【Tsunade】:"@Nami, Nami sister, is the problem solved? With the help of the group leader, it will be quick!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Yeah, how are things going?"

【Yue Buqun】:"I must have earned a lot of points."

【Nami】:"We're not there yet, we're on our way!"

【Tsunade】:"Not here yet? What are you doing?"

【Nami】:"Brother Lu Xiao is taking me to intercept Luffy's crew and earn points!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Oh? Change the fate of different people in the story? How many points did you get?"

【Tsunade】:"Yes! Tell me how much you got!"

【Nami】:"Let me see, the total points I got are... 59,100!"


【Zhang Sanfeng】:"???"

【Yue Buqun】:"???"

【Tsunade】:"How come there are so many? Are you cheating?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Yes! This is so unfair!!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"I am a little envious!"

Zhang Sanfeng is fine, after all, he has lived for a hundred years, so he is not so eager for points.

But Yue Buqun and Tsunade are both very eager for points!

One wants to become stronger, and the other wants to satisfy the pleasure of opening jars and the hope of resurrecting his brother.

Therefore, when they saw Nami get so many points in a short time, they instantly became jealous and drooled with envy!

【Tsunade】:"Ahhh! Is this the easy win with the help of a big boss?! @Group leader: Lu Xiao, big boss, please help me!!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"The reason why I can get so many points is that the first few people are important characters in the whole plot, especially for Luffy."

"So it's easy to gain points by changing the plot."

【Tsunade】:"Boss, please bring it with you!!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Do you want me to go to your world? But I can't go there for now."

【Tsunade】:"Damn it! When will everyone be free from restrictions?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"We should wait for the chat group to upgrade, don't worry"

【Tsunade】:"I'm in a hurry! I'm penniless now!"

She was already trying very hard to rush to Konoha!

【Yue Buqun】:"Can the group owner start a live broadcast? Let's watch it too"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"I second the motion! It just so happens that I have nothing to do for the time being."

【Tsunade】:"Open, open, open! I want to see!!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Ask Nami to open it, it's all the same"


‘Ding! Group member Nami started a group live broadcast’

【Tsunade】:"We have found Zoro and Usopp, so fast!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Is the reason why this ship is running so fast due to the ability of the group leader?"

【Nami】:"Yes! If it weren't for Brother Lu Xiao, it would probably take me several days to get back!"

【Tsunade】:"Are you going to a restaurant on the sea? Look! What a big ship!!"

【Yue Buqun】:"This ship looks so familiar... Is it the Creek Pirates?!"

The few people who have already played One Piece are quite familiar with the plot and are very comfortable chatting with them.

"Creek? How come we met so early?"

Nami frowned.

"Maybe he is being chased by Hawkeye now, so he has no time to hide."

Lu Xiao said casually

"Hawkeye? The world's greatest swordsman Hawkeye!!"

Zoro, who was dozing on the deck, immediately became alert when he heard the key words.

"Where is Hawkeye... What a huge ship! ?"

Zoro had never seen such a huge pirate ship in the East China Sea!

Even if he wanted to see the pirate flag, he had to look up!

""Brother Lu Xiao, what do you say?"

Nami asked standing aside.

"Of course I chopped it off."

Lu Xiao raised his hand and slashed it a few times.

The golden slash was as easy as cutting a leaf, chopping the entire Creek Pirate Ship into four or five pieces.

"I've always wanted to ask, are you a great swordsman?"

Zoro couldn't help but ask.

This sharp golden light can cut through anything!

Even if he didn't face its power directly, Zoro could feel the extremely sharp edge from it!

But Lu Xiao didn't have a knife in his hand, he just waved his hand every time!

So Zoro was very confused.

"I'm not a great swordsman, you can think of this as my superpower"

‘Ding! Nami changed the fate of the Creek Pirates and earned 1,000 points’


Behind the Creek Pirate Ship

"Hmm? Slash? Great swordsman?"

Hawkeye, who had been following Creek and teasing the pirates, suddenly shrank his pupils, his eyes were full of eagle-like sharpness, and he stood up silently.


After Creek's pirate ship was broken into pieces, most of it floated on the sea, and most of it sank to the bottom of the sea.

When the situation in front of him returned to calm, Hawkeye saw a pirate ship coming from the opposite side.

After a glance, Hawkeye set his sights on Lu Xiao.

In his eyes, among the four people on the opposite side, he was the only one who was most likely to make the slash just now.

As for Zoro holding a knife, although he was a swordsman, his aura was obviously not strong, and he was not at the level of making a flying slash.



The black knife made a slight sound, and with a swish, Hawkeye slashed in the direction of Lu Xiao.

"Ah! Hawkeye!"

Nami nervously grabbed Lu Xiao's arm

"The world's greatest swordsman! I went out to sea just for you!"

Zoro held the sword in both hands. Although he was also nervous, he was more excited!

"Ah! What is this!!"

Usopp looked at the green slash flying over and couldn't help but yell and retreat.

【Tsunade】:"This is Hawkeye. Haha, he actually dares to challenge the group leader!"

【Yue Buqun】:"It’s time for the group leader to show his strength again!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Haha, every time I see the group leader take action, I am extremely surprised!"

"Flying slash, not bad."

Lu Xiao didn't care, raised his right hand, and sent out a golden light to respond.

"Here it comes!!"

Hawkeye looked at the golden light, and his calm mood suddenly became excited!

He hadn't met an opponent who could fight with him for a long time!

Ever since Red Hair broke one of his hands, Hawkeye always felt uncomfortable and had difficulty enjoying sparring with him!

But he didn't expect that this time, in order to kill time, he chased Creek all the way to the East China Sea, and he actually met a master!!

Although the opponent didn't use a knife, the sharpness of this powerful slash was not inferior to his!!


The two slashes met in the air, and the power of the collision pressed a big pit in the sea below!

But it was obvious that this slash made by Lu Xiao was slightly better, and it dispersed Hawkeye's attack.

The sea shook and stirred up waves.

Hawkeye stood on his bamboo raft, his eyes became more fiery.

"Is it not powerful enough? Then come again!!"

Just now it was just a tentative attack, it was normal to be broken!

Now, 70% of the force!


A green slash several times stronger than before was sent out from the black knife again, flying towards Lu Xiao.

"Not bad."

Lu Xiao smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Nami:"Ahh! Brother Lu Xiao, please help!"

Zoro:"Damn it, I can't move my body!!"



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