Lu Xiao took Huang Rong to visit many places in New York, bought a lot of things, and ate a lot of delicious food.

Fortunately, both of them were not ordinary people, and they did not feel tired after the past night.

Then the next day, Huang Rong went back.

Although Lu Xiao did not take the last step with Huang Rong this time, it was almost the same.

Then, the fire that Huang Rong started was solved by Lu Xiao at Tsunade. He also ate Ichiraku Ramen, barbecue, etc. in Konoha and stayed for a long time.

Thanks to Tsunade's strength, the pressure from Uchiha was also eliminated, avoiding repeating the same mistakes. Naruto also had a childhood accompanied by his parents, and he was very happy every day.

As for Danzo, he has now returned to the Shimura clan to retire, and the root has been disbanded.

And Tsunade also began to learn from Lu Xiao how to completely quell the war in the ninja world, break the boundaries of the five major ninja villages, and integrate them into one.

After a long time, Lu Xiao returned to New York.

Then he was found by Gwen

"Lu Xiao, where have you been? I haven't seen you all day!"

"I went somewhere else, what happened?

28"Did you leave the Earth?"

When Gwen couldn't find Lu Xiao, she used her powerful mental power to search the entire Earth.

As a result, Lu Xiao was not found, but Gwen discovered many secrets.

"Well, I went to another world."

"Can you travel through time!?"


Lu Xiao nodded.

"But...are the Gold Saints so powerful?"

Gwen pondered. It seemed that she couldn't travel through time and space.

"Because my strength has increased, I am much stronger than the average Gold Saint. What are you so anxious to talk to me about?"

"Oh! Yes! It's Peter!"


"Yes, he seems to be a little bit wrong!"

Gwen talked about Peter's changes.

Lu Xiao didn't go to school at all these two days, so he didn't know these things.

"He was bitten by a spider and gained super powers"

"??? If you are bitten by a spider, you will gain super powers?"

Gwen was confused. What the hell is this?

"Because it is a special genetically modified spider. Anyway, it won't be long before you can see a Spider-Man on the street."

"Is he okay then?"

"Don't worry, it's fine."

"I understand."

Gwen nodded and left.

She planned to observe Peter's changes carefully.

This was the third person Gwen knew who had super powers!

As for Stark who called himself Iron Man, that one didn't count.


"Why is no one opening the can?"

Lu Xiao looked at the chat group, most of them were talking about daily life.

And Diana seemed to have not started the Superman plot, and did not look for Lu Xiao to earn points.

"Then I'll open it myself. I have 1,388,500 points, leaving 1.3 million and opening the rest."

Lu Xiao was bored and planned to open a few gold jars.

Buzz! Bang!

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining four volumes of the Heavenly Book, the List of Gods, ten top-grade spirit stones and spirit veins, and ten spirit gathering arrays.】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining an infinite gem space gem, the Book of Vishanti, the Book of Darkness, and a fire source.】

"Oh? It seems that the things are good."

Although these things are no longer of any use to Lu Xiao, there are still many people who need them.

"I just don't know if the Space Stone, the Book of Vishanti, and the Dark Book are from a parallel world or this world."

Lu Xiao closed his eyes and sensed it.

He found the Book of Vishanti in the Kamar-Taj Library, the Dark Book scattered elsewhere, and the Cosmic Cube being studied by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"It seems to be from a parallel universe."

Lu Xiao thought, while opening the chat group.

Ding! Group owner: Lu Xiao has put up four volumes of the Heavenly Book, the List of Gods, ten top-grade spirit stones and spirit veins, and ten spirit gathering formations.

Because there is no one who can do magic in the group now, Lu Xiao did not upload the following items.

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Heavenly Book?! Spiritual Veins!? Spirit Gathering Array?!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Hiss! Group leader, these are all things for cultivating immortals!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Tsunade】:"What's the use? You guys are so excited?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"If the old Taoist is not mistaken, with the spiritual veins and the spirit gathering formation, we can practice more quickly!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"That's right, although you have obtained the immortal cultivation method, because there is no spiritual energy in the martial arts world, your cultivation is slow."

"But with the spirit vein and the spirit gathering array, there is no need to worry about not being able to break through the realm and the speed of cultivation."

"Even more, if your world has a top-grade spiritual vein, maybe the spiritual energy can be revived?"

"This is also of great benefit to you. Not only can it allow disciples and future generations to embark on the path of cultivating immortals, but it can also earn you a large number of points. It is a two-pronged approach."

【Yue Buqun】:"A top-grade spirit stone spirit vein costs 20,000, which is very cheap. The spirit gathering array only costs 10,000."

"I bought it!"

Yue Buqun had some points in his hand, just enough

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"I will also buy one and bury it in Wudang Mountain!"

With the spirit vein and the spirit gathering array, Wudang Mountain will definitely be a blessed place for cultivation in the future!

【Huang Rong】:"I want one too!"

Huang Rong planned to put it on Peach Blossom Island.

【Di Yun】:"Unfortunately, I don't have enough points."

【Xiao Feng】:"Xiao is also, but 30,000 points are easy to get"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"That's right, with Di Yun's current strength, it shouldn't be difficult"

【Bu Jingyun】:"I'll buy one too, so that Senior Brother Qin, Junior Brother Feng, and Chuchu can also increase their strength."

【Yue Buqun】:"Bu Jingyun, you hooked up with Chu Chu so quickly?"

【Bu Jingyun】:"……Chuchu's father entrusted it to me."

What kind of words are these?!

What do you mean he hooked up with her?!

It was Yu Yue who asked him to take good care of Chuchu!

This time, Bu Jingyun decided to treat Chuchu well!

【Wanwan】:"I want to buy it too!"

"But is there any method to practice it?"

【Huang Rong】:"Wanwan doesn't have it? I have Taiji Xuanqing Dao and Shushan Lianqi Jue. I'll also put it on the store, so if you need it, you can buy it yourself."

【Wanwan】:"Thank you very much~ Do you want the Heavenly Demonic Dharma?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Your skills are too low, we can't use them."

【Wanwan】:"Ah, what a pity."

【Little Dragon Girl】:"This seems to be of no use to me."

【Diana】:"I won't need it anymore."

【Kido Saori】:"Yes, our system is different."

"By the way, Master Lu Xiao, does our world really have a lot of points? Can I buy Master Saturn's template?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Of course, do you want to help?"

Lu Xiao smiled slightly

【Kido Saori】:"Yes, please help me, Master Lu Xiao!"

After hesitating for a long time, Kido Saori finally made up her mind.

The main reason was that Poseidon and Hades had repeatedly set their sights on the earth and started wars.

As Athena, Saori wanted to protect the earth from war. She had to improve her own strength so that they would never dare to spy on her again.

And this required Lu Xiao to help.


Don't worry: Ẩm Nguyệt Quân

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