"my God!"

"I have directly crossed over the eighth sense and reached the realm of the ninth sense! ?"

"If this were to happen in the Holy Land, wouldn't ordinary third-level gods, second-level gods, or even first-level gods be able to easily beat me! ? Even the main gods might not be able to defeat me! ?"

"From this perspective, I am only one step away from becoming multiverse-level and transcending the multiverse with the tenth sense!"

Lu Xiao was shocked!

Looking at this situation, if Lu Xiao saves up a million points and opens the Supreme Jar, he can definitely become an existence that transcends the multiverse!

Even now, Lu Xiao's strength in the Marvel Universe is already among the top of the top! He can easily blow up a parallel universe!

This time's reward is simply amazing!!

Lu Xiao doesn't even dare to imagine what other rewards are in the diamond jar!?

In this comparison, the Ophiuchus Gold Saint template that has just been obtained can only serve as icing on the cake.

After all, the improvement of the microcosm is the key to Lu Xiao's improvement in strength.

However, the many abilities of the Ophiuchus Gold Saint are still very powerful.

Medical skills that can break the boundary between life and death and resurrect other creatures.

Poison that can make the main god fall and kill the god. Poison that can dominate the natural laws of heaven and earth, dominate all things in the universe, cause changes in the sky and the earth, and easily disrupt All the laws, order and orbits of the Milky Way, and even the ability to destroy the entire universe. The spiritual power that can distort reality.

The ability to ignore the turbulence of time and space, and easily travel to any world, even to the world of other dimensions where time and space are distorted, and even to the underworld where rules are set and the power of the gods cannot reach, can also come and go freely.

It can also create its own exclusive space independent of the real space, and teleport other creatures from one world to another.

There is also the final awakening method.

All those who have been treated by Odysseus will have their physical condition completely controlled by Odysseus, and they can be put into eternal sleep at any time.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the strongest among the Gold Saints!

If Odysseus's microcosm is upgraded to the ninth sense, then he can become a well-deserved god.

However, the other gods will not agree, otherwise there will be no Odysseus as a reincarnated body

"I'll wear this Saint Cloth myself. I don't mean anything else, it's just that the Gold Saint Cloth of Ophiuchus is too cool!"

Lu Xiao, who originally said that he didn't plan to merge with other Gold Saint templates, could only say that it was really good after seeing Ophiuchus!

"Get the Ophiuchus Gold Saint template!"

【Loading... Loading successfully!】

【Congratulations to the host for having obtained all the inheritances of the Ophiuchus Gold Saint. 】

The glittering Ophiuchus Gold Cloth is more majestic, noble, and extraordinary than Shura's Capricorn Cloth!

Its appearance is a bit like the awakened Gold God Cloth!


Lu Xiao disappeared in the room and came to the space outside the earth.

Outside the dazzling galaxy and the blue planet, Lu Xiao seemed to feel that everything was in his heart!

From now on, he is the universe itself, and the universe is Lu Xiao! He is immortal, and the cause and effect do not touch him. He wanders outside the material world, and is not based on the cycle of time and space. He exists forever!!

""I am the only one in the world!"

This is what Lu Xiao thinks in his heart!

""Thanks to the chat group!"

If he hadn't joined the Wanjie chat group, Lu Xiao wouldn't know where he should go to get points, and even when he would get 100,000 points was unknown!

But after joining the chat group, in a short period of time, he had 100,000 points, opened the diamond jar, and gained incredible strength!

I believe that in the near future, Lu Xiao will also be able to open a million points and the supreme jar!

"Take a photo and upload it to the chat group~"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Guess where I am now?"

【Tsunade】:"Has the group leader finished his work?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Did the group leader go to the world of group members?"

【Huang Rong】:"Has anyone invited the group owner?"

【Nami】:"I don't"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"No +1!"

【Xiao Feng】:"No +2!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"No +3! @Group leader: Lu Xiao, can you open the jar now?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I am in the universe, picture.jpg"

【Huang Rong】:""Wow! So beautiful!"

Huang Rong exclaimed as she looked at the blue planet behind Lu Xiao!

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"This is where?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Behind me is the Earth, the land where you live. Except for Tsunade's Ninja World and Nami's Pirate World, we all live on this blue planet."

【Yue Buqun】:"It's beautiful! Spectacular!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"right!"

【Nami】:"Is that blue the sea? It's roughly the same as my world, except that we have more sea and less land."

【Xiao Feng】:"I never thought I would be able to see such a wonderful sight in my lifetime!"

【Tsunade】:"Am I the only one who noticed that the group leader's golden armor has changed?"

"The group leader opened another golden holy garment?"

【Nami】:"It's true! This one looks better than the previous one!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Why did the group leader change his clothes? Is there any particular reason for this?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Yes, I opened a few gold jars and got two gold armors."

"As for the one I am wearing, it is the thirteenth one besides the twelve golden armors, and it is also the strongest one!"

【Tsunade】:"Ah! You rich dog! Are you selling the gold armor? I want to buy it on credit!"

【Huang Rong】:"No wonder the group leader changed into a new one"

【Nami】:"Brother Lu Xiao has become stronger again!!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Congratulations to the group leader!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Congratulations���Happy!"

【Xiao Feng】:"Congratulations!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"congratulations~"

【Tsunade】:"Do different gold cloths have different abilities? What abilities does this cloth have?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"The previous holy cloth possessed the power of a holy sword that could cut through anything, but this one not only has the power to resurrect, it can even destroy the universe!"

【Tsunade】:"What did you say!? Resurrection!?"

Offline, Tsunade, who was drinking in the pub, saw this sentence and stood up suddenly in shock, reading it over and over again in disbelief!

【Nami】:"Brother Lu Xiao, when you say resurrection, do you mean you can revive other people?"

Nami, who is now named the Thief Cat Pirates on Daku, was also incredulous and quickly sent a message to ask!

【Huang Rong】:"Is this true?! Brother Lu Xiao!!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Why are you so surprised? The group leader already knew the ability to resurrect."

【Yue Buqun】:"Yeah, don’t you know?"


【Nami】:"When did this happen?!"

【Huang Rong】:"You didn’t say anything either!"


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