Private chat channel

【Tsunade】:"are you coming?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Now?"

Lu Xiao looked up at the sky. It was about one o'clock in the afternoon.

【Tsunade】:"Is it not possible?"

Tsunade was a little disappointed

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Of course not, I'm going over there."

I have nothing to do today anyway, so it's a good idea to go find Tsunade.

Speaking of which, Lu Xiao still misses the feel of Tsunade's big white rabbit.

Ninja World.

Lu Xiao appeared in Tsunade's room


As soon as Lu Xiao opened his mouth, he was thrown to the ground by Tsunade.

"If you have anything to say, let's talk later!"

Tsunade said domineeringly, and then kissed Lu Xiao


Good man, could Tsunade be provoked by Huang Rong?

It is impossible that she is more active because of drinking.

With Tsunade's current strength, the realm of the God of Otsutsuki, it is impossible for her to get drunk!

However, Lu Xiao could not think too much now. Under Tsunade's fierce attack, she was already immersed in the gentle land.

After a long time.

Tsunade leaned in Lu Xiao's arms.

"Does that girl Huang Rong like you?"

"I can see that she treats you differently."

"What happened the last time you went to her world? Could it be that she is also committed to you like me?!"

The more Tsunade talked, the more she thought it was possible!

She didn't realize that Huang Rong was shy and timid, but she was as bold as she was!?

"What nonsense are you talking about, Rong... How old is Huang Rong? How can she be as brave as you? The last time I went there, I only resurrected her mother and didn't do anything else."

"As for her attitude towards me, it's also because of this. Just like you, she is grateful to me."

Lu Xiao explained


Tsunade stared into Lu Xiao's eyes.

"Forget it, the girl is just beginning to fall in love, I can't say anything"

"If she likes you, just accept it."

Tsunade got up and put on her clothes.

"Ah? Accept?"

Lu Xiao was stunned. Is this something Tsunade could say?

"What else? Can you only have me?"

"Besides, can I still leave here and go to your world to be with you?"

"I don't ask for much, as long as you can come and accompany me when you have time, that's enough."

Tsunade seemed to be very happy.

"That being said, it's not impossible for you to live in my world. I have also given you permanent permissions."

"Not yet, I haven't become Hokage yet, Obito hasn't been dealt with yet, and the Ninja World can't be peaceful. I even want to end the war in the Ninja World completely."

Tsunade used to be powerless, but now she is fully capable of suppressing the five major ninja villages by herself.

Therefore, she also wants to realize Hashirama Senju's dream, so that everyone in the Ninja World can live in peace and no more wars.

But she doesn't know how to do it yet.

"If this is the case, you should come to my world to learn"

"Is there a way to resolve the war?"

Tsunade's eyes lit up.

"Of course there is. After all, the ninja world is so small, there is always a way to make it work."

"Then I’d like to find out!"

"Hey, I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

"I have a childhood sweetheart.……"

""Oh? Really? You are really dishonest."

Tsunade narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"You were the one who took the initiative at the beginning! And just now too!"

"But you didn't refuse! And you said you didn't want it!"

Tsunade punched him, but Lu Xiao didn't move, letting the fist hit his face.

But nothing happened.

"Humph! That's boring!"

Tsunade retracted her hand.

Her strength was indeed far inferior to Lu Xiao's.

"Are you not angry anymore? If you want, I will take you to my world and have a good look."

Lu Xiao hugged Tsunade from behind.

"I will take over the position of Hokage in two days. And Obito seems to have sneaked into Konoha. It seems that he already knows that Rin has been resurrected."

Tsunade also became interested in watching the show.

Moreover, Shizune has also accepted Rin as her apprentice and is teaching her medical skills. With Shizune around, Rin is safe.

"That's interesting."

Lu Xiao laughed.

I don't know if Obito will recognize Lin after seeing her.

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Group leader: Lu Xiao, is the group leader here? The old Taoist wants to open the jar"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I'm here, which one do you want to open?"

Seeing someone talking in the group, Tsunade and Lu Xiao stopped chatting.

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"I have 500,000 points, open two diamond jars"

【Yue Buqun】:"Oh? Master Zhang is finally going to open the jar! ?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Yes, thanks to you all, I gained some points this time."

【Huang Rong】:"Congratulations to Master Zhang!"


【Little Dragon Girl】:"Congratulations"

【Xiao Feng】:"Congratulations to Master Zhang for becoming an immortal!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Thank you for your kind words! I hope you have good luck!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I sent you a red envelope.

Ding! Group owner: Lu Xiao sent you an exclusive red envelope from Zhang Sanfeng.....

Come to think of it, with the 200,000 points I earned from Zhang Sanfeng's 400,000 points, I seem to have 1 million points?!

Hiss! I can open the Supreme Jar!!

Lu Xiao's heart surged!!

Last time I opened a diamond jar and got the ninth sense, I don't know what I can get this time

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Then the old Taoist started! Wait for my good news!!"

Zhang Sanfeng did not start the live broadcast, after all, they had just met not long ago.

After saying something in the group, he opened two diamond jars.

【Congratulations to Zhang Sanfeng for obtaining the character template of Taishang Laojun (Journey to the West version) and the mount of the mythical beast Qingniu】

"Hiss!! Taishang Laojun!!"

Zhang Sanfeng was so excited when he saw the reward!

Although he had already prepared to become an immortal, it was still beyond Zhang Sanfeng's expectations to get this character template!

This luck is too good!

This is one of the Three Pure Ones!!

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Hahaha!!"

【Yue Buqun】:"It seems that Master Zhang has found something good. He is so excited."

【Huang Rong】:"Zhang Zhenren, tell me quickly, what did you get?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Haha! I'll take a screenshot for you guys, picture.jpg"[]

【Yue Buqun】:""Hiss! This is not fair!"

Yue Buqun was shocked when he saw it!


The character template of Taishang Laojun?!

Why did he only get one Nine-turn Golden Pill from the same diamond jar?!

Although he also became a god, this god only knew some 3.0 basic spells!

Unlike Taishang Laojun, who had many spells, could make pills, and could make tools!

Compared with this god, he was many times stronger!

Zhang Zhenren’s luck was too good!

Yue Buqun was so envious that he almost cried!

【Huang Rong】:"Congratulations to Master Zhang!"

【Xiao Feng】:""Congratulations!"

Group members congratulated Zhang Sanfeng on getting what he wanted.

People may not know much about Taoism, but everyone knows the name of Taishang Laojun.

So in their eyes, Zhang Sanfeng's luck is simply too good to be true!

Even Lu Xiao thought Zhang Sanfeng had opened a saint template when he first saw it!

But fortunately, there are a few small words at the back,"Journey to the West version".

In other words, this Taishang Laojun is just the incarnation of the saint Laozi, and it has not exceeded the upper limit of the diamond jar.

If it is really the Taishang in the prehistoric and conferred gods period, then Zhang Sanfeng's luck is really too good to be true.


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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