The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 771: Problems that cannot be solved without a strong kiss

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Except for a few of them, nobody knows what happened in the lounge.

Others just saw them go angrily, then. He came back smilingly.

I really don’t know what they did.

After the four people returned, Yin Yinuo and Mi Xiaoying's faces were red.

Gu Miao and Yin Yuzhan. Well, it's treacherous to laugh.

Mi Xiaoying coughed softly and said, "I'm going to continue my inspection."

Yin Yinuo quickly took Mi Xiaoying's hand: "I'll go with you!"

"Ah, good!" Mi Xiaoying took Yin Yinuo's hand, bowed her head and hurried away.

Gu Miao and Yin Yuzhan stood at the same place, looked at their backs in distress, and smiled.

"Is this replaying your heart?" Yin Yuyan looked at Gu Miao with a smile and said: "I said this method is the most effective!"

"Not bad." Gu Miao smiled deeply and pretended not to be squeezed, and directly smiled into a flower: "Mom called and said that I would eat together in the suburbs at night. You said, should I? Mention it, and quickly give me the relationship between Xiao Nuo and you?"

Yin Yuyan smiled and said, "Xiao Nuo is only sixteen! Are you anxious again?"

Gu Miao's red eyes flashed a little helpless: "If you don't marry one day, don't worry at all."

Yin Yuyan nodded: "That's true. You reminded me. It seems that I have to find a way to convince Sakura to get engaged to me as soon as possible. Once I get engaged and open up the relationship, I'm not afraid of changes."

The two top-ranking young masters smiled at each other.

Mi Xiaoying walked like Yin Yinuo in a hurry until they broke away from the crowd, and the two talents were relieved at the same time.

Mi Xiaoying and Yin Yinuo simultaneously asked each other, "What were you doing just now?"

Then the two men flushed their cheeks at the same time, and said nothing.

Yes, no need to ask this time, I also know what happened to i just now.

The expressions of the two were slightly unnatural, Mi Xiaoying said: "We seem to have gone away. Let's go back."

"Good." Yin Yinuo replied blushing.

The two turned around again and walked back slowly.

In a few steps, Wu Xinlan was standing on the side of the road, soliciting past students to visit the campus festival of her class.

Seeing Yin Yinuo and Mi Xiaoying, Wu Xinlan smiled at them.

Wu Xinlan handed over what was in his hand and walked towards them.

"You are finally here." Wu Xinlan said with a smile: "Would you like to come in and visit the campus festival of our class?"

"Okay." Yin Yinuo answered with a smile.

Mi Xiaoying also nodded to Wu Xinlan with a smile: "You seem to be doing very well."

Wu Xinlan glanced back and said with a smile: "Well. This is my dream. After graduating in the future, I want to open a coffee shop of my own. Then do what I like to do."

"Go, try your coffee." Mi Xiaoying took Yin Yinuo and walked over.

Wu Xinlan looked up at Mi Xiaoying, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Many people are already drinking coffee in the tent.

Although their coffee beans are not the most expensive, their attitude is the most serious.

Wu Xinlan took them to a table in the corner and hand-cooked them for them.

"Student Wu, I've seen the results of all your subjects. Your grades are really good. Do you want to come to Sandia Noble College to study?" Mi Xiaoying asked.

"I didn't think about it, it was deceiving." Wu Xinlan replied: "But, I also have to consider some practical issues. Although the San Diego Aristocratic University can waive tuition fees, it is not necessarily free of other fees."

Mi Xiaoying nodded: "Yes."

"My family situation is not allowed." Wu Xinlan paused and continued to work, said: "Maybe you are not clear about my life situation. I was born in a single parent family, and my father died at a very young age. Yes My mother pulled me up alone. I study hard to win glory for my mother. The reason why I went to Lin Senior High School is because I waived all my expenses there. This is already very big for us Has been given preferential treatment."

Mi Xiaoying nodded: "Yes, with your grades, you can go to a better school."

"Yeah. But a better school needs more tuition and miscellaneous fees. My mother couldn't afford the money, so I chose Youlin. I spent three years with Lin and saved the tuition for the first two years of college. I can earn the rest by working." Wu Xinlan said: "I said, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Mi Xiaoying shook her head: "Why? I'm like you. I'm a half-parent family, and I grew up with my mother. It's just that I might be more fortunate. The Yin family has always been kind to me."

"Yeah, you are quite lucky." Wu Xinlan nodded and said, "But I am different from you! I don't have this luck, so I can only create with my hands."

Yin Yinuo leaned his chin on the table, but what he thought was Gu Miao talking to himself in the room.

Does Wu Xinlan really have that kind of feeling for himself?

But now it looks like it doesn't!

What's going on?

At this time, Wu Xinlan said to Mi Xiaoying: "Mi Tezhu, thank you for your reminder and wake-up call. You are very smart and capable. No wonder the Yin family will treat you so seriously. I already want to understand, I will not go again Feel free to fantasize about things that are not yours."

Mi Xiaoying smiled and replied: "That's good. Actually, I still love it. That's good. I'll discuss with the chairman to see if I can apply for a special scholarship. If you can, I'm still very welcome. I came to Sandia Aristocratic University for further study. This time, the selection of talents is basically for the reserve forces prepared by Master Yu Yan, Master Gu Miao and my lady. According to the habits of the Yin family, the career will gradually be in the next few years. Transferred to several young masters. Therefore, it is urgent to cultivate a group of young and strong forces, and they are also the heirs of the left arm and right arm.

"I understand." Wu Xinlan said with a smile: "Thank you for your kindness. I will work hard."

Wu Xinlan pushed the coffee cup forward: "Please **** craft."

Mi Xiaoying and Yin Yinuo held up the coffee cups at the same time and gently sipped.

The three girls smiled at each other.

All friendships are here.

When leaving the tent, Yin Yinuo couldn't help but ask Mi Xiaoying: "Sakura, did you say that Wu Xinlan had the kind of thought I used to have?"

Mi Xiaoying looked up at the sky and sighed slightly, "Yeah. But, I have already talked to her. She has given up the impossible idea."

Yin Yinuo looked at Mi Xiaoying in surprise: "It turned out to be true.

Mi Xiaoying turned to look at Yin Yinuo: "Are you surprised?"

"Well." Yin Yinuo nodded.

"That's because my young lady is really good enough!" Mi Xiaoying stretched out Yin Yinuo's hand and shook it gently, said, "Xiao Nuo, I have promised your brother's courtship. In the future, I will Stay with you as your prospective sister-in-law and chief special assistant."

"Really? That's great!" Yin Yinuo was almost happy and broke, and hugged Mi Xiaoying all at once: "I knew that you wouldn't be willing to leave me! Great, great! Xiaoying, We are a family! We are finally a real family! Are we going to stay apart for a lifetime?"

Mi Xiaoying hugged Yin Yinuo's waist and replied with a smile: "Okay. We will not separate in our life."

Gu Xi in the office of the chairman, listening to the reports of his subordinates, could not help laughing.

Gu Xixi turned to look at Yin Sichen, who was doing business for himself, and said, "It's really as you expected, these four children can be regarded as unraveling the contradictions."

After finishing the last word, Yin Sichen threw the pen in his hand to the pen holder, stood up, stretched his waist, came over and hugged Gu Xixi, and said, "I've said it already! Yu Yan The two guys who were Gu Miao couldn't breathe. This time the campus festival is their chance. It's weird that they will let it go! I think, our family, good things are coming soon! We have to do a lot of things And marry a daughter-in-law, a daughter-in-law, and a son-in-law. Gee, it seems that the Yin family hasn’t been so lively for a long time."

Gu Xixi leaned on Yin Sichen's chest and grinded with Yin Sichen's ears: "Si Chen, I really didn't expect that we have been together for so many years."

"Yeah." Yin Sichen hugged Gu Xixi's waist tightly: "But I don't think it's enough. I want to spend my next life with you."

"Si Chen, you said, will Yun Zixiao be happy when she sees us now?" Gu Xixi couldn't help asking.

"Yes." Yin Sichen once again hugged Gu Xi tightly: "You are her, she is you!"

"When I think of the picture where Yun Zixiao is separated from Qi Jun, my heart hurts so much." Gu Xixi said: "Actually, she is her. I am me. We have completely different ideas. Or, My sister and I are just a part of her. Her reincarnation of acacia has made you and me. But her body, or hers?

"So what do you want to say?" Yin Sichen bit Gu Xixi's ear.

"If God has eyes and gives her another life, how nice it is!" Gu Xixi folded his hands together and silently prayed: "God, please be kind! Please give Yun Zixiao a chance to do it again! Please Give her a life that truly belongs to her! Let her never have to sacrifice her life for her homeland and for her father and family!"

Yin Sichen moved for a while: "silly boy. You are so religious, God will hear your prayers!"

Gu Xixi looked up at the sky and said silently in his heart: "God, since you gave me a chance to be happy, then please give her a chance! Let her live again with a complete self once!"

In the sky, a buddha statue appeared, watching Gu Xi praying in front of the window, and nodded with a smile.

Perfect and pure.

Heaven and Earth Renhe.

For your devotion, give Yun Zixiao a chance!

ps: I will draw the next full stop here. The end of the modern chapter is all over. The website officially ended a year-long serialization. The following is an exclusive version of Yun Zixiao, which is an ancient saying. Yun Zixiao is specially broadcast for fans who like her partly. Therefore, it is only published for free in the official author group. Friends who like Yun Zixiao will move to the official group: 341320498, and will freely broadcast Fanwai as a special benefit from time to time.

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