Lu Xiao, who obtained the Saturn template, has become an extraordinary existence beyond the multiverse level and an omnipotent universe level.

Above that is the OAA level, a conceptual god like Chronos.

In the Saint Seiya worldview, all of Kurumada's works (Saint Seiya World, Fuma Kojiro World, etc.) are just developed according to the books in the Mythology Library. The books are written according to the will of the Creator, and Chronos is higher than the Creator.

When Lu Xiao obtained the character template, he also obtained Saturn's ability.

The power of time, the power of eternity, and the creation of infinite stars.

Although the infinite stars have become extremely small due to Saturn's power, they are actually compressed by countless other universes on the scale of trillions of light years. Although the appearance is small, the interior is an infinitely large real universe.

Each star can make the Omega protagonists who are capable of creating a large universe fall into a difficult battle, or even knock them down with one blow. This is the infinite star.

Eternal calamity.

One of the reasons why Saturn is invincible.

Regardless of self-consciousness, any event that causes harm and impact to Saturn will be automatically deleted and returned to the time before it happened, unless Saturn deliberately suppresses it.

This is not a time and space ability or immortality, but an innate characteristic. Even if Saturn's origin is destroyed and his body and soul are annihilated under almost impossible circumstances.

All traces of existence are erased, all roots of time and space and even eternity no longer exist, and the eternal calamity will still be activated, so Saturn cannot be defeated or sealed.

He is the true pinnacle of all time, space, dimensions, and dimensions. He knows everything. His essence transcends all time and space in the past, present, and future, and is an eternal existence.

One of the gods who truly exist forever, fundamentally different from the gods in super mythology, or if he is called a god, then the so-called gods of creation are not even ordinary people, and can only be regarded as ants.

The end of time he created is the world of all origins. All the Big Bangs and the origins of the world start from the end of time. Because of this, the end of time connects the past, present, future and all parallel dimensions.

When the world was born, time started. All time started to flow from here and finally converged here.

It is explained in the official setting: With Saturn's power, if you take it seriously, there is no existence that can fight against it.

Star clock.

The hourglass used by Chronos to calculate time is an existence beyond time and space. The hourglass runs eternal time and space. Every grain of sand is countless universes. It can also be said that the entire Saint Seiya world is included in it.

At this time, Lu Xiao only needs (cfej) only one thought to destroy the multiverse.

A truly invincible existence!

Lu Xiao returned to the real world and was still sitting at his desk.

At this time, only one minute had passed.

In this minute, Lu Xiao had witnessed the birth and death of a universe, and his strength had already changed dramatically!

"From now on, I am me, the only eternal existence."

Lu Xiao murmured.

Lu Xiao stood up, and with a thought in his mind, he put on the gold holy clothes that had been upgraded to the clothes of time.

Different from the gold holy clothes and the holy clothes.

The clothes of time are engraved with time runes, and there are a pair of golden wings behind them. The overall look is more luxurious and can't be looked at directly.

Although with Lu Xiao's current strength and the characteristics of immortality, the holy clothes have almost no bonus to Lu Xiao, at most they only play a symbolic role, but it is so beautiful!

"Send a selfie!"

Lu Xiao opened the chat group and sent out a photo of his new outfit.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"New clothes! Imagejpg"


"You got another golden armor? But why is this one so complicated? So gorgeous?!"

【Huang Rong】:"Wow! It's so beautiful! Brother Lu Xiao is so handsome when he looks so aloof!"

【Nami】:"Yes, yes!! Big Brother Lu Xiao has become more handsome again!!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"nice"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"The group leader opened the jar again? What reward did he get this time?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Sir, this is your third golden armor, right?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"This is not the golden armor, but the armor of time, carved with the runes of time."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Is there anything special about this?"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't quite understand, but it sounded very noble.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Well, that is to say, I became a god."

【Yue Buqun】:"Becoming a god?! Didn’t the group leader do that before?!"

【Tsunade】:"Yes, weren’t you a god before?"

【Huang Rong】:"Could it be that Brother Lu Xiao has the power of a god without becoming a god! ?"

Group members were puzzled when they saw what Lu Xiao said. After all, according to the combat power Lu Xiao showed and his past battle records, Lu Xiao is many times stronger than the female thunder goddess Nami, the god of Otsutsuki Tsunade, the immortal Yue Buqun, and Zhang Sanfeng who just obtained the template of Taishang Laojun!

If they haven't become gods yet, then what are they?


This is too unbelievable!

So, how terrifying is the combat power level in the world where their group leader Lu Xiao is?!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"In terms of combat power, I have indeed surpassed the gods before, but I have not mastered the specific laws, nor have I become a truly transcendent existence."

The ninth sense gave Lu Xiao the power to surpass the twelve main gods.

But compared with the Creator God, the Absolute God, Aps, and Saturn, it is still far from enough.

Even the tenth sense is only beyond the multiverse.

It is not like Saturn, the only super god existence?

However, despite this, Lu Xiao with the ninth sense can be regarded as a god in the Saint Seiya and other worlds.

【Yue Buqun】:"Then may I ask, group leader, what kind of god is it now?"

Yue Buqun asked cautiously, fearing to disturb Lu Xiao.

Who said that Lu Xiao's power has been deeply rooted in people's hearts. (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Especially now that he has gone a step further, surpassing the realm of immortals in their hearts, and becoming the so-called god in Lu Xiao's mouth.

This god is probably not Pangu who created the world, Nuwa who created humans, or the Jade Emperor of Heaven?!

Zhang Sanfeng also thought so.

As for Nami and Tsunade, they were silent.

The two of them have become the highest gods in their world, and they can't imagine what kind of god is above them.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I am the God of Time, the Overlord of all time and space, the God of Eternal Calamity!"

Lu Xiao proudly announced.

【Yue Buqun】:"ah?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Huh?"

Tsunade, Nami, Huang Rong, Xiao Longnu, and Xiao Feng all expressed their doubts.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"……"

"In short, I have transcended the way of heaven and become the only and eternal existence."

Lu Xiao was so tired.

It seems that I still have to upload the movies of Saint Seiya, Marvel, and DC to them, so that they can expand their worldview!

Otherwise, I can't pretend to be cool!

Ding! Di Yun joined the chat group.

Ding! Bu Jingyun joined the chat group.

Ding! Wanwan joined the chat group.

Ding! Diana joined the chat group.

Ding! Kido Saori joined the chat group[]


I love you: Ý Chí

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