【Nami】:"The Otsutsuki God looked so weak that he couldn't even survive a single move from Brother Lu Xiao."

"The Nika Fruit doesn't seem to be suitable for Tsunade."

Nami thought of Luffy's funny moves in the early days. If they were used on Tsunade, it would probably have a great impact on Tsunade's image.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Not to mention that Zhiju has not yet completely become a god, even if he has become a god, he still can't withstand a single move in my hands."

"Don't underestimate this template. If it is used in the martial arts world of Zhang Zhenren and Yue Laoshi, it is already at the level of a god."

"Even in your world, Nami, he is invincible."

Lu Xiao explained.

After all, Shibauri can jump out of the dimension, which is enough to prove his strength.

Even the final boss Im, who has not yet taken action in the pirate world, is not the opponent of the God of Otsutsuki.~

【Tsunade】:"I am very satisfied, I received the reward-!"

Tsunade felt that her luck was not bad, not so bad that it made people despair, and all the things that came out were good things.

After Tsunade finished speaking, she directly received the template of the Lord of Otsutsuki.

Suddenly, Tsunade's whole body changed.

First, her golden hair turned pure white.

A golden reincarnation eye opened in the middle of her eyebrows, and her eyes turned into white eyes.

In addition, two small horns grew on Tsunade's head.

After obtaining the template of the Lord of Otsutsuki, Tsunade also possessed the blood of Otsutsuki and became similar to them in appearance.

The image is closer to Kaguya Otsutsuki, but more delicate and beautiful than Kaguya.

【Tsunade】:"Ah!! I regret it so much!!"

"How did I become like this!! Picture.jpg."

After Tsunade transformed, she looked in the mirror and immediately regretted it!

Compared to the image of Otsutsuki, Tsunade still likes her original appearance!

Even though she now feels that she is omnipotent and her consciousness can cover the entire planet and spread across the universe, she still doesn't like this appearance!

【Huang Rong】:"I think it's okay... After all, Sister Tsunade, your skin has become whiter."

【Nami】:"looks nice!"

【Yue Buqun】:"What's the point of just transforming to gain power? Besides, you look really good this way."

【Tsunade】:"Yue Buqun, so you chose to castrate yourself in order to practice the Sword Manual of Exorcism."

【Yue Buqun】:"……I was wrong!!"

Damn it, don't hit someone in the face!

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Group leader, can the reward be cancelled?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"cannot"

【Tsunade】:"Lu Xiao, now that I've become like this, you won't dislike me anymore, right?"

【Huang Rong】:"???"


【Yue Buqun】:"???"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"???"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"How could that be? I like it very much."

Lu Xiao wiped his sweat. Can you say this to someone's face?

Fortunately, Tsunade didn't say anything else.

【Tsunade】:"Well, after all, the group leader is knowledgeable and if he says he likes me, then it means that other people will like me too."

Tsunade quickly tried to save face.

【Tsunade】:"Can the reward be given to someone else?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Sure, who do you want to give it to?"

【Tsunade】:"What is this Wonder Woman template? I want to mute it"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Wonder Woman is the daughter of God, just like the template Thor that Nami got, she is a member of the God Clan. As for her abilities, it's hard to say, but she is probably similar to Thor."

【Tsunade】:"That's good, I'll use it for Shizune, it's enough for me."

Tsunade was very satisfied with this

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"What is the Time Stone? What does it do?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"As the name suggests, it has the magical power to control time. Using it, you can travel between different timelines, through the past and the future."

"You know the Five Spirits Pearl, it was made by Nuwa, and it has the power of the five elements of wind, thunder, water, fire, and earth. Tsunade can explore the details herself."

"The Sword of Separation has the power to separate heaven and earth, create a new world, and split the world"

"You can find out about the Nika fruit by watching One Piece"

"As for the Collapse Jade, it can be considered as a prop that can protect the host's body from death. When the host's ability reaches its limit or his life is threatened, the Collapse Jade can make the host evolve to the next level."

"The four-dimensional pocket is the same as the storage space Nami had obtained before, but the difference is that it can open an alternate dimension. This pocket leads directly to another world and can hold as many things as possible."

【Yue Buqun】:"Hiss! They are all so amazing!!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Yes, each of these is enough to make a person extremely powerful! Congratulations to Tsunade!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Huang Rong】:"Haha, congratulations to Sister Tsunade for becoming a god!"


【Little Dragon Girl】:"congratulations!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Congratulations to another group member for becoming a god!"

【Xiao Feng】:"Congratulations Tsunade!!"

【Tsunade】:"Thank you all!"

Tsunade thanked them sincerely, and she was very happy in her heart!

"Shizune, come to my room."

Tsunade communicated with Shizune directly through her mind.

Soon, Shizune walked in.

Then she took a look at the person in front of her and immediately took a defensive posture!

"Who are you!? Where is Tsunade-sama?!"

"Shizune, it's me."

Tsunade was helpless.

She knew that her appearance would be misunderstood!

She felt that if Black Zetsu saw her like this, he would probably recognize her as his mother!

"This won't work, I should think of a way."

Tsunade activated her ability and changed her image to her previous appearance.

Fortunately, after becoming the God of Otsutsuki, she had the power of omniscience and omnipotence, so she could easily change her appearance.

However, if a battle broke out, she would still have to change back.

""Tsunade-sama?! What happened just now? Was it an illusion!?"

Shizune was full of confusion.

"I guess so. I can't explain it to you clearly at the moment. Come and experience it for yourself."

Shizune stepped forward obediently.

Then Tsunade gave Shizune the Wonder Woman template she had obtained.

Soon, through inheritance and system transformation, Shizune understood the source of this power and how to use it.

"Lady Tsunade! This is!!"

Shizune looked at Tsunade in disbelief!

This power, which was completely different from the ninja world, shocked Shizune!

"That's right, this is the power of God, and you have become a God now."

Tsunade nodded calmly.

Shizune was raised by her, and she was almost as close to her as a daughter.

Therefore, Tsunade gave this template to Shizune so that she could better protect herself.

"Thank you, Master Tsunade!!"


"So, Lady Tsunade, your appearance just now was also changed by this power?"

"That's right, I am already the most powerful god in this universe!"

Tsunade said domineeringly

"Great, Tsunade-sama!!"


In the afternoon, Lu Xiao went home with Gwen after school.

However, he didn't have time until around eight o'clock in the evening.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Huang Rong, are you ready? I'm coming over"

【Huang Rong】:"Okay! Brother Lu Xiao can come over anytime!"


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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