The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 482: Shine wins

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

The tea set and tea leaves sent by the Yun family are indeed reliable.

This tea set is a genuine antique!

Compared with others' brand-new tea sets, the tea sets on my side are simply old and there is no way to see them.

But this is the view of ordinary people.

In the eyes of a real expert, one can see the difference of this tea set in Xixi's hand.

This is a real Tang Dynasty object!

She actually used a set of antiques worth tens of millions!

Yin Shichen and Count Phil were okay, and Dong Xian's excited eyes turned red, and the Mr. Matsumoto cried with excitement: "God, where did she learn the etiquette? This tea set turned out to be..."

The next words, he could not speak with excitement.

After the first round of the game, the TV host in charge of the live report was so excited that he couldn't even say what he said.

"This is the most beautiful tea show I have ever seen. I didn’t expect that there will be a country where Japan’s tea culture and etiquette are kept so complete. That song is so beautiful, I would like to ask that song. Who created the song is simply too beautiful!" The host was holding the microphone excitedly and spitting in front of the camera.

After Xixi performed his tea, he filled five cups of tea, Yingying stood up, dragged the tea tray and walked over slowly, invited five judges to taste.

Earl Phil held the first cup of tea with his white and delicate fingers, and his red eyes fell on his body, saying a meaningful sentence: "Madam, you are always surprise me."

He smiled and his eyes became more and more charming.

Yin Sichen also picked up the teacup, gently sipped it, smiled softly, and his voice fell like jewels: "Good job!"

Xi Xi looked at Yin Sichen quickly.

The eyes of the two people collided momentarily, and at this time there was no sound to speak.

Xixi walked to the other three judges, and Mr. Matsumoto asked excitedly: "How did Miss get these?"

Xi Xi understands Mr. Matsumoto's meaning in an instant, and immediately nodded and answered in Japanese: "These are all family skills."

"Family history? Are you..." Mr. Matsumoto suddenly froze and couldn't help asking: "You speak Japanese so well, do you have people from your country?"

"No, no." Xixi still smiled like a flower: "The Yun family is pure and authentic Chinese."

Before Mr. Matsumoto spoke, Dongfang Xian couldn't help but say, "I heard that you are Yunyi's sister?"

He was stunned: "Yes, may I ask you..."

"I'm her graduate tutor." Dongfang Xian's eyes turned red. "To see you here today is like seeing her."

"Teacher, my sister is proud of you." A little sadness flashed through her eyes, comforting the other side and saying, "I am proud of my sister."

Dongfang Xian nodded heavily.

When the last judge judge saw the scene in front of him, there was nothing to understand, and immediately said with a smile: "Miss Yun, Australia welcomes you!"

Xixi gave each other a big smile.

This sentence of the other party has already indicated that she knows her identity: "Thank you teacher teacher."

Seeing that it was so popular, Clarence was so anxious that he kept staring at Earl Phil.

She deceived Earl Phil from England, but not to let him build up the cloud!

Clarence couldn't hold back when she saw her eyes flirting with Yin Sichen.

But now she is participating on behalf of the United Kingdom now?

She could only sit in her own area and stared at Earl Phil, hoping that Earl Phil would hurry up and quickly take away this obnoxious woman!

Mo Zixin has been sitting in his place, looking at him from afar.

His eyes never shifted half a point, looking at the beautiful face, his eyes flashed with emotions that others could not understand.

After the first game, the five judges gave points immediately.

As soon as the score of the Chinese representative came out, there was no surprise!

So superb performances, so powerful hardware facilities, and so powerful etiquette performances, what are the qualifications for others to dare to say that they are not convinced?

Have the ability to come to such a complete set of etiquette?

You have the ability to come to such a set of pure antique tea set!

If the first match is to allow the media in the audience to focus on the Chinese team, then the next game will become a personal performance!

In the second game, I took my team to change the props and set the scene.

When Xixi was dressed in Yuan Dynasty costumes, and the players behind were holding high-value Yuan blue and white tea sets, the shocking voice of the audience couldn't say anything!

Yuan blue and white!

This blue-and-white porcelain of the Yuan dynasty is often in the shooting scene with tens or even hundreds of millions!

This is not the most honorable in the history of blue and white porcelain, but the blue and white of the Yuan Dynasty ranked in the forefront of absolute value is definitely a symbol of status and honor!

And a small tea art competition actually dispatched Yuan Qinghua's full set of tea set!

How not to be shocked by the audience!

The people in charge of live interviews are simply bad!

Eyes staring at the holding Yuanqing tea set, all the shots kept close-up!

This tea competition was originally a small event in Nara Prefecture to attract tourists to increase local taxes, but because of the shocking appearance and performance of the Chinese team, it instantly attracted the attention of Japan and the whole world.

TV TOKYO temporarily decided to switch the signal to live broadcast the game throughout.

People in other areas covered by the signal even let go of things in their hands and paid attention to this game.

Netizens on the entire network even smashed the comment area, and everyone is questioning whether the tea set held by the Chinese team members is a true Yuanqinghua.

At this time, people in the Japanese museum were also alarmed and asked for more close-up pictures!

Let Xi let the other party's lens fall on his own equipment, and did not affect his performance at all.

Grandma is right, this time, the Yun family will take this to turn over!

Therefore, I don't mind letting the other party widen their writing wheel to see clearly whether the tea set they brought is really the blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty!

When the director of the museum stumbled and fell to the ground, pointing at the blue and white flowers on the TV and yelling that this is the real thing, antique lovers around the world are crazy to ask who is this woman who is performing tea!

A woman who can take out a full set of Yuan blue and white flowers, the family behind her, in the end what kind of heritage it has!

Xixi's identity was chopped clean by a caring person instantly.

When they knew that this woman with a cold and proud face in Yuan Dynasty costume came from the most mysterious and most inherited Yun family in China, everyone froze for a long time and only said a word: "The Yun family, I am afraid that they will rise. !"

The Yun family has been silent for many years!

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Yun family has been desperately low-key, not bowing down for power, not clinging and not relying.

Low-key makes the world think that the Yun family has disappeared.

In fact, three years ago, the Yun family did disappear.

Disappeared in the vast Pacific.

But three years later, the Yun family made a comeback with such a gesture.

This time, the Yun family is not going to be silent. The Yun family tells the world with such an arrogant gesture.

Look! What is the background of your pride?

My cloud family is the real home!

After Xixi performed the tea making skills of the Yuan Dynasty, everyone present urged her not to stop, and to perform all the tea performances.

Embarrassed glanced at the jury seat.

Yin Sichen, as the organizer, naturally has a say.

"The mayor of Tokyo has already called. Today's game is a bit unfair to other players. It is because the Yunjia is too strong! However, the mayor also said that he admired Yunjia's knowledge, so I really wanted to See the remaining skills of the Yun family." Yin Sichen slightly provoked the corner of his mouth, and his mood was simply great: "The Chinese team is already the uncrowned king. The judges have always expressed no objection. Therefore, wait for the performance of Miss Yun to end. After that, the others have compared again."

He smiled: "It is better to obey than to respect."

Her original purpose was not to win any championship for the national team, but to make the Yun family stand on the world stage again!

As long as the goal can be achieved, the process is not important!

When the Chinese team heard this news, they were so happy!

With such a strong foreign aid, this competition is incomparable, directly won the championship!

Next, Xixi took his team to perform the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China and modern tea arts, and even other projects to be performed in other countries.

One can't help but high-five that when wearing a British aristocrat dress and standing there while brewing black tea, the perfect aristocratic etiquette made the British look blinded.

Earl Phil's eyes even looked at him in a wrong way. His interest in Xixi finally reached its peak.

After performing the last process, Xixi said gently: "Tea culture has a long history, although tea originated in China, but after thousands of years of development and interpretation, countless branches have been formed. My performance today cannot represent all the tea art The world, I just want to tell everyone that the Yun Family did not lose anything from the ancestors."

Xixi replaced a set of clothes again.

A blue and white porcelain cheongsam shape her figure perfectly.

The hairpins of blue and white porcelain lightly pulled the blue silk, and the earrings of the same style stayed still when she walked.

Her dignity and elegance have become synonymous with classical beauty.

"Today's performance is all over, thank you all for your support." Xi Xi nodded to everyone in the court to thank: "Thank you my team, thank you for the support of Zi Xin. Also thank you for the convenience of Japan, this time Yunjia It has the advantage of Tianshi and is invincible. The Yun Family welcomes tea lovers from all over the world to consult at any time."

What Xixi said is an arrogance!

However, none of the people who were present were dare to refute!

Not even Clarence!

Although Clarence didn't look good, but as a noble, her appreciation ability was full.

Today's performance, let Clarence understand the truth from the bottom of her heart: in this life, she don't want to surpass this woman!

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