【Tsunade】:"If Saori wants to buy Saturn's template, doesn't that mean she needs to have the same strength as Lu Xiao?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Hiss! It really is! Is there going to be another big boss in the group?!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"But looking at the screenshot, the Saturn template requires 8 million points... This shouldn't be so easy to get, right?!"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at this number and felt his scalp tingling!

The highest score in the group now should be Bu Jingyun's 2.5 million points.

If Kido Saori directly gets 8 million points with the help of Lu Xiao this time, it's simply unimaginable!!

In this case, Kido Saori's strength will be on par with Lu Xiao!

This is the first time in history!!

Is Kido Saori going to break Lu Xiao's undefeated myth!?

【Huang Rong】:"Brother Lu Xiao is the strongest!!"

"I believe no one can surpass Brother Lu Xiao!"

【Nami】:"Yes! Big Brother Lu Xiao is the strongest!!"

The matter has not been finalized yet, and Lu Xiao has not even entered the world of Saori, but he has more fans cheering for him.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"It's a good thing that some group members are getting stronger, don't be nervous"

【Kido Saori】:"I just want to protect the earth, I don't have any comparison mind!"

Saori hurriedly explained.

And even if she really got Saturn's template and became the God of Time, there is still Chronos in the world of Saint Seiya, not to mention that Saturn's body is here.

Saori has no idea of competing to be the first person, or unifying the world, unifying the universe.

Besides, Lu Xiao is the leader of the chat group, who knows what his real authority is? What if he offends him, all the abilities he has obtained will disappear, or even be kicked out of the chat group, then wouldn't it be a waste of time and a daydream?!

Therefore, no one would do such a stupid thing.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Okay, I'm going to go to Saori's world first. I'll tell you how it goes when I come back."

"Saori, please agree to the application"

【Kido Saori】:"Okay, Master Lu Xiao.!"

Offline, in the villa of the Kido family, in Saori's room, Saori quickly agreed to Lu Xiao's application, and the next second, Lu Xiao appeared beside her

"Master Lu Xiao!"

Saori greeted politely.

"You're welcome."

Lu Xiao waved his hand.

"It seems that the Nordic chapter has not started yet... Oh, it has started."

The Golden Twelve Palaces have ended, and the Nordic God Warriors will appear next.

Hilda, the earthly agent of Odin, the Nordic god of Asgard, was affected by the magic of the golden ring and changed from a kind girl to an evil queen who was determined to occupy the sanctuary.

She awakened the legendary seven God Warriors and challenged the sanctuary.

So Seiya and his team set out again and rushed to Asgard in the far north.

In order to prevent floods from happening all over the world, the goddess Athena temporarily prayed for Hilda in the severe cold.

Seiya and his team had to defeat the seven God Warriors within twelve hours and rush to Valhalla Palace to rescue Hilda from the magic.

This is the general plot.

Just now, after Lu Xiao sensed it, he happened to sense that Hilda had summoned the God Warriors.

The sea also set off a storm, and seawater flooded and heavy rain fell everywhere, and floods began to appear!

"It started?! Are you saying that Hilda has already put on the magic ring?"

Saori was shocked!

But then she calmed down.

Because Lu Xiao is here!!

Lu Xiao, who possesses the power of the God of Time, is an existence beyond God in this world, and no one can defeat him!

"Please ask Lord Lu Xiao to take action!"

"Isn't this why I came here? Do you want to go with me?"

Lu Xiao stretched out his right hand.

"Of course!"

Saori said nothing and took Lu Xiao's hand.

Then, Lu Xiao took Saori and teleported directly to the Far North in front of Asgard and Hilda. At

Kido Villa, Seiya, Shun, Shiryu, and Ikki returned here wearing the repaired new saint clothes, but found that Saori had disappeared.



Hilda, whose temperament had changed drastically, was very confused when she saw Athena, who was supposed to be far away in the Sanctuary, appear here.

Especially since none of the Saints who were protecting her were there, except for one person who was not wearing a Saint Cloth!

"Athena, you came just in time!"

"As long as we kill you and destroy the Holy Land, this land will be ruled by our Fairy Palace!"

Hilda's expression was arrogant and her tone was extremely proud!

"Czech Fried, Hagen, Duru, Albelici, Fililu, Xidu, Badu, Miyime!!"

"Go! Kill her!!"

Hilda shouted to the God Warriors under the throne. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Yes! Queen!"

The God Warriors are legendary warriors who were summoned and resurrected by Hilda. Their duty is to protect the land of Asgard and Odin's agents on earth.

They wear combat uniforms that rival the Gold Saint Cloth: the God Fighting Cloth, and possess strength that is only better than that of the Gold Saints. They are protected by Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang (the Big Dipper).

There are seven official God Warriors, and Kaiyang Star also has a shadow God Warrior representing the auxiliary star, that is, a total of eight people, led by the Tianshu Star God Warrior - Czech Free. Except for the auxiliary star shadow warriors, the official warriors all wear the God's robes inlaid with the star stone that symbolizes their life - Odin Sapphire.

After collecting seven Odin Sapphires, you can also summon the holy sword Belmont Sword that cuts off evil, and the God's robe that Odin has used since the mythological era: Odin's robe.

However, no matter how powerful they are, they are still vulnerable in front of Lu Xiao.

Their fists that can exert the speed of light have not yet touched Lu Xiao, and they were bounced away by Lu Xiao's divine cosmic power, and they can't afford to be injured.


"What's going on!?"

Hilda was so frightened by this scene that she stood up and screamed!

"Since you are not a villain, I will spare your lives."

Lu Xiao teleported to Hilda's front and grabbed the hand with the magic ring.

Hilda was horrified to find that she could not move in front of this man!

"who are you!?!"

""Master Lu (Deqian Zhao) Xiao, can you take off the magic ring?"

Saori stepped forward and asked

"Of course you can."

He is already a super god, and Poseidon's spell is not enough to stop him.[]

Therefore, Lu Xiao just gently crushed the magic ring.

And Hilda also regained consciousness.

"I am……"

"Hilda, you are controlled by Poseidon, the king of the sea.

Saori told Hilda the truth in detail.

And Lu Xiao also felt a small universe of power watching everything here.

Following the source, Lu Xiao saw Odin


""Saori, I'm leaving for a while and will be back soon."

Lu Xiao said and disappeared on the spot.

Let's clean up the gods, starting with you, Odin!

That's right, after Lu Xiao received Saori's invitation, he thought of a way to get a lot of points and pass through this universe quickly.

He, Seiya, can be a god killer, and today he can do the same!!


Don't worry: Ẩm Nguyệt Quân

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