【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Among the thirty-six magical powers of the group leader, there is a spell called resurrection, which can bring the dead back to life, make the dead soul return to the body, and be reborn in nirvana."

"It’s understandable that Tsunade and Nami didn’t know, but Huang Rong, don’t you know either?"

【Huang Rong】:"I don't know! My father never taught me this!"

"@Group leader: Lu Xiao, Mr. Group Leader, can you resurrect people who have passed away many years ago?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"You want to resurrect your mother?"

【Huang Rong】:"Yes!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Haven't tried it, maybe"

【Huang Rong】:"Brother Lu Xiao! I have 80,000 points now. I won't draw any jars. I'll give them all to you. Can you revive my mother? ?"

【Nami】:"Brother Lu Xiao! Me too! I won't draw the cans anymore, I'll give you all the points! Please revive my mom!"

【Tsunade】:"As long as you resurrect my brother, I will agree to anything you ask!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Calm down first. I have never tried resurrection, so I cannot guarantee that it will succeed."

【Tsunade】:"It's okay! Let's go to my world first!"

【Huang Rong】:"That’s right! Brother Lu Xiao, please come to my world first!"

【Nami】:"Same as before!! Big Brother Lu Xiao!!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Come one by one"

"But not today, I have something to do today, let's talk about it tomorrow"

"As for whose world to go to first, why don't you discuss it among yourselves first?"

Lu Xiao replied helplessly

【Huang Rong】:"Me first!"


【Nami】:"My two sisters, I am the youngest, can you please give way to me?"

【Tsunade】:"I am the oldest, don’t you know to respect the elderly and love the young?"

【Huang Rong】:"……"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"The situations of the three of you are roughly the same. So much time has passed, so why not wait one more day?"

【Yue Buqun】:"What Master Zhang said is that it would be better to arrange them by age, starting with Tsunade, then Huang Rong, and then Nami, so as to avoid hurting the harmony."

【Huang Rong】:"I agree!"

【Tsunade】:"That’s great!"

【Nami】:"Oh well……"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"So where do I rank?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Senior, what are you doing?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Who does Xiaolongnu want to resurrect?"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"My Master"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Then the seniors should be ranked last."

【Little Dragon Girl】:"OK"


New York.

After Lu Xiao went to Gwen's house next door for dinner, he pulled Gwen over.

"What's wrong? You need me for something?"

"Yes, something happened. Don't be too scared."

"What's going on? Why are you so serious?

Gwen was very confused.

"Do you believe in super powers?"

"Superpowers? I don't think so... Could it be you, Lu Xiao?!"

Gwen was halfway through her sentence when she suddenly realized what was going on. She widened her eyes and looked at Lu Xiao in disbelief.

Although there has been no news about superpowers yet, Gwen, who has seen the movie, naturally knows what superpowers mean. What shocked her was that her childhood sweetheart and current boyfriend, who she grew up with, was suspected of awakening superpowers!?

"That's right! I have super powers!"

Lu Xiao said as his heart moved, and the Ophiuchus Gold Cloth automatically appeared!


Gwen looked at the glittering golden armor on Lu Xiao and immediately covered her mouth!

"you you you……"

"So handsome!!"

Gwen approached cautiously and raised her hand to touch him.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you"

"Is this really made of gold?!"

Gwen stroked the golden armor and was still shocked!

"It is not made of gold. You see it glowing because it can absorb the energy of light, so it is also called the Armor of Light, also known as the Golden Cloth."

"So cool! What superpowers do you have!"

Gwen jumped up excitedly

"Manipulating elements, predicting the future, telekinesis, flying, illusion, mind reading, mental control, intuition... etc. I know quite a lot."

"This is amazing! Am I the only one who knows this secret?"

"Of course, you are the first person to know my secret"

‘Chat group chats don't count.

Lu Xiao stepped forward and hugged Gwen into his arms.

"Lu Xiao!"

Gwen raised her head with emotion and hugged him tightly.

In the modern world, once it is revealed that someone has superpowers, it will definitely cause a huge wave and attract the attention of countless people!

At that time, I am afraid that official, unofficial, and even some criminals will keep an eye on Lu Xiao!

Therefore, Gwen was really moved and happy!

Lu Xiao did not hide anything from her!!

Of course, Gwen didn't know what the world would look like in the future.

If she knew that her classmate Peter would become Spider-Man because of a spider bite.

And one day in the future, countless aliens such as Thor and Thanos would come to the earth, what would Gwen think?

"Do you want to have superpowers like me?"

After kissing for a while, Lu Xiao got down to business.

"Can I become like you?!"

"As long as you are willing to"

"Can I do it?"

Gwen hesitated, more worried that if she had superpowers and accidentally exposed them, would it bring trouble to Lu Xiao and her family?

"Don't be afraid, I'm here and I can protect you, as well as your uncles and aunts!"

"Even if the world is destroyed, I can still keep you safe!"

Lu Xiao said that even if the universe exploded, he would not let you get hurt at all!!

""Lu Xiao! I do!"

Gwen snorted, and Lu Xiao was furious.

But unfortunately, he couldn't eat Gwen's ripe apple yet.

The main thing was that if Gwen went back too late, George would come and kill her!

Even though Lu Xiao was already George's future son-in-law in his heart.

"Come on, close your eyes"


Gwen closed her eyes obediently.

Lu Xiao extracted the Aries Gold Saint template, brought a ball of golden light in his hand close to Gwen's forehead, and gave Gwen the reward from the golden jar.

Gwen could feel the extremely strong and bright light in front of her eyes with her eyes closed!

But she trusted Lu Xiao very much and waited quietly.

Then, she felt a warm feeling coming from her forehead. At the same time, a group of memories and powerful energy began to transform and enhance Gwen's body.

All of Aries Gold Saint Mu's training experience, combat skills, Saint Seiya's heritage, microcosm, etc., instantly merged with Gwen!

Dazzling golden light emerged from Gwen!

The golden armor belonging to Aries has been worn on Gwen.

"I became a Gold Saint!!"

Gwen opened her eyes, feeling the difference in herself, and was pleasantly surprised!

"Lu Xiao!"

Gwen threw herself into Lu Xiao's arms, full of joy!!

"Okay, okay, if you want to hug me, take off the gold armor first."

Lu Xiao said that he couldn't feel the softness of Gwen's body at all while hugging such an armor!


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