"Pirate ship?"

"Are there really pirates coming?!"


A long-nosed man was hiding under a tree near the coast. He looked at the pirate ship coming from afar. His heart tightened. He quickly put down his homemade telescope and ran back to the village!

"The pirates are coming!"

"Everybody run!!"

"The pirates are coming!!"

Usopp ran and kept shouting

"This guy is cheating again."

"Humph! Does he think we will be fooled by him every time?"

"Disgusting guy, ignore him"


The villagers saw Usopp playing the pirate game again and ignored him.

They were already immune to Usopp's tricks.

Whoever believed him was a fool!

"No! I didn't lie to you! There really are pirates coming!"

"Believe me!"

Usopp was so anxious that he almost cried when he saw the villagers ignoring him!

He really saw the pirate ship!!

"Kaya! Oh, right, tell Kaya to leave!!"

Usopp suddenly remembered the girl he loved, and ran to Kaya's villa on the mountain.

"Who are you calling a pirate?

Suddenly, a hand stopped Usopp who was about to leave.


Usopp was shocked, his pupils contracted, and he looked back in slow motion.

He saw a strange man behind him smiling at him.

"You... Pirate……"

This strange face was undoubtedly from the pirate ship!!

They have already landed on the island! ?

Usopp was trembling with fear, and opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out.

Several people who passed by Usopp looked at Lu Xiao in confusion and shook their heads.

"This guy is a liar, don't be fooled, boy."

‘I'm not a liar! He's a pirate!! '

Usopp shouted in his heart

"Let's go find Kaya."

"No! You can't go to him!"

When Usopp heard Kaya's name, he suddenly got the courage and burst out, trying to break free from Lu Xiao's hand.

"You have no right to refuse."

To be honest, if it wasn't for the points to change the plot, Lu Xiao wanted to skip Usopp directly.

Lu Xiao took Usopp and teleported to Kaya's villa garden.

"Hmm? Usopp, you're here again, who is he?"

Kaya's butler, Krabatel, also known as Clo, saw the two people in the garden and came out.

"Where's Keya? Call her out."

Lu Xiao said

"No! Take Kaya away! He's a pirate!!"

Usopp shouted. Even though he hated this butler, he didn't care about that for Kaya's safety.


Kro adjusted his glasses and looked at Lu Xiao with a dangerous look.

There are actually pirates coming to this remote island?

This is not good. Won't they disrupt his plan?

"Usopp? Krabatel, what are you doing here?"

Kaya heard the noise and came out in confusion.

"Kaya! Let's go! The pirates are coming!"

"Usopp, you are lying again"

"I don't……"

Usopp is very sad, why is no one willing to believe him! ?

"Krabatel, or rather, Clow."

Lu Xiao ignored Usopp and Kaya, and spoke directly to Clow.

"I don't know what you are talking about, pirate, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible."

Kro's expression was calm.

"When I came here just now, I encountered the Catman Pirates and took care of them. So, Kuro, your plan is going to fail."


Kro's face changed.

"Who are you?!"

Clo's forehead was bulging with veins, his voice was low, and even his face darkened.

""They... what are they talking about?"

Usopp and Kaya stood aside, both confused and totally confused!

Isn't this strange man a pirate? Does he know Butler Crabbert!?

"Krabatel, whose real name is Crow, is the captain of the Catman Pirates. He was tired of the pirate life, so he faked his death a few years ago and came to this island."

"In order to obtain the wealth of Kaya's family, he disguised himself as a housekeeper to gain the trust of Kaya's family and the villagers."

"I'm right, right, Kuro."

Lu Xiao explained briefly.

Usopp and Kaya stared at Kuro when they heard it.

"Krabatel, is everything he said true?"

Ke Ya still didn't want to believe it.

"Hahaha! What a pity!"

Kro was silent for a while, then suddenly burst into laughter.


"What a pity! If you hadn't shown up, my plan would have come true in no time.

"But it's fine this way. Since you are a pirate, I just need to kill Kaya and this liar, then kill you and put the blame on you. Then I can inherit Kaya's family's wealth."

"You are a liar!!"Usopp shouted angrily

"Krabatel!" Ke Ya cried out in disappointment.

"I'm sorry, Miss Kaya!"

Klo's eyes turned fierce, and his body disappeared instantly!

He didn't have time to go back to his room to get his cat's claws, so he had to do it first!

"Kaya!"Usopp yelled.



However, before Usopp could react, a man suddenly appeared in front of Kaya.

At the same time, his right hand grabbed Kuro's neck.

"too slow"


The Kro people are all scared to death!

Why is this man so strong?!

Who is he?!

"Because I'm in a hurry, I won't waste time talking to you."

Lu Xiao used his right hand to crush Clo's neck.



"Usopp, are you going out to sea?"


"Yes, your father is very famous on the sea, don’t you want to go find him?"

"You have seen my father!!"

Usopp immediately became excited

"That's right, come with me, I'll explain it to you on the boat"

"Eh? But... Miss Kaya!"

Lu Xiao didn't wait for him to say anything and directly grabbed Usopp and returned to the ship.

"Your way of finding crew members... is really unique."

Zoro complained helplessly

"Miss Kaya!!"

Usopp was still shouting

"I'll explain it to you."

‘Ding! Nami changed Usopp's fate and earned 10,000 points’

‘Ding! Nami changed Luffy's fate and got 10,000 points’

‘Ding! Nami changed the fate of Kuro and got 1,000 points’

‘Ding! Nami changed Merry's fate and got 100 points.

On the island, Kaya stayed where she was, looking at the body of Cloro on the ground, and it took her a while to react.




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