immediately understood why the old man made this call.

Indeed, that position is really unbelievable.

Don't talk about the old man, even he was startled at the time and couldn't believe it.

At this moment, it is normal for the old man to have doubts.

"It's true too."

"Qitian Gate Tower?"

"Yes, it's the one above."


As soon as Qin Xiao finished speaking, he heard the sound of gasping for air from the microphone, and then, the old man's terrified and trembling voice sounded again: "Grandson, is this true? Alliance for two hundred years. On the day of the Daqing military parade, I... I can stand on the top of Qitianmen,

Together with those leaders of the... Alliance, watching the soldiers of our Eastern God Alliance walk past my eyes? "


Qin Xiao nodded solemnly: "Grandpa, I know what you want to ask, but some things are confidential and can't be mentioned, but you can rest assured about this invitation letter? It's 100% true, Mr. Zheng personally sent it to him. Mine, I sent a copy to my parents. If you count the days, they must have received it. I will ask my parents to take you to Dongshendu to watch the military parade. By then, I will also be your eldest grandson. A member of the X-20 fighter flight formation, you are looking forward to it!"

"Good good!"

The old man said three good words in a row, burst into tears with excitement, and said with emotion: "My eldest grandson is very successful, he is very promising!"

My eldest grandson is very promising.

From ancient times to the present, who's eldest grandson can take his grandfather up to Qitianmen Tower to watch the military parade?

No, never has been.

At this moment, the old man's face was full of pride.

With a grandson like this, what can the husband ask for?

In this life, even if you are buried in loess, you will be satisfied.

My old Qin family has a great descendant.

He is the grandson of my Qin Guan, a flight officer who has now become a colonel, and a young man who makes the old man who often appears on TV impress.

The old man's face was filled with indescribable excitement.

"Since it's true, then I have to keep it, I can't drop it, first of all, I'll call your parents, you can train hard, on the anniversary of the two-hundred-year anniversary of the alliance, grandpa will definitely go, he will definitely go. "

Hearing the old man's sobbing voice, Qin Xiao's nose was also sore. He could hear the complicated emotions and indescribable excitement from the old man's words.

The old man was also a soldier when he was young. He participated in many wars. He watched his comrades fall one by one, and watched the Eastern God Alliance grow from a weak force step by step to become one of the few major forces in the world today. one.

Today, I have the opportunity to stand on the top floor of Qitianmen, and review the army of the alliance with the leaders of the Eastern God Alliance. This kind of honor is unimaginable for an old man, a veteran in his seventies. .

He felt the old man's excitement.

Hearing the beeping sound in his ear, Qin Xiao took a deep breath, then put down the phone and looked up, just in time to see Liu Yang staring at him with a dumbfounded face.

At this time, Liu Yang couldn't help swallowing.

Did I hear something I shouldn't have heard?

Invitation letter for the Alliance's Bicentennial Daqing Military Parade?

Also, is the old Zheng mentioned by the god-tier in the sky the same old Zheng?


Liu Yang, no longer think deeply.

He could only stare at Qin Xiao with trepidation, a look of apprehension on his face.

Qin Xiao didn't care about Liu Yang's expression, but said with a smile, "Go back first!"

Liu Yang had wanted to leave for a long time, but when he heard Qin Xiao's words, he quickly slipped away, not even daring to look back.

the other side.

Since it was the weekend, Qin Yu and his wife did not go to work and rested at home.

The couple sat on the sofa, looked at the two couriers in front of them, and smiled bitterly.

"Xiuxiu, it was sent from the Nankong headquarters. It should have been sent by Xiao'er. Will it be dismantled?" Qin Yuxin was moved, but looking at the two couriers, he couldn't help but complain, "But it's a bit of a waste, It’s not enough to send one courier, you have to send two.”

Chen Xiuxiu was also curious about what her son had sent her, but it looked a bit like a certificate, she thought about it, and finally pressed her curiosity, shook her head and said, "I... still don't read it, I'm afraid that Xiao'er has made some great achievements to get it..."

Speaking of this, Chen Xiuxiu's face showed a trace of worry.

The mother is worried that now, her son, Qin Xiao, has become an air force pilot, the most dangerous military in the world, it is impossible for her not to worry.

In particular, her son often made great achievements, which made her even more frightened.

Great achievements are not so easy to establish, but they are almost fought with one's life.

It was precisely because of these thoughts that Chen Xiuxiu didn't dare to open the courier for a while. She was afraid that what she would bring out would be a certificate of first-class merit and second-class merit.

In that case, it means that her son has experienced another life-and-death transition.

And Qin Yu, who originally wanted to take it apart, looked at his wife's expression and hesitated all of a sudden.

As a man, although he was worried, he was not like Chen Xiuxiu.

But in order not to worry his wife, Qin Yu gritted his teeth, put away the two couriers, and put them in a drawer beside him.

"Then don't watch it. When my son comes back during the New Year, I will bring it back to my dad to see it together."

Chen Xiuxiu nodded, but her eyes couldn't help glancing at the drawer.

Qin Yu saw his wife's movements and was about to speak when the phone on the coffee table rang.

Qin Yu stretched out his head to look and said, "Dad called."

He said, and then answered the phone: "Dad."

Chen Xiuxiu also returned to normal and looked at Qin Yu.

"Has the eldest grandson sent the two of you to your husband and wife? Qin Guan's slightly trembling voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

Qin Yu did not hear the excitement in Qin Guan's tone, but nodded again and again: "It's here, we will receive it in the morning."

"Just come and pick me up when the time comes, don't forget!" Qin Guan hung up the phone without mentioning too much, he was excited now.

It's just that he didn't say much, but he confused Qin Yu?

What's the meaning?

When will I pick you up?

where to go?

Can't you make it clearer? Who can understand this!

At this moment, Qin Yu looked at his wife Chen Xiuxiu with a face full of tears and laughter, and sighed: Chen Xiuxiu: "???".

"Looks like Dad is getting really old!!!

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