【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I’m back, I’m back!"

【Yue Buqun】:"The group leader is really amazing! Nothing can stop you!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Yes, the group leader is really reliable!"

【Tsunade】:"Now sister Nami can finally have a good sleep!"

【Nami】:"Yes! It’s finally relaxing!!"

"Thanks to the group leader for his help! I will explain to my sister first and then open the jar!!"

"And thank you all for your concern!!"

At this time, Nami was surrounded by a group of villagers, who kept asking her what happened.

Therefore, Nami could only take the time to explain in the chat group.

Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp on the periphery of the crowd had not yet reacted. The strongest brother Lu Xiao among them was gone! He even turned into a burst of white light and disappeared in front of them!

"Could it be that Brother Lu Xiao is a god?"

"He knew he wouldn't stay long, so he didn't become the captain."

"But now that he's gone, where can I learn swordsmanship? I also want to ask Brother Lu Xiao for advice!"

Zoro was the most disappointed one. He wanted to learn from Lu Xiao, but he just left!!


【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"@Nami, you go ahead and do your work, there's no rush."

【Tsunade】:"How many points did Nami get this time?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"After defeating Arlong and his gang, Nami got another 5,000 points, and now the total seems to be 85,100 points."

Seeing so many points, Lu Xiao was also very happy!

He made the right trip this time!

Especially Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp, as Luffy's important crew members, changing the plot of one of them will also have a great impact on Luffy!

So Nami got a lot of points!

And half of these 80,000 points will go into Lu Xiao's pocket.

It's worth his effort!

He is not far away from opening a diamond jar with 100,000 points!

【Tsunade】:"Ah!! Why are there so many? I'm crying!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Cry +1!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Cry +1!"

‘Ding! The chat group activity is full, and the upgrade is successful!’

‘Ding! New chat group features have been unlocked: Mall, world shuttle function, and task system are now open……’

【Tsunade】:"Huh?! The chat group has been upgraded! ?"

【Yue Buqun】:"What is a mall?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"I read the introduction and it seems that now I can invite group friends to my world."

【Tsunade】:"Really?! Then I can invite the group leader to my world to help me earn points! ?"

Tsunade was excited!

‘Ding! Group owner: Lu Xiao uploaded a file: A detailed introduction to the new features of the chat group’

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"You can take a look and get familiar with it."

【Tsunade】:"The group leader is reliable!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"The group leader is reliable +1!"

【Yue Buqun】:"The group leader is reliable +1!"


‘Ding! New member Little Cook joins the chat group’

‘Ding! New member, the mountain girl, joins the chat group’

‘Ding! New member, the leader of the Beggars' Sect, joins the chat group’

【Little Cook】:"Huh? What is this?"

【The Girl in the Mountain House】:"Can I talk?"

【Beggars' Sect Leader】:"My name is Qiao Feng. May I ask what this is? And who are you?"

【Tsunade】:"This is the first time I meet a group member who introduced himself. Hello, everyone. This is the chat group of all heavens and worlds!"

【Yue Buqun】:"It seems that this leader of the Qiao Feng gang is a hero!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Welcome new members. There is a document introduction in the group. You can take a look and resolve your doubts."

【Beggars' Sect Leader】:"Thanks for letting me know!"

…… after a little while

【Little Cook】:"Huh? Are we really from different worlds? How interesting!"

On the sea, a beautiful, clever and intelligent girl in yellow clothes opened her eyes in surprise, full of curiosity.

"There are actually such things in the world. I made the right decision to escape this time!!"

"Wow! Are there copies of other group members here?"

"Group live video recording?"

"Open the jar?!"

"so amazing!!"


【Beggars' Sect Leader】:"It's actually true? Qiao thought he was drunk!"

In a restaurant, a big man woke up from his meditation with a large jar of wine in his left hand, and was also shocked!

A chat group of all heavens and worlds?!

At first, Qiao Feng thought he was drunk and dreaming!

But after seeing the files in the group and the chat records, everything proved that these were all true!

"What a great fate!"

Qiao Feng exclaimed.


"Hmm... Does this world called One Piece really exist?"

"Zhang Sanfeng, Tsunade, Yue Buqun... I don't know any of them."

In the dark room, a girl wearing a white long dress, with a cool temperament, like a fairy, was lying on a rope and watching Nami's life copy of One Piece, and she was gradually immersed in it.

【Tsunade】:"@Group leader: Lu Xiao, group leader, do you have copies of their lives?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Yes, group leader, we are not familiar with the newcomers."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"The old Taoist is also very curious!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"@Zhang Sanfeng, there are two people you are very familiar with, and they are both your predecessors"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Surprise! Is it someone the Taoist knows?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Yes, there was one who almost became your mother-in-law, hahahaha!"

【Tsunade】:"There are melons!!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Surprise! Did Master Zhang almost get married?!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"My mother-in-law?"

Offline, Zhang Sanfeng was puzzled.

He had never married or had children in his life, so how could he have a mother-in-law?

The only thing he had loved was a woman when he was young, but that woman had someone else in her heart. No matter how reluctant Zhang Sanfeng was, the two of them were not destined to be together.

In the end, they were both lonely for the rest of their lives.


"The group leader would not say……"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Could it be that the group leader is talking about... Huang Rong!"

Zhang Sanfeng was shocked!

If anyone could possibly become his mother-in-law, it would only be Huang Rong, the mother of Guo Xiang whom he once loved! Oh my god! Huang Rong has joined the chat group!

【Little Cook】:"Eh? @张三丰, do you know me? Are you also from Peach Blossom Island?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Ah... uh... you will know this later."

Zhang Sanfeng was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to explain.

Judging from Huang Rong's nickname and tone, it seemed that Huang Rong might not be married yet.

How should Zhang Sanfeng explain this?

He couldn't just say that he liked your future daughter, right?

It was too wrong!!


(Happy New Year to everyone!! Throw flowers! Throw flowers!)

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