The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 770: Both are jealous

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yin Yinuo subconsciously wanted a shoulder fall.

But she moves fast, and some people move faster than her.

Between offense and defense, Yin Yinuo has been firmly controlled by the opponent.

Yin Yinuo knows who the other person is even if he doesn't look back.

Apart from her brother Gu Miao, no one can beat her at this school!

Gu Miao's voice was a bit cold: "Come with me."

"Don't!" Yin Yinuo stood dead still.

Gu Miao was also afraid to hurt Yin Yinuo, so both of them froze.

The handicraft boy was immediately frightened by the momentum of the two of them.

God, he just made a handiwork, why should he face such a terrible man!

Yin Yinuo backhanded to push Gu Miao, Gu Miao raised his elbow to stop, the two came and went, and they fought directly in the tent. ,

The students in this class yelled: "Don't tear down our tent!"

Gu Miao listened to Yin Yinuo and went out at the same time.

Good fellow, the two went out while playing, and a lot of people gathered in an instant.

In fact, Gu Miao only used three points of force. Where did he really want to do something with Yin Yinuo?

It's just that Yin Yinuo was really angry, and with all his efforts, Gu Miao could only make a three-point effort to resist.

What the two probably didn't expect was that the anger of the young couple turned into a very attractive and beautiful fighting show!

As a result, more and more people are watching around.

Everyone applauds the exciting places!

Mi Xiaoying visited here and saw how everyone was in a circle and couldn't help coming over to take a look.

This does not matter, Mi Xiaoying almost got a stomachache!

Can these two be better?

Today, it was the first day of the campus festival.

How to spend the next few days!

Mi Xiaoying wanted to pull up two people, but she didn't have this skill!

Thinking about it, Mi Xiaoying turned and pulled Yin Yuzhan over.

Yin Yuyan came over and looked at it, and immediately smiled: "Oh, it's all fighting!"

Mi Xiaoying immediately complained: "I blame you, what a bad idea! You hurry them to stop!"

"No, no, just let them vent." Yin Yuzhan shook his head and said: "Both people have anger in their hearts, and it's even worse not to let it out. It's better to fight a fight and get out of the air so that you can sit calmly. Come down and talk."

Sure enough, after Yin Yinuo was tired, Gu Miao easily grabbed her wrist and said, "Xiao Nuo, let's talk!"

"Nothing to talk about!" Yin Yinuo wanted to resist, but she was really weak, and she had been fighting for more than half an hour!

"I have something to talk to you!" Gu Miao's attitude also became tougher.

At first glance, Mi Xiaoying was about to rush up, and her wrist was suddenly pulled by Yin Yuzhan: "When the young couple quarreled, let's not get involved. Even if you are her sister-in-law."

Mi Xiaoying's cheeks turned red.

sister in law.

She never thought of this word.

Mi Xiaoying lowered her head, looked away, and said, "I am not.

"It's already!" Yin Yuzhan said in an overbearing way: "Should I go to the school radio to announce it?"

"No! No!" Mi Xiaoying yelled eagerly.

In that case, it would be more shameful!

Yin Yuyan looked at her with a smile: "Huh? Don't you want it, or don't you stop?"

Mi Xiaoying couldn't help covering her face, God, how could Master Yu Yan be so dirty!

Gu Miao, regardless of whether Yin Yinuo agreed or disagreed, had already swept away!

The onlookers are still full of expressions! Mom, it's so beautiful!

Unexpectedly, the melee fight was so handsome, just like watching an action movie!

It's so handsome!

Gu Miao took Yin Yinuo to a lounge and directly locked the door of the room without giving Yin Yinuo a chance to escape.

"What do you want?" Yin Yinuo looked up angrily at Gu Miao.

"This sentence should be what I asked you, what do you want? Why? After the hookup, the woman hooked up with the man?" Gu Miao also got angry, and with one hand, moved Yin Yinuo to the root of the wall, with red eyes and endless eyes. anger.

"What nonsense you are!" Yin Yinuo also got angry and raised her hand to push Gu Miao, but after pushing for a long time, Gu Miao didn't move.

"I'm talking nonsense? Didn't Wu Xinlan engage you too little? Why? I don't think a Wu Xinlan is enough. Today I'm going to hook up a little warm man?" Gu Miao's remarks were arrogant.

"What is hooking?" Yin Yinuo was even more angry and roared out: "You made it clear today!"

"Okay, I also want to make it clear! Yin Yinuo! Is there me in your heart? Do you know who your fiance is? Do you keep my face and go hook up with others?" Gu Miao There was also a quarrel.

"Hey, Gu Miao! Make it clear to you! What makes me stand by your face and hook up with others? Who am I hooking up with me? You get out!" Yin Yinuo lifted his foot and kicked. Unexpectedly, he was kicked. Gu Miao grabbed it and Yin Yinuo could only stand on one leg.

Fortunately, her physical fitness is good, and the average person can't stand for long.

"Do you know what Wu Xinlan has thought about you?" Gu Miao shouted with great rage: "Why don't you listen to what I said?"

"Ha! Do you still say me?" Yin Yinuo also roared with exhaustion: "What about you? Are you still embracing other girls today? Why? Only Xuzhou officials set fire to prevent people from lighting?"

"Ha! Really interesting! This sentence should be what I said, right?" Gu Miao was also really anxious: "It is clear that you are the state official who set fire, so that I am not allowed to light up the people?"

The two of them in the room were arguing with Zheng Huan, Mi Xiaoying and Yin Yuzhan eavesdropping outside the door.

"You said, can they continue to do so?" Mi Xiaoying looked worried: "Before, they haven't had such a fight!"

"Where are the young couples who don't quarrel or squabble? Now they are all young and full of character, and everything needs to be blended in. It's normal." Yin Yuzhan replied indifferently: "Besides, Gu Miao is a decent person. There are a lot of quarrels between parents. Look at how affectionate you are now? So, rest assured, it’s okay. They all have each other in their hearts, and they are noisy!"

"That's what I said, I'm still worried." Mi Xiaoying couldn't help saying.

Yin Yuyan made a silent gesture: "We continue to eavesdrop."

Mi Xiaoying nodded and lay on the door with Yin Yuzhan, eavesdropping on the movement inside.

However, there seemed to be no movement in the door.

Across the door, Gu Miao and Yin Yinuo had quarreled with each other and neither of them wanted to take care of anyone.

"You really don't care about me at all." Yin Yinuo said coldly: "If you care about me, you will never treat me like this! In this case, I will tell my parents to release our marriage and let you be free. , The sea and the sky let you soar!"

Gu Miao was angrily smiled: "I don't care about you? Um? Do you know that I've been keeping you for more than ten years? Um? Do you know, I don't even think of having any other woman besides you in this life? Half a minute close? Hmm?"

"Since you care about me, why are you so unreasonable?" Yin Yinuo asked back.

"What about you? If you care about me, would you be so indifferent to my mood? You also know that I am close to other girls and you are not happy. What about me? Will you be happy when you are close to others?" Gu Miao Ask back.

Yin Yinuo was speechless for a while, and then said: "I am just close to the girls, they all know that I am Miss Yin Jia!"

"Wu Xinlan? Does she know? Does she look at you like other people? Yin Yinuo, you use your brain to think about it! There is a person in this world who is vague about the concept of gender! "Gu Miao counterattacked instantly: "Why doesn't Sakura agree that you are too close to Wu Xinlan? That's because she can see that Wu Xinlan is not right! Why are you still obsessed!"

"Me. Although Yin Yinuo is the mistress of the young lady, she is not a confused person. After hearing Gu Miao say this, Yin Yinuo remembered that Sakura seemed to disagree.

"Also, you said that I don't care about you? I have told everyone all over the world, my wife will only be Yin Yinuo of the Yin family! I am telling the world as an earl! You dare to say I don’t care about you?” Gu Miao even more aggrieved: “It’s clear that I care about the madness you care about, but you have been ignoring my sincerity!”

"I didn't! It was just a misunderstanding today! That boy accidentally scraped my clothes before repairing me!" Yin Yinuo's voice gradually lowered, and she obviously knew she was a little wrong.

"Really? The patch so close?" Gu Miao gritted his teeth, "Do not ask for his hands!"

"Hello, Gu Miao, are you reasonable?" Yin Yinuo was angry again.

"Sound reason? Huh! I mean it! You tell me!" Gu Miao couldn't help it any more, grabbed Yin Yinuo's chin, bowed his head and kissed him fiercely.

Yin Yinuo was standing on one leg, but he didn't have the strength to push. He could only let Gu Miao kiss so aggressively.

Kissing and kissing, Yin Yinuo was hot all over, and the original rigidity softened instantly.

The two people eavesdropping outside the door did not hear anything for a long time.

Yin Yuzhan thought about it for a moment, and then understood what was happening inside.

Where is Mi Xiaoying worried? "Ah, don't fight again!"

"Well, it's possible to fight, but the way is different." Yin Yuzhan replied.

Mi Xiaoying was even more worried: "Which way was it to fight?"

Yin Yuyan smiled evilly: "Want to know?"

Mi Xiaoying glared at him: "Do you know? Then you say it! I'm going to die!"

"This method is not for talking, but for doing it! Do you want to know? Are you sure you want to know?" Yin Yuyan laughed worse.

"Of course! Hurry up!" Mi Xiaoying was even more anxious.

Yin Yuzhan Xiemei smiled and hugged Mi Xiaoying, lowered her head and smiled: "This is what you requested! Don't complain about me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yin Yuzhan bowed her head and kissed Mi Xiaoying!

Mi Xiaoying was shocked!

Hey, hello, I asked you to tell me how they fight, not to force you to kiss me!

Ah, wait!

I seem. Seems to know something.

Ah, Yin Yuzhan, you are so bad!

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