The Chief Designer Of The Aircraft Carrier Was Dismissed By The University?

Chapter 310 The Old Man Who Received The Invitation Letter Called The Police, I Was Deceived

Chapter 310 The old man who received the invitation letter called the police, I was deceived

"Colonel Guo, please wait!" He shouted to stop Guo Shengfeng.

Guo Shengfeng's feet that had not been raised fell again, looking at Liu Pan with a puzzled expression.

"Is something wrong?"

When he was talking about Qin Xiao just now, he saw that Liu Pan had been discussing something with a few people in the maintenance team in a low voice, but Guo Shengfeng didn't pay much attention to what he was talking about.

At that time, he had been talking about Qin Xiao with Gu Yi'an and the others, and he didn't have that experience even if he wanted to care.

Now Liu Pan suddenly stopped him, which made him a little curious.

Liu Pan, as the crew leader of the Dongshendu Air Force Training Base, is considered a veteran. When he mentioned Qin Xiao just now, he could see the surprise in Liu Pan's eyes, but compared to Gu Yian and the others Although I was surprised, my mood was very good.

Liu Pan looked at Guo Shengfeng who had turned around, and thought for a moment: "There is something, but before I talk about it, let me ask Colonel Guo one thing,

. "you say."

Liu Pan looked at Guo Shengfeng seriously and said, "Colonel Guo, you were born as a pilot, and now you are also a senior pilot of our Eastern God Alliance. Do you think there are any pilots who can find some problems with fighter jets when they fly them?"

Guo Shengfeng pondered for a while, thought for a while, and said, "There are some problems with some electronic instruments in the cockpit of the fighter jet. You can definitely find some problems when you use them, but it's hard to say what the problem is. As for the others, it should be difficult to find."

He is not sure. After all, as a pilot, although he can learn the relevant knowledge of fighter jets, most of them are related to the operation and some functions of fighter jets. As for finding problems, finding problems, and solving problems, he will learn some, but he will not learn much. More, talk to Liu Pan, who specializes in maintenance

Compared with people, the gap between the sky and the earth is more than that, and it is not the same grade at all.

Liu Pan asked: "If the flaperon has loose screws and small cracks inside, can you find it while driving a fighter jet?"


Screw loose?

Small cracks inside?

Guo Shengfeng concluded with a look on his face: "Impossible! It's okay to climb up on the flaperon and check it carefully, but sitting in the cockpit, it's impossible to feel the condition of the flaperon at all. It's not good for him, if not The flaperon is equipped with a sensing device, and the change of the flaperon can be felt in the cockpit. I am afraid that the pilot may not know if the flaperon is dropped, not to mention the loose screws, which will not be prompted at all."


Liu Pan said, and looked at Guo Shengfeng solemnly: "However, someone can do it."


"This is impossible!"

As soon as Liu Pan finished speaking, he was greeted by Guo Shengfeng's loud rebuttal and disbelief.

"Leader Liu,'s impossible!" Guo Shengfeng said again, as if he wanted to firm up his judgment.

Looking at Guo Shengfeng, who had a face of disbelief, Liu Pan said, "Actually, I don't believe it either, but I have to believe it in front of the hard facts. Just now, Colonel Qin said something to me after he got off the fighter plane. Wing has a little problem, I was very angry when I heard this at first, it is definitely an insult to our maintenance team, but when I sent someone to check, did Colonel Guo know what we found?"

Although Liu Pan was asking, he gave the answer himself: "The J-X-20 fighter jet driven by Colonel Qin has a small problem with the flaperon, a screw is loose, and there are some small cracks inside. , these problems, there will be no problems in a short time, but after a long time,

Xu is the big problem. "

Guo Shengfeng opened his mouth in disbelief.

However, before Guo Shengfeng could speak, Liu Pan continued: "I know that Colonel Guo doesn't believe it, but this is not the only thing I know. Colonel Gu and the others know it. If you don't believe it, you can ask them."

"Guo Instructor, this really happened." Someone said as soon as Liu Pan finished speaking.

"We all heard it, when the god-tier of the sky said it, we were also very angry, but we didn't expect it to be true in the end."

Guo Shengfeng had to believe what everyone said to me, with a shocked expression on his face.

What kind of fairy is this?

Sitting in the cockpit, can you find a small problem with the flaperon of the fighter?


Guo Shengfeng knew in his heart that that person didn't bother to do such a thing.

But to say that he could really find a small problem with the flaperon from the cockpit, he would not believe it.

But the fact is that people like Liu Pan said that Qin Xiao really found it, and he couldn't believe it.

"Colonel Qin is worthy of being a major Qin. He can do what others can do, and he can do what others can't."

In the end, Guo Shengfeng could only laugh bitterly.

Guo Shengfeng had a wry smile on his face, but at this moment, the mobile phone in his arms suddenly rang, he was stunned for a moment, took out the mobile phone to connect, nodded, and then said: "Okay, you can let Colonel Qin wait, I'll be there soon."

After finishing speaking, Guo Shengfeng hung up the phone and glanced at Liu Pan and the others, "I'll go over first, and Liu Yang, I'll apologize to Colonel Qin later, I really want to talk about status and identity, he's your superior, and more It can be said to be my superior."

If it's someone else, apologise, impossible.

But if the target was Qin Xiao, Liu Yang didn't have any resistance at all, but nodded happily: "I will, I will apologize when the sky god-tier comes out of Guo Instructor's office."

With such a good opportunity to be alone with the god in my heart, maybe I can ask Qin Xiao for some flying skills, how could Liu Yang be unwilling?

The others, at this moment, did not laugh at Liu Yang, but looked at Liu Yang with envy in their eyes.

We want to too!

"Major Liu, I'll accompany you in a while!"

"I'll accompany you too."

"And I!"

Dozens of people, one counted as one, raised their hands to signal, for fear of missing such a good opportunity.

Otherwise, at other times, they would be embarrassed to find Qin Xiao.

But now it's different, Liu Yang went to apologize, such a good reason not to follow, I don't know when the next time will be.


Liu Yang's eyes widened, looking at everyone in disbelief.

Do these people still want faces?

All this to accompany?

He was about to speak, but the next moment, he heard Gu Yi'an say solemnly: "That, Major Liu, I think it's fine for me to accompany you, I'm sure."

Liu Yang was dumbfounded for a moment, and looked at Gu Yi'an in shock.

Even Colonel Gu can't be spared?

Not to mention Gu Yi'an, at this moment, Liu Pan, the head of the maintenance team, hesitated for a while, then raised his hand and said: "Major Liu, I happen to have some information about the JX-20 fighter's front mate. I want to discuss with Colonel Qin about the wing problem, and I am very curious how Colonel Qin discovered the flaperon problem."

Liu Yang was really dumbfounded this time.

Good guy, now he is going to apologize, and everyone wants to follow.

But looking at these forty or fifty people, bringing so many people to apologize? Are you sure you won't be distracted by Colonel Qin? At that time, Colonel Qin not only didn't think that he was going to apologize, but he would think that he was looking for trouble.

Liu Yang, who was helpless and could not refuse, had no choice but to look at Guo Shengfeng as if asking for help.

At this moment, Guo Shengfeng also looked at Liu Pan and Gu Yi'an in surprise, feeling helpless, but his face was very serious:

Where are you going? Colonel Qin came to the base, and he will be a member of the flight formation in the future. In the next period of time, you can see him every day. Liu Yang apologizes. Whatever you run to join in the fun, give it to me. What to do, don't make trouble for me. "

Guo Shengfeng's majesty is still there, he gave a cold drink, even Gu Yi'an was a little scared, so he could only shrink his head and smile helplessly.

Guo Shengfeng has already spoken, and it is not easy for him to follow.

Others were even more afraid to look up.

But what Guo Shengfeng said was right. For the next period of time, they spent almost every day with Qin Xiao, and there were too many opportunities to talk. Even if they wanted to meet their idols, they were not in a hurry.

As for Liu Yang, he was relieved and finally resolved.

Guo Shengfeng didn't stay for a long time, he left in the car after speaking, and walked quickly to the office.

Speaking of which, although the rank of the two is almost the same, if I really want to say, Qin Xiao is his superior. After all, a soldier can command the entire Eastern God.

The league's top ace pilot, the formation's Instructor, is also within the jurisdiction.

???Ask for flowers.........

When Qin Xiao came to the Dongshendu Air Force Training Base.

Qin Village.

Qin Guan, who was feeding chickens in the yard, suddenly heard the postman's loud shout from outside the yard: "Uncle Qin Guan, there is your courier."

"Leave it at the door, I'll go get it later." Qin Guan didn't care either, thinking that it was something that Qin Yu and his wife sent back. In the past, Qin Yu and his wife would send something back every three or five weeks. Over time, he got used to it.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the postman at the door said with a wry smile: "Uncle Qin, this time is a courier from a special channel, and you must sign it with your identity certificate."

"You don't know me yet? It's okay, you can leave it alone." Qin Guan said indifferently.

The postman grimaced again: "This, it's really not good, I think so too, but..."

"Forget it, I'll get it."

Qin Guan let out a helpless sigh, "Wait first, I'll get my ID, it's really troublesome..."

The old man complained and put down the work in his hand.

After a while, Qin Guancai walked out with an unhappy face with his identity certificate.

The postman is also familiar with Qin Guan. Seeing Qin Guan's unhappy face, he can only smile apologetically: "Uncle Qin Guan, this is really sent from a special channel. We have special regulations, and it must be provided with an identity certificate, or even You have to take pictures.”

"You still have to take pictures?" Qin Guanchui stared at him.


The postman didn't speak, he smiled awkwardly, took a photo of Qin Guan, and asked Qin Guan to sign on it, waited for King Python to hand over the packaged package to Qin Guan, and said with a smile, "Uncle Qin Guan, Don't be angry, it's really a rule, but I can see that it's unusual for you."

"No ordinary? What can be unusual?"

Qin Guan still didn't care, and he didn't say a word after taking the express.

On the contrary, the postman whispered: "It was sent from the Nankong Command..."

Before the postman could finish speaking, he found that Uncle Qin Guan rushed into the yard with the courier and went straight to the lobby.

"I didn't care just now, but now..."

The postman shook his head in disbelief, took his things and continued to walk to another house.

As for Qin Guan, he walked quickly into the hall with red eyes, put the courier on the table and glanced at it, and as expected, it was sent from Nankong.


South Air Command?

"My eldest grandson sent it here?"

If Qin Yu sent it here, he really wouldn't care. Basically, it was for food and drink, but it was definitely not the one sent by his eldest grandson.

Without thinking too much, Qin Guan quickly opened the package, took out an extremely beautifully made invitation letter, opened it, looked at it for three or four seconds, and his increasingly eager face was instantly dull , the wrinkled pupils suddenly dilated.

"This is……"

Qin Guan swallowed his saliva, and murmured something he couldn't believe: "The invitation letter for the Alliance's 200-year Daqing military parade sitting on the top of Qitianmen?"

Thaksin letter of invitation letter for the Alliance's Bicentennial Daqing Military Parade, Thaksin's eldest grandson, who is already a colonel-level flight officer, can get it.

But this position on the upper floor of Qitianmen, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed!

The first reaction was that I didn't believe it. I even thought that I had been sent an invitation letter by a fraudster. After a while, I might have to call him to ask for this or that money.

But at the same time, Qin Guan particularly hoped that this was true.

Once upon a time, he also hoped that one day he could go to the Eastern God Capital and take a look at the military parade.

This is an unimaginable meaning for a veteran.

Now, for the 200th anniversary of the Alliance's military parade, if you can take a look at the scene...

Even, standing in a position he dared not even imagined, he looked down from a condescending height, watching the three armies of the Eastern God Alliance pass by, and then saluted him on the gate, watching a group of young soldiers overflowing. The style of the Eastern God Alliance...

Thinking of that scene, the old man trembled with excitement.

The next moment, I picked up my phone and made a call.

This matter has to be clarified.

Otherwise, this heart will not be able to calm down at all.

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