The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 763: Yin Yu's solution

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mi Xiaoying would like to say that I don’t listen to me, I don’t listen, but she doesn’t dare.

Yin Yuyan smiled and said, "If you have always insisted that you are mediocre, are you questioning my mother's vision? When Xiao Nuo was selected as the personal assistant and chief special assistant, the family provided a lot of candidates. When Mom was pregnant, she started to choose, and later did choose a few, but later it was not useful, but it enabled you. You think my mother’s vision is poor, even choose a chief special assistant for her daughter. They all failed so much?"

Mi Xiaoying's expression stiffened!

"You said that the assistant is difficult to get to the hall of elegance. Then do you think Uncle Xiao and Uncle Xiao a can't get on the table?" Yin Yuzhan asked back.

"No! I don't mean that!" Mi Xiaoying quickly clarified.

"Your position is the same as theirs. You can't wait for the elegant hall, aren't they qualified?" Yin Yuyan continued to ask back.

Mi Xiaoying froze again.

"You ask me the way of being close or sending loneliness for a while, I want to ask you, do you think I will be lonely? As the heir of the Yin consortium, do you think I have time to be lonely?" Yin Yuzhan continued to ask: " Do you think I have the time to deceive a girl? If I have this feeling, how many people can I deceive in these twenty years since I grew up?"

Mi Xiaoying was drowned with sweat from these questions.

But speechless.

In terms of negotiations, Mi Xiaoying was a mess.

"So, Sakura. I'm serious." Yin Yuyan looked at Mi Xiaoying and said, "What do you think will be the obstacles for us to be together? Tell me, I'm a man, I'll settle it. You just need to stand by me It’s enough to love me by my side."

"We. Mi Xiaoying swallowed a sip of water and said, "We will never be blessed by everyone. "

"Everyone? I see, it's just that Chen Yicheng won't bless it?" Yin Yuyan glanced coldly at the two people in the coffee shop, and said sarcastically, "Why? Who do you want to pull when you see this scene?" What about shielding?"

"Although Madam didn't say it clearly, she must disagree in her heart?" Mi Xiaoying struggled and said, she was racking her brains to find a way.

"I need to call my parents now to confirm their attitude?" Yin Yuyan raised his hand: "Kui Sheng, call me."

Kui Sheng immediately handed the phone to Yin Yuzhan.

Yin Yuyan just about to dial, Mi Xiaoying raised her hand and pressed Yin Yuyan's hand: "Don't fight!"

"Then talk about who else?" Yin Yuyan raised his eyebrows and looked at Mi Xiaoying.

"I. My mother." Mi Xiaoying had no one to find, and she could only carry her mother out.

Hearing Mi Xiaoying say this, Yin Yuzhan lowered her hand and said solemnly: "If it's Mi, then I really want to talk to her about this issue. Well, if your concerns are just Leave it to me if Aunt Mi."

Mi Xiaoying still hesitated.

"It seems that what really made you back down is not the reasons you said, but Aunt Mi." Yin Yuyan is so clever that he can see the clues from Mi Xiaoying's face at once: "Well, don't worry , I will deal with this matter."

After finishing this sentence, Yin Yuzhan looked at Mi Xiaoying with a smile: "That one.

Mi Xiaoying took out her phone and silently took a video and sent it to Uncle Chen.

With this video, nothing needs to be explained.

Uncle Chen quickly sent a message: "Sakura, I'm so sorry!"

Mi Xiaoying replied three words: "It doesn't matter!"

After replying to the message, Mi Xiaoying saw that Chen Yicheng in the window answered the phone.

Chen Yicheng's complexion suddenly changed, and he stood up all at once, looked around for a long time, and sat back dejectedly.

Chen Yicheng immediately called Mi Xiaoying's phone. Mi Xiaoying looked at Chen Yicheng's call and knew that she had called her. Mi Xiaoying cut the power button directly.

Chen Yicheng couldn't reach Mi Xiaoying's phone and panicked.

Yin Ni saw Chen Yicheng's face flustered, and immediately asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Where does Chen Yicheng still care about Yin Ni?

If he loses Mi Xiaoying, the future Feihuang Tengda will slip away from his fingers!

Chen Yicheng did not care about Yin Ni, grabbed the bag and turned and ran.

Yin Ni just wanted to catch up, and Kui Sheng stopped her way: "Miss Yin Ni? Can we talk?"

"Who are you?" Yin Ni looked at Kui Sheng vigilantly.

Kui Sheng smiled and took out his business card.

A pure gold business card with only a name and phone number.

Inni is in the entertainment industry, it is impossible not to know what this gold business card means.

When she saw Kui Sheng's words, her brain turned fast, and then she covered her mouth with an unbelievable look.

The chief special assistant of the heir of the Yin consortium.

These words flashed through Yin Ni's mind.

Kui Sheng knew that she already knew her identity and said, "Can we talk about it?"

"Please sit down!" Yin Ni asked Kui Sheng to sit down calmly.

Chen Yicheng's things can be said back, but Kui Sheng can't be seen by ordinary people.

If this opportunity is missed, perhaps there will be no second chance in a lifetime!

Inny mixed with the entertainment industry for so long, he is very aware of this opportunity and it is inexplicable.

Therefore, she very calmly chose to talk with Kui Sheng first, and then chase Chen Yicheng.

Kui Sheng sat across from him and smiled and said, "What is Miss Yini's future plan?"

Yin Ni looked at Kui Sheng with the same look: "What do you think of?"

"Chen Yicheng is still a suitable marriage partner." Kui Sheng took out an envelope and returned it to Yin Ni: "If you like him too. This is a gift from the young master, I hope you will be together for a hundred years."

Yin Ni's pupil shrank suddenly.

Yin Ni is a wise man.

From this sentence of Kui Sheng, Yin Ni reacted at once, and Chen Yicheng had a problem!

But she did not dare to ask questions, she could only look at Kui Sheng for help.

Kui Sheng smiled and said, "Miss Yini is a smart man. Some things need not be known too clearly. My young master, I am very happy to see that it will make you a 100-year good match."

"I see. I know how to do it. But what good will I do?" Innie looked at the envelope on the table and said, "No matter how much money, there will always be time."

"What a smart girl!" Kui Sheng sighed and said: "You take this business card to the film and television city to find Chen Dao, he will give you a chance. Whether you can fly to the sky, it depends on your own creation ."

Yin Ni's eyes shined!

"There is only one condition. That is, no matter what happens, you can't get divorced. Do you understand?" Kui Sheng looked at Yin Ni with a smile.

"I understand." Yin Ni nodded vigorously: "I will not let Chen Yicheng go out and harm others!"

"So, I'll leave first." Kui Sheng completed his task, slightly nodded and left.

Yin Ni quickly stood up and delivered: "Please rest assured that Assistant Kui, I will not let you down!"

Kui Sheng nodded and quickly left the coffee shop.

Kui Sheng returned to the car and nodded at Yin Yuzhan. Yin Yuzhan said: "Okay, after solving the problem, we should go back. There are so many things to do."

Kui Sheng drove back to school again.

Not waiting for Mi Xiaoying to adjust her emotions, she saw Yin Yinuo return angrily.

Mi Xiaoying asked strangely: "Miss, didn't you go to play with Master Gu Miao? Why are you so angry?"

"Say it! It's mad at him!" Yin Yinuo sat on the sofa and said angrily: "I just said a few words to the girl, and Gu Miao turned his face on others! I don’t care about him! How can I be so rude to girls?"

"What the **** happened?" Mi Xiaoying asked in a hurry, sitting next to Yin Yinuo: "Miss, tell me, what happened just now?"

Yin Yinuo immediately complained to Mi Xiaoying: "Just now, Wu Xinlan came to me. Gu Miao was suddenly angry! Really! Wu Xinlan was just a girl, and Gu Miao directly blacked the others!"

Mi Xiaoying stayed for a while: "Impossible! Although Master Gu Miao rarely contacts girls, she is a black face of Wu Xinlan.

Mi Xiaoying couldn't figure it out!

She has told Wu Xinlan that Yin Yinuo is a girl!

Wu Xinlan should have given up his crush.

Why is Master Gu Miao angry?

Mi Xiaoying calmly said: "Where is Master Gu Miao now?"

"I don't know!" Yin Yinuo replied arrogantly: "Go wherever you like! I am very angry!"

Mi Xiaoying shook her head helplessly and dialed Gu Miao's phone.

Gu Miao told Mi Xiaoying his position, and Mi Xiaoying soon arrived.

Gu Miao is playing tennis madly, venting his anger.

Red eyes, cold and gloomy.

Mi Xiaoying didn't rush to disturb him in the past, and waited for Gu Miao to vent, before letting the maid send water and towels.

Gu Miao took a sip of water and strode toward Mi Xiaoying.

"Master Gu Miao." Mi Xiaoying saluted respectfully.

"It's all my own, so don't be so constrained." Gu Miao's red eyes finally warmed a little.

Mi Xiaoying confessed voluntarily: "About Wu Xinlan, I think I have the responsibility to explain to you."

Gu Miao nodded.

"It's like this. The temper of the young lady, you know, is the most pitiful Xiangxiyu. It hasn't changed over the years. When I passed by Lin High School one day, I saw a boy named Wu Xiuhao embarrassing a girl named Wu Xinlan, So the young lady took the shot. This young lady with a beard, Haoyue, played basketball heads-up, and the young lady agreed, and hit the boy hard. So, Wu Xinlan’s young girl had a heart attack and secretly loved the young lady as a boy, giving lunch and giving gifts."

"Until a few days ago, I discovered that her emotions were not right. I told her that the person she secretly loved was actually Miss Yin Jia. She seemed shocked, but she finally accepted the fact." Mi Xiaoying simply summarized The past few days: "So, I want to ask, why are you so angry? After all, Wu Xinlan already knows that Miss is a girl?"

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