"Why are you looking for me all of a sudden? Is there something wrong?"

"After all, you seem to be very quiet at ordinary times, and you don't do anything. Why are you behaving so strangely this time?"

Zhao Linger couldn't help but pouting at this time.

A bitter smile appeared on her face.

"Haven't you always wanted to see your daughter directly? I just want to help you this time."

Jiu Jianxian was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but look directly at Zhao Linger.

Zhao Linger looked at Lu Xiao, and Lu Xiao looked at Saint Aunt

"Saint, do you have any ideas for the future? This situation is not good at all."

"If you have any solution, we can solve it directly this time. If you don't have any solution, then I'm afraid everything will become very difficult.~"

"You have also seen that the Drunken Swordsman has been working very hard, and you have also seen how pitiful he looks. I don't have the heart to hide it from him.".

"I have been hiding it from him for a long time. I feel that it is time to tell him now. I should stop hiding it from him."

After hearing this, the Saint Lady nodded with a wry smile on her face, and then agreed. After all, this sentence itself was right.

"Okay, I really didn't want to say it at first, but since you guys have already said it to this point, I can't keep it secret any longer."

"That's right, Jiu Jianxian, Anu is actually your daughter.

Jiu Jianxian widened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

"Impossible... I clearly don't have a daughter, how come one suddenly appears now? And if you say it's a daughter, should I believe it? This one needs at least some evidence."

After all, if there is no evidence now, he really can't believe it, and a daughter suddenly appeared, how can he believe it.

At this moment, the Saint Aunt couldn't help but shook her head helplessly.

"I have thought about this before, and you will definitely not believe it, so I have thought about this issue specifically. Now it seems normal."

"Actually, it is a very serious matter that you do not believe me, but I have no need to deceive you at all."

"Don’t you find yourself wanting to cry every time you see Anu? The reason you want to cry is because you see your daughter, so you shed some tears."

At this time, Jiu Jianxian's face instantly revealed a strong shock.

At the same time, he actually felt it the first time, because he would inexplicably shed tears when he first saw the other party, and he would inexplicably want to get close to the other party.

At that time, he even used magic to protect the other party, because this matter would be very normal.

All of this is very serious, and now looking at this kind of thing in front of him, it seems that it has become much more normal invisibly.

"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to find him this time."

"Now that I have found my daughter, I can finally get rid of the regrets of my life."

Zhao Linger's eyes lit up, and finally her face was full of happiness. At least from the current situation, there should be no contradictions.

As long as this matter can be handled perfectly as soon as possible, other things are actually quite reasonable.

There is no need to worry too much about this matter. This is much more normal.

"I thought about this specifically before, and it was almost normal, but now it seems too reasonable."

"Brother Lu Xiao, do you have anything to say next?"

Lu Xiao nodded, and his face instantly turned very serious as he looked at Zui Jianxian.

"Drunken Swordsman, I don't know what you are thinking, but I want to remind you"

"Don't offend some people intentionally, and be careful of your daughter, she may be controlled by others, and after others control your daughter, they will assassinate you!"

After saying this, he seemed to react to something and smiled nonchalantly.

After all, in his opinion, this is not realistic at all.

· ······Request flowers···· ·········

And I also know that the success rate of this matter seems to have never been very high.

Now it seems that everything is very normal, and there are almost no wrong options.

After all, the reason why the Drunken Swordsman was killed was only because the leader was still there.

But now it is different. I have already killed the leader, and the Baibai Cult no longer exists.

Naturally, there is no danger, so after thinking of this, he smiled very mysteriously, walked to the outside and disappeared directly.

【Bu Jingyun】:"I seemed to sense a very familiar breath. If I am not mistaken, it should be the group owner who has returned."


【Diana】:"It doesn't matter whether the group leader comes back or not. Regarding this point, I am actually more curious about what kind of points Zhao Linger has now."

【Di Yun】:"I am also very curious about this, but I feel that no matter what it is, it should not be like this, because this thing comes slowly, and the points themselves will not transfer that fast."

【Seven nights】:"The most important reason why you can get more than 300 points is that your planet has been destroyed. Now the planet is very safe. I feel that there is no need to get more than 3 million points. Otherwise, you will not be able to survive. This is unrealistic."

【Nami】:"More than three million points does seem a bit unrealistic. After all, if there are really that many points under normal circumstances, how can others survive?"

【Tsunade】:"In fact, everyone should think this way. Now this situation should be considered normal, and there is no big problem."

【Yue Buqun】:"Indeed, every time I think of such a thing, the most important thing is to keep a good attitude. As long as you keep a good attitude, then there is nothing that cannot be accomplished."

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"

Zhao Linger , since everyone has been very curious about this, you can just tell everyone how many points you have earned in total, so that everyone can understand how many points you have now.: Ẩm Nguyệt Quân

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