The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 716: Picking in suburbs

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

The day of picking is set, and the whole family is preparing for this matter.

Yin Sichen unconditionally agreed with his wife's decision.

Therefore, everyone has so happily decided to go to picking activities in suburban counties.

There are a lot of people going this time.

Because the young master and the princess of the Yin family all went, so the bodyguards and the nanny followed a group.

Why bring so many bodyguards?

Well, yes, the bodyguard’s duty is not only to protect the safety of the two, but to ensure that they do not harm others!

Yin Yinuo is still better. After all, he is only three years old, and he will have limited trouble.

It seems that there is a senior who is in trouble next to him: Yin Yuzhan!

Recently Yin Yinuo admired his elder brother to the point where he was cast in five bodies.


Of course, because Yin Yuzhan used his own strength to use his own custom-made mini silent bomb, he broke through the Yin family's own warehouse defense and stole a coral castle from Yin Yinuo's birthday from the warehouse. He came out and placed it in Yin Yinuo's room.

Yes, like Yin Yuzhan, who likes to spoil her sister, this is no one.

What makes Yin Yinuo the most envious and jealous is that Yin Yuzhan really retreated after finishing these things!

If it wasn’t for Xiao a who discovered the database anomaly in time, I’m afraid the family didn’t know that their warehouse was cracked!

Because of this, Yin Yuzhan was taught by Gu Xixi fiercely, and was thrown into the judo training room, where he was abused by more than a dozen coaches.

Yin Yinuo was so scared that he couldn't hold his soul.

No one dares to intercede in this matter!

Yin Sichen can't plead for help!

Annoying the mother's mother is angry, no one is pleading.

Finally, Mrs. Yin came out with a cheeky face. Gu Xixi released Yin Yuzhan.

The moment when Yin Yuyan came out, it was really tearful!

Seeing the sun is really so happy Smecta!

When Mommy is angry, she is so scary!

Don’t provoke anyone to provoke mommy, this is the lesson of blood, Smecta!

Don't let Mommy know about Smecta in future!

However, after this incident, Yin Yinuo's worship of his brother is almost going to rise to the height of the universe.

As long as Yin Yuzhan said that this thing is fun, Yin Yinuo will spare no effort to play together!

Therefore, Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi talked to Yin Yuzhan together, asking him to make sure that his sister was not twisted!

Therefore, this time when going out for picking activities, Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen raised their ears to Yin Yuzhan.

Repeatedly advised that Yin Yuyan should be a good role model!

Never take Yin Yinuo into trouble again!

Yin Yuzhan promised well, and he was afraid to forget it when he turned around!

Therefore, Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen brought a group of people to watch these two children go.

In addition, Yin Siyao also brought many people.

In addition to Wei Ziyu, a prospective fiancee, Zhang Jing also mixed with the staff and passed along.

Because it is an activity, so naturally friends are more beneficial.

Apart from Mu Ruona's two friends, the local friends came.

Jiang Yihai also took the newly married Yun Morong to join in the fun.

So, this team is spectacular.

When the team started, it was really vast and endless.

Cough, although this is a bit exaggerated, but there is no excuse to say that this time, a team of thousands of people really has it.

The picking location was in a suburban county, not too close to n city, and this time I took a lot of children.

Therefore, the road is very slow.

The children guarded Gu Xi's face and were still very good.

Boom, in front of the chairman, don’t dare to be good!

Didn't you see that Yin Yuzhan and Yin Yinuo are very good?

They dominate the existence of kindergartens and elementary schools!

Overlords are obedient, do others dare to rebel?

You know, the little prince Yin Yuyan is a famous filial son.

So, Gu Xixi looked like this.

The children are gentle little angels, and everyone is a pure soul with wings.

However, in the eyes of the teachers in the kindergarten and the elementary school, these are a group of little demons, all covered in angels' faces, hiding evil spirits!

Why do you say that?

Since Yin Yuzhan and Yin Yinuo entered school.

Is it really good forever?

Now don’t look at them as angels, when they are in trouble, are they really demons?

That's it, the big team went to the suburban county.

A stretch of mountainous area here, all developed and planted into fruit trees, drove the economic income of local residents, and attracted many people to come here to take pictures and pick.

This mountainous area is one of the Yin family's industries.

Only a part of the industry is open to the public, allowing tourists to take pictures and picking, and some are prohibited from outsiders.

Most of this area is planted with particularly economic crops, or some hybrid breeding.

Therefore, this is considered a confidential area and no outsiders are allowed inside.

Of course, in addition to these confidential areas, there is an area specially prepared for people in high society who like it.

After all, those of the upper class, who come here to pick are really not for picking, but for talking about things.

It's like a hotel, massage, etc. outside.

It's just a place to talk about business.

Therefore, there is also a simple reception room and top catering comparable to the four-star hotel.

Today, Gu Xixi took the children and came to this area for a vacation.

Earlier, the area had been cleared, and it was dedicated to host big bosses and bosses and a group of cadres.

As soon as Gu Xixi arrived, someone approached him.

The person in charge immediately welcomed Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen to the lobby and gave a brief explanation.

Xiao Wang and Xiao A sweetly went to arrange the room.

The children followed the teachers and went to the playground specially prepared for them.

Yin Siyao followed Yin Sichen, and Wei Ziyu accompanied him.

Zhang Jing mixed with the staff and followed.

Listening to the explanation from the person in charge, Gu Xixi smiled and said to Wei Ziyu on the side: "Ziyu, don't you mean that you like this kind of original life most? This time you can have a good time and have fun."

Wei Ziyu's face was flattered: "That's what I said, young grandma remembers it."

Yin Siyao said with a smile: "Sister-in-law's memory has always been very good. In the future, you will formally marry the Yin family, and the sister-in-law will be better for you."

Wei Ziyu's face suddenly turned red.

After Zhang Jing heard their conversation, his eyes darkened a bit.

Wei Ziyu took the initiative to hold Yin Siyao's arm, Yin Siyao did not refuse.

Zhang Jing's eyes darkened even more.

After introducing the whole situation, the person in charge asked Gu Xixi: "Ma'am, do you want to take a break first, or walk around?"

Gu Xixi said with a smile: "I'm not tired, just walk around. You don't have to follow along, there is no danger when you get here. I just walk around with Si Chen."

Yin Sichen immediately nodded and said, "Okay, let's all go apart. If you are in love, go to the side and fall in love. If you are free, you will find something to do. The most important thing is, you are not allowed to follow us!"

The others smiled involuntarily.

The relationship between the president and his wife is really enviable!

The children are so old, but the president is still very sticky to his wife!

No matter where your wife goes, the president and the president should always be together.

After Yin Sichen's order was finished, he took Gu Xi's hand and turned and walked away. Now it is hard to have time. Of course, he has to spend more time with his relatives and his wife, and relive the world of the two.

Gu Xixi looked funny as Yin Sichen pulled his hand and fled anxiously, only to have time to wave his hand with others, and was pulled away.

The two people shuttled between the fruit trees, looking at the fruitful fruits and feeling inexplicably comfortable.

Yin Sichen took Gu Xixi's finger and said, "You came out this time with a lot of purpose!"

Gu Xixi looked up at him.

Years have not left a trace on Yin Sichen's exquisite face. Although he is already middle-aged, he is handsome.

"Sure enough, nothing can hide your eyes." Gu Xixi sighed: "Si Chen, you said I did it right?"

Yin Sichen picked a fruit and stuffed it into Gu Xixi's palm and smiled softly: "You like it, that's right. If you don't like it, it's wrong! My Yin family, my Yin Sichen, give You privilege."

Gu Xixi chuckled: "If you can't say that, I will always be responsible for the happiness of others. If Si Yao really doesn't like Wei Ziyu, I can't force him."

"He doesn't seem to be very annoying." Yin Sichen slightly curled his eyes: "And he seems to be planning to marry Wei Ziyu. That girl is hidden in the crowd, do you think the Secretary did not find it? He just pretended not to. Just see."

Gu Xixi said in surprise: "How do you know?"

Yin Sichen sighed and nodded at Gu Xixi's nose: "Yeah, the children are so old, they are still so cute."

Gu Xixi was dumb.

"If the medicine is really so stupid, do you think I will let him enter the headquarters?" Yin Sichen said spoiledly: "However, if you are stupid, just be stupid, and you will be smart! IQ. Just enough to manage Danny’s company."

Gu Xixi gave him a glance: "I have been married for so many years, and I still don't forget to laugh at me like this."

Yin Sichen hugged Gu Xixi all at once, so he kissed him: "Because of your small angry expression, it's really cute!"

The two were hiding in the woods, and the others were not idle.

After Xiao Wang and Xiao A sent Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi's salute into the room, Xiao A said to Xiao Wang: "In these two days, it is estimated that there must be lively watching."

"Do you think so too?" Xiao Wang and Xiao A's husband and wife are naturally in perfect harmony: "However, Grandma likes it, so we will accompany to see this lively together?"

"Well." Xiao a said with a smile: "I don't worry about the younger grandmother, there will be no problems with the young master and the younger, but I am just worried that it will not end well. By then, If something really happens, the overall situation is the priority."

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