"Brother Lu Xiao!"

"Huang Rong."

Lu Xiao came to the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes, and looking at the bright and reserved girl in front of him, he felt that the whole world was brighter.

The book describes Huang Rong's appearance: her face is extremely beautiful, and she cannot be looked at directly. She is extremely beautiful and graceful. She comes in a white dress that is whiter than snow, like a fairy on a snowy mountain.

Although she is still young, she is the most beautiful woman ever seen in life. Her beauty is so stunning that it makes all the beauties in the world pale in comparison.

""Brother Lu Xiao, I made some side dishes, why don't you try them?"

Huang Rong felt a little shy when she saw Lu Xiao staring at her, and quickly changed the subject.

But Huang Rong also felt a little happy in her heart, and became more confident in her appearance.

After all, both Tsunade and Nami in the group were beauties.

Not to mention the beautiful Xiaolongnu.

Compared with them, even Huang Rong thought she was just average in appearance."Six, seven, and zero"

But looking at Lu Xiao's reaction, it seems that she is not bad either!

"Well, okay, I've always wanted to try your cooking, and today is finally my chance."

Lu Xiao coughed awkwardly and walked to the table and sat down.

"You've been preparing for a long time, right? I saw you've been chatting in the group since last night, and it seems you haven't slept yet?"

"No~ Didn't I ask Brother Lu Xiao when you would come this morning? I took a break in the middle.

And I have the Peach Blossom Sword in my hand, plus I have practiced Taoism, so it's okay if I don't sleep all night."

Huang Rong smiled and explained

"The rewards you get are different from Tsunade and Nami. You need to practice the Taoism in the Peach Blossom Sword by yourself. How is it going? How is the progress?"

""Very good! I am now a first-class master! It is enough for me to travel around the world! I also got some points, but I want to save them up and then open a gold jar or a diamond jar."

Huang Rong was very happy!

In the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes, first-class masters are the top, and the next level is the level of Huang Yaoshi, the fifth supreme master.

Huang Rong thought that if her father knew that she had become a first-class master in such a short time since leaving Peach Blossom Island, he would definitely be surprised!

"Very good~"

Lu Xiao nodded

"Mmm, these dishes taste great"

"As long as Brother Lu Xiao likes it! But this is all I can do in my world. It's not like the world of Nami and Sister Tsunade, where there are many new and interesting seasonings."

Huang Rong felt a little sorry.

"This is not difficult. You can ask them to send you a red envelope and some seasoning. When I get back, I will send you some.

What do you like to eat?

The red envelope function of the chat group is very complete. Basically, many things can be delivered through red envelopes.

Even if the red envelope function is not enough, there is also a transaction function. There is always a suitable

"I like them all!"

Huang Rong said that as long as they were delicious, she would not be picky!

In this way, the two chatted while eating.

Although Lu Xiao had already eaten dinner before he came, fortunately, Huang Rong did not cook much, so he could still eat it.

"Brother Lu Xiao, do you want to take a break?"

"No need, let's go directly there."

Lu Xiao shook his head and activated his mental power to find the location of Peach Blossom Island.

"Found it, let's go... Um, Huang Rong, do you mind if I……"

Lu Xiao stretched out his right hand and gestured

"Ah? I don't mind!"

Huang Rong understood instantly and took Lu Xiao's right hand.

"Brother Lu Xiao, you can call me Rong'er……"

Huang Rong lowered her head and whispered

"Okay, Rong'er"


Huang Rong nodded. Before she could think about it, they came to a peach forest in the blink of an eye.


"So fast!?"

Huang Rong looked at the familiar environment around her in surprise.

""Great! Brother Lu Xiao!"

Huang Rong was shocked to see that he could reach Peach Blossom Island in an instant, even across the sea, from thousands of miles away!

Previously, in the chat group, she saw that Lu Xiao could easily travel through the universe and the stars, but she didn't feel much.

After experiencing it herself, Huang Rong yearned for such a powerful strength even more!

"Don't worry, you have a chance to do it."


Yes, as long as there is a jar, not to mention teleportation, even immortality and becoming an immortal are no longer extravagant hopes!

"Take me to your mother's place. I know you can't wait."

"Yes, Brother Lu Xiao!"

……(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Ah Heng, I'm here again"

"Rong'er has been away from Peach Blossom Island for a month. I don't know how she is doing outside."

"I'm not worried about her being bullied. After all, she's been with me for so many years. She's very clever and quirky. Her personality is like mine, but she looks just like you, just as beautiful."

"I'm just worried that she's lonely out there."

"Ah Heng, since you left, we are the only two left on this island."[]


In the peach blossom forest,

Huang Yaoshi stood in front of a tombstone and muttered to himself, expressing his inner loneliness and reluctance.

Under the candlelight, his old figure became more desolate.


Under the tree, Huang Rong looked at Huang Yaoshi's figure, and her eyes became moist.


Huang Rong made a sound, and was heard by Huang Yaoshi, who had deep inner strength.

"Dad! It's me!"

Huang Rong ran out

"Rong'er! You're back!"

Huang Yaoshi was overjoyed!

"Dad! I'm sorry for making you worry!"

"It's okay, I'm glad you're back! Didn't you get wronged outside?"

Huang Yaoshi happily looked at Huang Rong whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and asked worriedly

"No! My daughter is fine!"

"That's good then... Hmm? Who is he?!"

Huang Yaoshi suddenly paused, looking at Lu Xiao who came out, and instantly became alert.

"Dad, this is Brother Lu Xiao"

"Brother Lu Xiao, this is my father."

Huang Rong introduced them to each other.

"Lu Xiao? Rong'er, is this your friend?"

Huang Yaoshi looked at Lu Xiao coldly.

He felt very upset!

After her good daughter went out for a while, she actually brought him a son-in-law!?

How could this be?!

How old is Rong'er!

He would never allow this!!

"Yes! Dad, I brought him here to revive Mom!"


When Huang Yaoshi heard this, his face suddenly changed color!

"Rong'er! What are you talking about?! You were not fooled by him?!"

The things about gods and ghosts are just legends or rumors. Therefore, when Huang Yaoshi suddenly heard Huang Rong talking about resurrection, he immediately knew that his good daughter was deceived!

Look at this Lu Xiao, with a fair face and a slender figure, she must have deceived Rong'er with her beauty!!

"Rong'er! Nothing happened between you and this Lu Xiao...right?!"

"What happened? Brother Lu Xiao is my friend!"

"Oh, that's good!"

Huang Yaoshi was relieved when he heard this. His daughter's innocence was still there, so there was still a chance to save her!!

"Lu Xiao, right? Rong'er said you came to revive my wife, so you are pretty good, right?"

Huang Yaoshi's expression became even colder.

"Not bad, do you want to try it?"

Lu Xiao smiled and said


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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