""Brother Lu Xiao, thank you!"

Huang Rong was deeply moved when she saw that Lu Xiao had destroyed Shaolin because of Kong Zhi's words!

This is her future husband!

Ah! I really want to marry Lu Xiao as soon as possible!

Huang Rong blushed when she thought about getting married with Lu Xiao in the future.

"Sister Rong'er, you are a member of the chat group after all, and Lu Xiao should vent his anger for you."

Tsunade saw Huang Rong's face was full of peach blossoms, and she looked like she was attracted to Lu Xiao, so she couldn't help it.

Lu Xiao was too good, even the girls started to pay for him, she couldn't defend herself!!

"Well, that's right, and I can't stand what they do."

Lu Xiao was caught in the middle again, feeling helpless.

He didn't expect that Tsunade was also a jealous person.

Will he have a chance to show his cards after this?

Will the two of them fight?

It seems that in addition to Tsunade and Huang Rong, he also has a childhood sweetheart.

Oh, yes, there is also a maid.

""Sister Tsunade is right. After all, we are all group members, and Brother Lu Xiao will definitely not let us suffer any grievances." Huang

Rong did not mind Tsunade's defense at all.

After all, she was already engaged to Lu Xiao!

This is Huang Rong's confidence!

But even as smart as Huang Rong was, she did not expect that Tsunade was already Lu Xiao's person.

The two confident people were talking with smiles.

Until later, Zhang Sanfeng finished the previous things and returned to the backyard.

In the meantime, Yue Buqun went out again.

Because the two Xuanming elders almost took Zhang Wuji away from Wudang, fortunately Zhang Wuji shouted and exposed his position.

So Yue Buqun helped to deal with the two Xuanming elders and rescued Zhang Wuji.

This time, because of Yue Buqun, there was no chance for the two Xuanming elders to successfully attack Zhang Wuji.

"Today’s work was successfully concluded. I would like to thank everyone for their help!"

"Zhang Zhenren is so polite."

"Haha! Without Shaolin, Wudang will surely be the first among the five major sects in the future!"

Yue Buqun said with a smile

""Alas, there are many disputes in the martial arts world. I don't want to be the first, but Shaolin deserves what it has done."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed.

But he was too lazy to care.

Today, Zhang Cuishan and his wife were able to save their lives, Zhang Wuji was in good health, and the secret of the Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber was solved, which made him very satisfied.

In addition, he also gained 500,000 points for changing the future of Zhang Cuishan and his wife, Zhang Wuji, Xie Xun, Cheng Kun, and Shaolin. Becoming an immortal is just around the corner, which makes Zhang Sanfeng even happier.

"Now that things are over, it's time for us to leave."

Lu Xiao said

"Yes, if we don't leave, we will be kicked out."

"Today, thanks to the group leader and Master Zhang, Xiao had a great time drinking!"

"Lu Xiao, please give me more of this wine when you go back."

After tasting the taste of white wine, Xiao Longnu could no longer drink any other wine.

"Sure, I'll give you some when I get back."

"Haha! Thank you so much, group leader!"

Xiao Feng was very happy. He had to take the wine back and let his father taste it!

"In that case, I won’t be staying with you for long!"

"Next time, if any of the group members have a birthday or need help, I will be the first one to arrive!"

Zhang Sanfeng will remember today's favor.

As for those valuable gifts, he must find a chance to return them.

"If there is a chance, we will leave first."

Lu Xiao nodded, said hello to everyone, and returned to his own world.

The others did the same.

After they left, Zhang Sanfeng summoned seven disciples.

"This is a method of cultivating immortality. Practicing it can lead to immortality. I will now teach it to you."

Zhang Sanfeng took out the Tai Chi Xuanqing Dao and gave it to Song Yuanqiao and others.

"Master, my disciple is disabled and I am afraid it will be difficult for me to practice successfully. I'd better not practice anymore."

Yu Dayan's face was full of bitterness.

With such an opportunity, he could only watch. How could he not feel pain in his heart?!

"Senior Brother!"

Zhang Cuishan's eyes turned red!

If it weren't for his wife Yin Susu, his senior brother wouldn't have ended up like this!

"Master! I wonder if your friends can find a solution? I am willing to sacrifice everything to get my brother back to health!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Of course they do, but……"

""Master! I am willing to take the blame for my brother!"

Zhang Cuishan knelt down and begged.

""Junior brother! Stand up! This matter has nothing to do with you!!"

Yu Daying was furious. Although the incident was indeed caused by Yin Susu, she was not the one who did it, so Yu Daying was not so angry that he could not tell who was right.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Will I watch Dai Yan sitting in a wheelchair for the rest of his life?"

"Master, you mean……"

"Are those gods willing to help?"

The disciples looked at Zhang Sanfeng expectantly.

"Although they can restore Daiyan, favors are precious, and I already owe them too much today."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head.

"However, there is a medicine in the world that can cure Dai Yan, which is specially used to treat bone fractures."

If there is no Black Jade Ointment, Zhang Sanfeng will definitely ask Lu Xiao for help.

But since there is a ready-made medicine, Zhang Sanfeng does not want to waste favors easily.

"Don't worry, I already know where the medicine is and I plan to go down the mountain."

"As for the monks of the Western Region Shaolin Vajra Sect under the Ruyang Palace who injured Dai Yan that day, I will also seek justice for them."

This time when he went down the mountain, Zhang Sanfeng not only went to find medicine, but also went to find Zhou Zhiruo, in case something happened to her because of the plot change.

This time, he would not send Zhou Zhiruo to Emei again.

As a master, Miejue was really not virtuous, so he let Zhou Zhiruo worship under Wudang.[]

In addition, he also planned to look for the Nine Yang Magic Skill, as it was a pity that this secret book was lost.

As for the Nine Yin Manual and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms obtained from the Sword of Heaven, Zhang Sanfeng still gave them to Miejue and asked her to take them back to Emei. After all, Emei was founded by Guo Xiang, and Zhang Sanfeng still couldn't bear her decline.

As for the Dragon Slaying Sword, Zhang Sanfeng also asked Yue Buqun to take out the Wu Mu's posthumous letter from it. This thing would be of great use to fight against Yuan, and he would give it out at that time.

In addition, there was Ji Xiaofu. According to the description in the book, Yang Buhui was about eight or nine years old when she appeared in the Butterfly Valley, and Ji Xiaofu first met Zhang Wuji at Zhang Sanfeng's 100th birthday five years ago.

In other words, Ji Xiaofu was already a mother at this time, and her daughter Yang Buhui should be about three years old.

In order to avoid the tragedy from happening again, Zhang Sanfeng called Ji Xiaofu and Yin Liting out separately and explained the matter clearly.

Although Yin Liting was in pain and pity, he was still rational.

As for Ji Xiaofu, Zhang Sanfeng directly asked Miejue to agree to her withdrawal from the Emei Sect and let her do whatever she wanted.

Miejue didn't dare to say a word of disapproval.

After all, with the previous experience of Shaolin, who would dare to offend Wudang now?!

"Master! I am ashamed!"

Yu Dayan burst into tears.

"You are all my disciples, why bother to say these things."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head.

But before going down the mountain, let's go to the group leader to open a jar.

With 500,000 points, you can open two diamond jars.

Zhang Sanfeng was a little excited!

He saw that all his group members were invincible, and he couldn't help it!


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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