"My home is in front."

"Nochigo, everyone!"

"I'm back!!"

Nami looked at the island ahead and opened her arms and shouted excitedly!

This time, she finally didn't have to be cautious or scared anymore!

The nightmare she had in the past was about to be shattered with the arrival of Lu Xiao!

As long as Nami thought about those damn fish-man pirates who would soon die at the hands of Lu Xiao, she couldn't suppress the excitement deep in her heart!

"Why is the captain so happy?

Usopp asked in confusion.

"Because we're going home soon?"

Sanji guessed

"You will know the answer when you get to the island."

Lu Xiao did not tell them about Nami's experience. It was better for Nami and them to know these stories themselves.


Near the shore, the calm sea suddenly stirred up a strong splash, accompanied by a huge shadow that appeared and blocked Lu Xiao and his group.

"Sea beasts moo!!"

Nami screamed

"Is it a sea king? Why is it so big?"

Zoro subconsciously drew his sword.

"It's in the way."

Lu Xiao said nothing and waved his hand, cutting it in half.

"There shouldn't be any other sea beasts in the sea, right?"

Usopp was worried.

"It's gone. There's only this one sea beast in the Fishman Pirates. In the past, Arlong and his crew had it destroy several villages."

Nami looked at the mooing half of the sea beast and spoke in hatred.

"We got ashore and headed straight to Arlong Paradise."

Lu Xiao and Nami took the lead and headed straight to where Arlong was.

Hawkeye stayed behind to watch the boat.

Along the way, they met villagers from Cocosia Village.

When they saw Nami in the crowd, they were shocked at first, and then ran back immediately.

He thought that this group of people came with bad intentions.

It seemed that the other party was not a fishman, maybe they were from other pirate groups.

Orange Garden


"Nami is back!!"

After hearing the news from the villagers, Ajian, the police officer stationed in Kokoyasi Village, hurried to find Nokigo.

"Nami is back?! Where is she!?"

Noki walked out of the house happily.

"She should have gone to find Arlong and the others, and she didn't come back alone, there were several people with her! Judging from their appearance, they are probably pirates too!"

Jian said worriedly.

One fishman pirate group was enough for them to deal with, if there was another one, they would be afraid that it would be extremely difficult for them to survive.

Most importantly, Jian and the others were worried about Nami's safety.

"Pirates?! I'll go check it out!"

"Wait! Let's go together! Don't worry, find out first!"

Noqi Gao and Ajian rushed to the location of Along Paradise.


"We're here."

Lu Xiao and the others stopped.

""Eh? Nami, you're back? Who are they?"

The two fishmen who were napping at the door woke up when they heard the noise.

"I'm in a hurry, so I won't waste my time."

Lu Xiao casually pointed, and the golden light pierced through the heads of the two fishmen.


There was a loud noise.

The gate of A'long Paradise was kicked away fiercely.


"Don’t you know this is Aaron’s territory! ?"

"Who is causing trouble!"


The huge noise attracted the attention of all the fishmen, and they all looked towards the door.

Then they saw a familiar face.


"Who are they?"

The fish people were puzzled.

"Haha, Nami, did you find help?"

The fishman Aaron stood up from the sun lounger and laughed at Nami.

"Nami, have you forgotten your promise to me? As long as you pay me 100 million berries, I will spare your village."

"But now you've even found some helpers? What, do you expect these few humans to defeat our great fishmen?!"

"Nami, you have to know that if the help you find is useless, the debt between us will have to be settled again!"

Aaron looked at Nami dangerously and threatened.

He didn't even take Lu Xiao and the other humans seriously.

Not to mention that this is the East China Sea, he, Aaron, is the pirate with the highest bounty. Besides, in Aaron's eyes, no one can fight!

Therefore, these unfamiliar faces, who are all a group of young people, and pirates who are not even on the wanted list, are not worthy of Aaron's attention.

"Aaron! You have no intention of fulfilling your promise!"

"You knew that I was about to save up 100 million Baileys, yet you still planned to collude with Navy Captain Mouse to snatch my Baileys!"

"You are so abominable, Aaron!"

Nami asked angrily

"Huh? You actually knew that?"

Aaron was a little surprised. He didn't expect Nami to know about his dealings with the navy.

Especially, what Nami just said was what Aaron was going to do!

Nami could not only make money for him, but also draw sea charts. How could Aaron let her go?

"Haha, now that you already know, why don't you accept your fate? As long as you continue to follow my orders, I will not attack your village, otherwise, I will kill everyone in this village!!"

Since he was exposed, A Long would not pretend anymore.

Anyway, in the East China Sea, he is invincible!

""Hahaha! You’re dreaming! Aaron, today is the day you die!!"

Nami was a little emotional after seeing Aaron.

Anyway, with Lu Xiao around, Nami was not worried at all!

Therefore, she gradually became more unbridled!

"Just a few of them?"

Aaron said disdainfully.

"Where does he get the confidence to be so arrogant?"

Sanji took out a lighter, lit a cigarette and said

"After all, he had never seen Brother Lu Xiao take action, so it was normal for him not to believe it."

Sauron yawned and spoke indifferently.

""Hehe! They will soon see how terrifying Big Brother Lu Xiao is!"

Usopp folded his arms and nodded.

He still has a deep memory of the duel between Lu Xiao and Hawkeye! He has completely become a die-hard fan of Lu Xiao.

"Nami, are you done? I'm going to start"

"That's it, Brother Lu Xiao, thank you for your help!"

Nami took a step back and said sincerely

"It's okay, it only takes a second."

Lu Xiao said, waving his right hand.

"Holy swords dance wildly." Buzz!

���While Long and the other fishmen were confused, the entire A'long Paradise was suddenly engulfed in a burst of golden light!

Countless golden beams suddenly appeared, densely covering all of their fishmen, as well as all the surrounding buildings including the ground!

Moreover, the golden beams continued to gather and became more and more dense!

A'long's hand was cut off the first moment the golden light appeared!

He didn't react at first, and when the pain was transmitted to his brain, he realized that something serious had happened!


Arlong looked outside the dense golden light, at Nami's eyes of hatred and satisfaction, and was about to speak when he was completely drowned by the golden light!

Holy Sword Dance: It draws the holy sword in all directions around the enemy, creating an unavoidable space. This move, which has no blind spots at all, can be called a storm of slashing.

When the golden light gathered in the middle and began to dissipate, this move was over.

Instead, the entire Arlong Paradise, all the fishmen including Arlong, and all the buildings were turned into dust!

A huge deep pit appeared in front of everyone.

"What a powerful slash!!"

Zoro's eyes lit up!

This is the realm he pursues!

Slashing everything! The world's greatest swordsman!!

It's a pity that Hawkeye didn't come with him and stayed on the boat to watch the boat, otherwise he would be like Zoro, and would be extremely envious of Lu Xiao's strength.

"It's amazing!" Sanji exclaimed from the bottom of his heart.

""Woo woo woo! Arlong is finally dead!!"

Nami looked at the big pit, knelt down, and cried with joy.

Her wish for many years was finally realized!!

Kokosia Village is finally free!!


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