The Supreme Jar requires one million points.

Lu Xiao was quite worried before that he didn't know how long it would take to get so many points.

It was not until Lu Xiao opened the Ninth Sense from the Diamond Jar and became an existence beyond the Twelve Gods, with almost invincible strength, that he was no longer so anxious.

As a result, just by clearing a ninja world and resurrecting a few people, Tsunade and the others gained a lot of points, and his own points also rose rapidly.

In a short period of time, Lu Xiao achieved the achievement of one million points.

This made Lu Xiao very happy.

Last time, the Ninth Sense was opened from the Diamond Jar, and this time, as the last and highest level of the Supreme Jar, I think the reward must be extremely generous!

"Huh! Come on! Wish me good luck!"

Lu Xiao rubbed his hands and spent one million points to exchange for the Supreme Jar.


Lu Xiao suppressed his excitement and whispered silently.


The jar spun a few times and exploded with a bang!

Lu Xiao subconsciously covered his eyes. After all, opening the jar before would burst out dazzling golden light.

But this time the expected scene did not appear.

The golden light disappeared, replaced by a pitch-black void.

Lu Xiao put down his hand and looked around.

At this time, he was not in his apartment, and the table in front of him disappeared.

Only Lu Xiao was left standing alone in the dark.

The darkness here was so dark that even Lu Xiao's powerful ninth sense could not perceive anything!

Everything was left with nothingness.

Even the passage of time became blurred.

Lu Xiao remembered that to comprehend the ninth sense was to cut off one's own good thoughts, evil thoughts, and self after reaching the extreme of the eighth sense, and embrace the sense of nothingness.

Entering an incredible realm and following the way of nothingness, nothingness is not chaos, but nothing exists.

Finally, he became a void life that was neither a god nor a demon, wandering outside the multiverse

"Am I now in the void outside the multiverse?!"

"Didn't I open the Supreme Jar? Where's the reward?!"

"Why did you send me here? ~!"

Lu Xiao couldn't help wondering.

He couldn't hear, smell, or sense anything here.

Except for his own thoughts and ideas.

Maybe it was a second, or maybe a minute, or an hour.

If it continued, even Lu Xiao, who had the ninth sense, would gradually become dull in his thinking and merge into nothingness.

If Lu Xiao hadn't been confident in the strength of his can opening system, he might have started to get anxious at this time.

Therefore, Lu Xiao waited quietly.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, a figure appeared in Lu Xiao's perception.

He was extremely tall, standing in the void, Even the darkness began to retreat automatically.

Then, after this figure appeared, many more figures were born in this nothingness.

Lu Xiao looked at them, and his heart automatically understood and knew their identities.

They were the many creator gods, even absolute gods, who were born in the nothingness at the beginning of the birth of this space and time, when even the world and the gods did not exist.

Then, Lu Xiao saw the light, saw the Big Bang!

Saw the birth of the universe!

And the will of the gods liberated by the Big Bang collided with the fragments of the universe, creating the stars shining in the sky, and then forming a universe world where life can live.

"Is this the origin of the Saint Seiya world?! The beginning of everything! ?"

Lu Xiao looked at all the changes in front of him. This world started from the void, experienced the Big Bang, opened the super myth era, and evolved the myth of the gods.

The will of the gods is lodged in the fragments of life scattered throughout the universe, or in the planets it touches. There are stars in the sky, and the universe is nurtured and grown in the embrace of slow time. All things are born and die according to the fate of the stars. The stars connect the universe, and the world continues the stars. Then to the earth, one of the planets with the will of the gods, the earth appeared first, followed by the sky, the ocean, and then life.

The will of the gods spread throughout the universe like an arrow of light, giving souls to all things, giving birth to Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, Tartarus, the god of the abyss of hell, and the dark. The god Orebus, the goddess of night Nyx and the god of love Eros.

Gaia created Uranus (sky), Pontos (sea) and Uria (mountains), which are the ancient gods. The four strongest ancient gods - Pontos, Uranus, Erebus and Eros are collectively known as the four great creation gods.

Until later, King Cronus was defeated by his own son and sent to the underworld. The god who defeated King Cronus used lightning as a weapon, and his name means a bright and shining treasure - the great god Zeus. The new gods, headed by Zeus, expanded their power. Zeus ruled the heavens and the earth, Poseidon occupied the sea, and Hades ruled the underworld.

From then on, the era of the twelve main gods began.

Since the start of the first holy war, the first Saint Seiya was born.

"Why are you showing me the origin story?"

Lu Xiao was puzzled.

He didn't know how long it had been, but Lu Xiao had a complete understanding of the birth, development, and final destruction of the universe.

Then, Lu Xiao's consciousness suddenly rose, infinitely rising.

During the rise, he saw countless universes being born and dying, infinite dimensional reincarnations, and finally stood in front of an hourglass.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the template of Saturn, the God of Time, the Overlord of All Space and Time, the God of Eternal Calamity】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Strongest Ophiuchus Clothes, the Holy Sword True Eternal Rondo, and the Star Clock. 】

The system prompt finally sounded! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After a long time, Lu Xiao finally got the reward in the Supreme Jar!

Just this reward almost made Lu Xiao drop his jaw!

Good guy!

Saturn! ?

Look at this long list of titles!

The God of Time, the Overlord of All Time and Space, the God of Eternal Disaster!! In charge of all time and space, infinite dimensions, all dimensions!

One of the protagonists and final boss of Saint Seiya Ω, the God of Time who transcends and dominates all time and space in the past, present, and future.

An immortal being who survived in the eternal time and space, there is no identical god in all time and space, any multiverse, and the Three Thousand Worlds, there is only one unique god!!

In the worldview of Saint Seiya, Saturn is the strongest being below Chronos, who is set to the highest level. No matter how many times he is challenged, he will never be defeated. Compared with him, the God of Chaos is like dust.

It's simply invincible!!

The only difference between Saturn and Chronos is (King Zhao's) that Chronos is a conceptual god, so he has no entity, and Saturn is the appearance of Chronos's descent after creating an eternal entity, that is, a demotion and manifestation.

Therefore, Saturn and Chronos can also be regarded as the tail of one existence.

They are two different manifestations of the only two super gods.

In Saint Seiya GA, it was mentioned that there are countless multiverses in each time and space.

Each multiverse is composed of billions of different universes and worlds, and the universe branches out like branches and leaves, extending infinitely into similar parallel universes.

Different universes, worlds, and multiverses are closely connected, and they just fail to notice the boundary between each other.

At the same time, all of this is the power controlled by Chronos (Saturn), the god of time and moment.


(I wanted to set it directly to Chronos, but he is too powerful in the world of Saint Seiya, a complete concept god, simply OAA, too buggy, so I changed it to Saturn)[]

Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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