【Zhang Sanfeng】:"I guess it should be at least three million. If it is less than that, I feel it is very abnormal.".

【Solanum nigrum】:"Come on, Zhao Linger, you better come out now. We all want to see how many points you have. This way, the rest of us can rest assured."

【Starlight】:"Yes, in fact, the reason why everyone is so anxious is because they want to wait until your points are released. We all know the average points we will get, so we won’t be nervous at all."

【Zhao Linger】:"Actually, I just got a total of 2.1 million points... Compared with the sisters, it is already very little. To be honest, I feel a little embarrassed. I didn't expect the points to be so few."

At this time, Zhao Linger felt a little embarrassed in her heart.

After all, if the points were a little more, then he might be able to save some face, but���With too few points, he felt that he had lost face.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable, but now it seems that there has been a huge difference. He did not expect that the situation would turn out like this.

As long as they can completely grasp the situation in front of them in a short time, it will be enough for them.

But now this score makes him feel that there is no way

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Now that you have so many points, spend them quickly. After all, your current identity still poses some dangers in this country. The most important thing now is to have your own means of survival."

【Starlight】:"I feel the same way. It's useless to think about other things now, but if you can have some confidentiality measures, then others will not be able to find you deliberately."

【Diana】:"Hurry, hurry, since the points have already been reached, what else is there to do? Hesitantly opened a supreme jar directly. Now I won’t say anything else, but the supreme jar must not be missing."

【Bu Jingyun】:"The Supreme Jar should be the minimum requirement. After all, if you have two Supreme Jars and don't open them, to be honest, I think it's a bit unreasonable. The Supreme Jar is still very necessary in most of the time."

【Seven nights】:"I think so too. This supreme jar is very important to him personally. If it is not opened, it means that a very important means of confidentiality is missing. Now that it has been opened, there must be something good."

【Tsunade】:"Okay, okay, what everyone has said this time is actually very clear, we just want you to open the brake can and see what good things you will get out of the can this time."

He now really wants to see what others have opened. If he can get something good, he will also feel very excited in his heart.

Just watching makes him feel very satisfied. It's like when others draw a lottery. No matter what the prize is, at least seeing others get something good will actually make him feel excited.

So now he wants to take a good look at what kind of treasures the other party will open next.

【Diana】:"Come on, come on, the brothers and sisters in the group are all cheering you on, and I believe you can definitely shoot something good."

【Huang Rong】:"This sentence is so true. I feel that anyone who is not a fool knows that good things will definitely come out this time, but most of the time it depends on luck."

【Solanum nigrum】:"Now you have all had your luck added to your life, and I believe that you will definitely have good luck in the next period of time. With good luck, there is nothing that cannot be solved."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Now it seems to be true, but I don't know how long this level can last. If it lasts for a short time, it's fine, but if it lasts for a long time, then there will be no point in continuing."

【Zhao Linger】:""Goddess of Luck, I'm going to start opening the jar."

After saying this, he immediately used his points to exchange for a Supreme Jar.

Then he opened the jar silently without hesitation.

【Congratulations to Zhao Linger for obtaining a copy of Nuwa's cultivation technique....... 】

【Starlight】:"Come on, tell me what good stuff you got this time. Unfortunately, it is now almost all private, without live broadcast. If it is opened together for everyone to see, then many people will definitely be excited together."

【Diana】:"Indeed, I think everyone should agree on this point, but I don't know how long this level can be maintained. If it can be maintained for a long time, then there should be no problem. If it is maintained for too short a time, then it will be a fatal flaw."

【Zhao Linger】:"Actually, it's nothing. I just got a Nuwa's cultivation method. There is no way to increase my strength directly and quickly. Instead, it requires a long period of accumulation."

Everyone present was shocked instantly.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"To be honest, I feel that everyone’s stuff in the group combined is not as good as yours, because you must not forget that you are the descendant of Nuwa."

"The descendants of Nuwa have developed a method of cultivation for Nuwa. What do you think will happen if you practice this method, even if you practice it to the end? Are you sure it won't destroy the world?"

"I don't know how to describe my current mood. I can only say that countless people should be envious of you, and everyone should feel that your luck is really great."

Lu Xiao smiled bitterly. After all, if he could open this thing, he felt that he would be so excited that he couldn't sleep for a whole day.

This thing is really great, and countless people may not be able to see it no matter how much luck they use.

Even if other people open it, it may not be useful, because the most important thing about this thing is that it must belong to the descendants of Nuwa.

If it is not the descendants of Nuwa, even if it is opened, it actually has no great effect, and it is impossible for any effect to appear.

It can only be said that this method is very suitable for Zhao Linger. Zhao Linger is also very capable and very lucky. This is simply luck, plus the degree of fit, perfect unity.: Ẩm Nguyệt Quân

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