The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 762: Domineering young master

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mi Xiaoying posted on the wall crampedly, trying to escape, but there was nowhere to escape.

Seeing Yin Yuzhan's body getting closer and closer, Mi Xiaoying diligently avoided her sight.

"Mi Xiaoying." Yin Yuyan looked at Mi Xiaoying's evasive gaze, with a tick at the corner of her mouth, and a smile that burst into success: "Dare you say that you don't like me?"

"I'm natural. I dare not." Mi Xiaoying bit her lip and said: "Master Yen Yan's face is amazing, ask the girl in the world, which one doesn't like it? I just don't deserve it.

"Did you match up or not?" Yin Yuyan raised his voice a little: "Huh?"

"Me. Mi Xiaoying didn't know what to say.

God, hurry up and save her personally!

If you go on like this, she will be forced to ask her soft feet!

I don’t know if God heard her prayer, the phone rang at this critical fit.

Mi Xiaoying was overjoyed, took out her mobile phone, and didn't even have time to glance at who was calling the phone and then connected the phone: "Hello... Um..."

Mi Xiaoying had no time to say a word, her lips were blocked.

Yin Yuzhan overbearingly embraced Mi Xiaoying's waist and kissed Mi Xiaoying's lips fiercely.

Mi Xiaoying's eyes widened instantly!

She never imagined that Yin Yuzhan would steal a kiss when she called, and it was still a strong kiss!

At this time, Chen Yicheng's voice came from the end of the phone: "Sakura? Sakura? Why didn't you speak? You are finally willing to answer my phone. I'm really happy. We haven't seen you in a few days, you today Are you free at night? I want to invite you to dinner! Also, I booked two tickets from the nearby theater.

Mi Xiaoying's brain was blank, she dared not make any sound, her body was stiff, and she let Yin Yuyan domineeringly kiss.

The end of the phone continued to ring Chen Yicheng's chattering words, but here, the kiss was a mess.

Yin Yuzhan grabbed the phone in Mi Xiaoying's hand without looking at it, just press the power button to shut down!

A leapfrog clown who also wants to pursue his woman?

Really looking for death!

Mi Xiaoying was about to protest, and Yin Yuzhan grabbed her waist with fingers and pressed Mi Xiaoying to his chest.

Mi Xiaoying snuggled into Yin Yuyan's arms, unable to move, and could only silently bear the strong kiss of the domineering side leakage.

I don't know how long in the past, when Yin Yuyan loosened Mi Xiaoying, Mi Xiaoying's face was flushed.

"Are you still separated from me?" Yin Yuzhan's corner of her mouth bent: "Do you think the man who called you is really better than me?"

"Yuyan Master. Mi Xiaoying just opened her mouth. Yin Yuyan raised her finger and pressed it against Mi Xiaoying's lips.

Yin Yuzhan touched the lips that had just been kissed, and there was a stir in his heart.

The eyes couldn't help but darkened a little, and said, "I said, don't call me like this!"

"That's my duty." Mi Xiaoying forcibly opened the distance between the two: "I don't deserve it."

"Did you say this because of Chen Yicheng?" Yin Yuyan's face relaxed: "So, do you want to see, how many tests can this man you fancy withstand?"

"What are you going to do?" Mi Xiaoying subconsciously looked up at him in horror.

"Just a simple experiment." Yin Yuyan took Mi Xiaoying's hand and strode toward the outside.

Kui Sheng stood outside the door, guarding there respectfully.

"Going there?" Mi Xiaoying couldn't help asking.

"Naturally is a place suitable for watching dramas." Yin Yuzhan pulled the door and hugged Mi Xiaoying directly.

hold. Too. Into. . . . . . go with. . . . . .

Mi Xiaoying looked at the difference in height between her and Yin Yuzhan and felt depressed for a while.

This force value is not directly in a dimension!

"Kui Sheng, drive." Yin Yuzhan ordered directly.

"Yes, Master." Kui Sheng smiled, closed the car door, jumped into the driver's seat, and left the Sandia Noble Academy directly at the throttle.

Mi Xiaoying wanted to keep a distance from Yin Yuzhan, but before she had time to act, her waist was tight, and she was pulled back into Yin Yuzhan's arms again.

How high is Yin Yu enthalpy!

More than one meter and nine meters tall, tall and tall.

Mi Xiaoying is only 1.6 meters!

In Yin Yuzhan's arms, that is simply. No fighting power!

"Want to come again?" Yin Yuyan looked at Mi Xiaoying with a smirk.

Mi Xiaoying's cheeks turned red.

Kui Sheng is still driving in front!

He will hear it!

She is the same as the chief assistant of Kui Sheng, why the gap is so big!

She just wanted to be a chief special assistant, and she didn't want to climb the dragon and the Phoenix!

However, it seems to be out of her control now.

Just when Mi Xiaoying was thinking about something, Kui Sheng lightly pressed the brake and said without looking back, "Young Master, it's here."

Mi Xiaoying looked blankly out.

At this point, Mi Xiaoying was stunned.

I saw Chen Yicheng sitting in a cafe with a woman about 25 to 66 years old, with a very intimate posture.

Yin Yuzhan lowered the window and let Mi Xiaoying see clearly.

Chen Yicheng in the window stretched out his hand and held the other person's waist, holding as much as he could.

This is clearly what love talents will do!

Mi Xiaoying suddenly turned around and looked at Yin Yuzhan.

Yin Yuzhan turned and handed a document in his seat to Mi Xiaoying, saying: "Chen Yicheng had known this woman when she was studying in India. They have always been living together in India. This woman is called Yini. , 27 years old this year, four years older than Chen Yicheng. The current occupation is a model, of course, the non-influential kind, the monthly income is about 10,000 to 20,000. This income is in their industry, Really not high."

Mi Xiaoying looked at Yin Yuzhan in shock.

He just returned home, how did he know so many things?

It's terrible!

"The relationship between Yin Ni and Chen Yicheng has been kept secret. However, Yin Ni seems to have a plan to get married recently. After all, the 27-year-old model, and not yet a well-known model, has gone almost her way. Her next choices are only two: one is to marry and the other is to change careers. If she gets married, she doesn’t seem to want to marry an old and ugly local tyrant, so if she wants to get married, she will only consider Chen Yicheng. If she changes her career , So there is almost no career suitable for her. Because in these years, she didn’t save a penny, and besides taking pictures and walking the show, she has no other expertise."

Yin Yuyan explained while Mi Xiaoying looked at the information in her hand.

The information in hand is more detailed than what Yin Yuzhan said.

The materials of Yin Ni's life, no matter how small, all have been investigated.

Even some of her privacy has been investigated clearly, such as when was the first night, where was the first month's salary spent, etc.

Mi Xiaoying quickly browsed through the information, and when she looked up again, Chen Yicheng and Yin Ni had already kissed each other. The kiss was indistinguishable.

"So, are you really sure you want to be with such a man?" Yin Yuyan looked at Mi Xiaoying calmly: "Or, do you intend to continue to use him as an excuse to block me?"

Mi Xiaoying glanced at Yin Yuyan silently.

This man is terrible!

It's just as terrible as Mr.!

He didn't say anything yet, he had already found himself a good escape route, and he was all blocked.

He hasn't used Chen Yicheng as a shield yet, so he completely discarded this card in the future!

This can be done!

"So, what else do you have to say?" Yin Yuzhan looked at Mi Xiaoying oppressively.

Mi Xiaoying opened her mouth and couldn't really say a word!

What more can you say!

No need to say anything!

"So, what are you afraid of?" Yin Yuzha sighed and raised her hand to touch Mi Xiaoying's face: "Do you doubt my sincerity? Or doubt my feelings?"

Mi Xiaoying lowered her eyes, just about to speak, and Yin Yuyan immediately said, "Don't say such a thing is not enough. Do you think that my heir to the Yin consortium needs political marriage? My dad doesn't need it. , How can I need it? It is up to you to decide whether you are worthy of this kind of thing. Love is worth it. Not love is not worth it! Then, Sakura, answer me, do you love me?"

Mi Xiaoying looked up at Yin Yuzhan, avoiding inevitable and escaping.

"Sakura, don't think about any results or consequences. Those things are left to me. You just have to touch your heart and answer me. Do you love me?" Yin Yuyan looked at Mi Xiaoying with a fixed face. Seriously: "Yin family men will not make fun of their feelings. It's a matter of a lifetime to say love. I'm willing to say these three words to you all your life. So, what is your answer?"

Perhaps Yin Yuyan's words were too serious.

Perhaps Yin Yuyan's expression at this time was too serious.

Mi Xiaoying's eyes were in a trance.

She wanted to say no, but she couldn't say it.

If you can't say it, how is it possible?

If she was not tempted, how could she acquiesce him to do such a thing to herself?

But love can't be done.

Mother's warning was still in my ears.

Mi Xiaoying can only helplessly look at Yin Yuzhan: "Don't ask me.

"Well, you ask me! Do you have any doubts, just ask!" Yin Yuyan said seriously, "I can't answer if you want to ask me how long it will be for the first time. Once, I want you to feel it!"

Mi Xiaoying didn't understand it at first. When Yu Guang of her eyes saw that Kui Sheng couldn't hold back the shrug movement, she reacted in an instant, and her face brush became red.

Yin Yuzhan even teased her openly!

"Why? Do you have any questions to ask me?" Yin Yuzhan continued to ask: "Are you only willing to talk to you if you kiss you?"

"No!" Mi Xiaoying straightened her body immediately in shock, "I ask!"

Yin Yuyan immediately looked at Mi Xiaoying with a smile.

Mi Xiaoying's face was red and her eyes were evasive: "You said you love me, but why? I'm so mediocre. I'm just a little assistant, it's hard to get to the elegant hall. You are just curiously close, or just. The way to pass loneliness for a while?"

Yin Yuyan sighed: "It turns out that what you worried about was really this. Well, I will answer your question today."

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