The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 715: A girl who took the initiative to find the door

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Moreover, this is a patented design of the Yin's consortium, which can't be imitated outside.

Therefore, Wei Ziyu is particularly happy.

The moment she put on the necklace, she had no complaints.

Yin Siyao returned to his seat and looked at Wei Ziyu with a smile: "It's really beautiful!"

Wei Ziyu's face was red, and his head dropped: "Just like it."

Yin Siyao smiled and said, "Let's eat."

Wei Ziyu was satisfied.

At this meal, the two seemed to be satisfied.

It was just that when Yin Siyao sent Wei Ziyu back, he was still such a gentleman, and had no further plans.

In fact, Wei Ziyu really wanted to keep Yin Siyao, but she even had the room ready.

However, Yin Siyao is still such a gentleman, still maintaining a proper distance.

"Resume early, and don't think about it. You are the wife of the second younger Yin family, I think, then others will not have the opportunity to take your place." Yin Siyao gave Wei Ziyu a reassuring pill. Huwei Ziyu embraced: "Okay, I'm going back. I just went home and haven't discussed my job with my elder brother. I'll go first."

Wei Ziyu listened to Yin Siyao's words, and it was not easy to retain. He only nodded and said, "Well, you pay more attention to rest."

Yin Siyao returned to the car, and after watching Wei Ziyu go back, the whole person leaned heavily on the seat, closing his eyes and raising his mind.

After appeasing Wei Ziyu, he was able to do other things.

Even if it is just to appease.

Yin Siyao raised his eyes slightly, his eyes fell on the ornament of the orchid, and his eyes were wrong.

Immediately, a wry smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and all the disturbed feelings were collected, and then Gu Xi's phone was dialed.

"Sister-in-law, Ziyu has been comforted here." Yin Siyao reported to Gu Xixi: "It was originally an undesirable thing, but there is no need to explain anything."

Gu Xixi said on the phone: "It's fine to explain clearly. The couple should be so frank and unfair. Otherwise, there will be any misunderstanding and it is particularly easy to hurt your feelings. I heard that you still have to go to the company to report work today?

"Well." Yin Siyao replied: "I'm going to go."

"Alright, after finishing my work, I go home to eat. I have arranged for the kitchen to make the dishes you like to eat. Grandma is old and it is not easy to eat a reunion dinner." Gu Xixi said with a smile: "Go home early ."

"Okay." Yin Siyao's mouth could not help raising: "I must... go home with my elder brother."

Days have wobbled for a few days.

When Gu Xixi thought that everything was running on the right track, someone came to report: "General manager, someone is looking outside."

Gu Xixi finished the last word and threw the pen in his hand: "Who?"

"A person who claims to have a relationship with Yin Siyao. It's a pretty girl." The secretary replied: "The front desk is not cleared now, do you want to see?"

Gu Xixi froze for a moment, a girl related to Yin Siyao?

Gu Xixi inexplicably thought of the photos he saw.

Could it be said that the girl was not reconciled, so she found herself here?

Gu Xixi actually didn't have to see her, but for no reason, Gu Xixi inexplicably foretold that this girl would say something different.

Gu Xixi nodded immediately and said, "Let her go to the reception room to wait for me."

Gu Xixi cleaned up quickly and turned to the reception room.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a beautiful girl sitting in a formal manner.

The other party saw Gu Xixi enter the door and hurriedly greeted: "Grandma Yin Shao."

Gu Xixi smiled and nodded: "Please sit down, what are you looking for me for?"

The secretary brought two cups of tea and retreated quietly.

The girl replied in a cramped manner: "My... my name is Zhang Jing, and I am now a real estate clerical worker."

Gu Xixi nodded.

"I'm here to tell you something." Zhang Jing said with courage: "My relationship with Yin Siyao."

Gu Xixi's eyes slightly selected: "Well, continue to say."

"Actually, I met him a few years ago. He is very generous, gentleman, and will give me a sum of money every month, but he never..." Zhang Jing bit his lip and said: "Actually I He was ready to be kept, but he was only kept, but he didn't do anything else. Every time he came to me, he seemed to be very tired and exhausted, and then he stayed silent for a while, after he vented his emotions Will leave."

"Our mode of getting along has always been like this. There has never been a change. Sometimes when he comes, he will bring me some luxury gifts for me. I can see that when he gives gifts, he is really just handy. It’s not a gift that was specially selected for me."

"Every time he comes to me, he will change a different car, but one thing will not change. That is orchids." Zhang Jing smiled bitterly: "I asked him if he likes orchids, he replied that orchids are the ones he has seen The most beautiful flower in the world."

"So, I planted a lot of orchids for him. Sure enough, he came more and more diligently. Every time he came, he watered those orchids. I can see that he really likes orchids." Zhang Jing gently Laughed: "I thought, for the sake of these flowers, he would also like me. Yes, I am greedy. As a person who is kept, he expects him to fall in love with me. Because, I miss me Fall in love with him."

"But one day, he told me to terminate our relationship. Because he was going to get married." Zhang Jing looked up and looked at Gu Xixi: "He said that his most respectful is his sister-in-law, so his sister-in-law should give If he chooses his wife, he can no longer maintain such a relationship with me. I offered to meet you, but his face changed at that time, and he reprimanded me fiercely, warning me not to disturb your life."

"So I didn't come and silently chose to retreat." Zhang Jing continued: "I want to see what a woman who marries Yin Siyao will look like. So I paid attention to the great momentum all the way Pro-match competition."

"In the beginning, I was really ridiculous. The second master of the Tang Yin consortium would choose his wife in such a way. But then, I knew I was wrong. This is a publicity and public relations of the Yin family. This is Thinking about the world’s opportunity to show the Yin family’s strong strength. The ending is naturally a win-win situation. When I saw Yin Siyao choose Wei Ziyu, I really had nothing to say. Because, Wei Ziyu was really very good. excellent."

"If they get married like this, maybe I won't have the action today. But, after more than three years, they haven't gotten married, and they haven't lived together." Zhang Jing looked at Gu Xixi anxiously: "I endure Can't stop looking for Yin Siyao, begging him to let him accompany me all day. He agreed. He accompanied me to be a couple for a day, except for everything that couples would do before they didn't do that thing, He accompanied me to do it. He said that he owed me, so this is compensation."

"I can see that he doesn't love Wei Ziyu at all!" Zhang Jing said seriously: "I am also a woman. I can clearly feel that Yin Siyao has never fallen in love with Wei Ziyu."

"And then?" Gu Xixi nodded.

"Since he doesn't love Wei Ziyu, why do you have to force Yin Siyao to marry Wei Ziyu? You know that Yin Siyao respects you so much, as long as it is your request, he will respect it even if he doesn't like it. Your opinion, follow the path you arranged." Zhang Jing said anxiously: "Why can't you ignore it?"

"Well, continue." Gu Xixi smiled suddenly.

"I don't want to give up like this, I want to be really with him!" Zhang Jing said with courage: "Can you please cancel his engagement with Wei Ziyu? Let me compete fairly?"

Gu Xixi said: "I think I understand what you mean. Then, you come to me, does Yin Siyao know?"

Zhang Jing shook his head.

Gu Xixi continued: "This is good, I will not participate in the affairs between them. Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. If you can make Yin Siyao willingly give up the marriage contract and turn to marry you, I will complete you. . If the medicine really likes you, I would also like to see it done."

"You... are you serious?" Zhang Jing looked at Gu Xi incredulously: "You don't force Yin Siyao to marry Wei Ziyu?"

Gu Xixi chuckled: "Can I force this kind of thing out? Well, you can rest assured. I speak and count. As long as Yin Siyao and you are in love with each other, I will complete you. . Sorry, I still have work to do, I’m out of company."

Gu Xixi stood up and asked the secretary to send Zhang Jing away.

After returning to the office, Gu Xixi called Xiao Wang: "Let me investigate. Does Si Yao have a close relationship with many girls in the past few years."

Xiao Wang Weizheng: "Young grandma, do you suspect anything?"

Gu Xixi said seriously: "If Si Yao really doesn't want to get married, then I won't force him. Our Yin family, there is no such domineering."

"What if nothing is found?" Xiao Wang couldn't help asking.

"Then follow the established route." Gu Xixi smiled slightly and said, "Just by this matter, try out the thinking of Si Yao."

Xiao Wang's eyes flickered, as if he remembered something, and said, "Oh, I remembered one thing, grandma. Do you remember the Yin family in the mountain forest orchard in the suburban county? This is the time when the fruit is ripe. , A few days ago, Xiao Nuo was still arguing about going picking? You might as well call them all in the crowd and see what the second young master thought."

Gu Xixi thought for a while and said, "You really reminded me. This is a good idea! Just take advantage of this opportunity to relax and relax. These days, I'm almost tired and fainted. Xiao Nuo is noisy every day. Playing picking, simply let the kindergarten and primary schools participate together."

"Yes, there are many people, and I'm not afraid of Miss Wei Ziyu thinking too much." Xiao Wang continued: "Exactly, you can also relax with the president."

Gu Xixiheng teased him deliberately at one glance: "Yeah, Xiao a just happened to be able to rest with the rest."

Xiao Wang's face was red: "What the young grandma said, that's what!"

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