The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 481: See what is real

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

The South Korean players who clamored for the win, all stared at the Chinese team members who came from the money, all opened their mouths, and couldn't say a word at all.

The Clarence, who claimed to be killing from the first game, almost fell off his seat.

When the local contestants in Japan saw this costume and posture etiquette, the Japanese consultants almost burst into tears.

This is the real ancient etiquette that has been lost!

Seeing the sun again today!

There is an eye in the sky!

Xixi brought his own team to his performance area, closed his sleeves and bowed slightly to the other opponents.

His eyes were drooping, and he said, "You are polite, everyone."

The consultant over there in Japan anxiously scratched his ears, wishing to rush over now, and the woman led by the seize asked a good question, where did she learn these etiquettes!

It should be known that in the prosperous Tang and Song Dynasties, the civilization from the Central Plains was the existence of Japan and North Korea as the most respected cultural imitation.

Tea art also originated in China and later spread to other countries.

Therefore, the true ancient tea art has naturally become the most mysterious, most noble and elegant etiquette model.

It's just a pity that after the Song Dynasty's invasion of Guannai, this part of etiquette has gradually disappeared along the long river of history.

So much so that people all over the world only know about the Japanese tea ceremony, but ignore the more profound and profound Chinese tea art.

Today's Xixi costume strictly restores the costumes and etiquette of the female embassy of the Tang Dynasty.

Her smiles and actions are just a model for coming down from textbooks. How can she not let other people who really understand tea art get crazy?

The cloud family where Xixi is located, there are many descriptions and paintings in the court banquet of that year, and more detailed appearance regulations and procedures.

Since Mrs. Yun asked Xixi to participate on behalf of the Yun family, she was naturally prepared.

The Yun Family is going to use this competition to let the whole world see clearly, who is the real culture in the end!

There are five people sitting on the jury, representing Earl Phil of Europe, Yin Sichen of Africa and the Middle East, Mr. Matsumoto, a folklorist from Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, Ms. Eliza of Australia and from A senior historian Dong Xianxian researcher in China.

Oh, someone protests that the judges have personal friendship with today's players?

Protest is invalid!

If you have the ability, do you spend a few hundred million dollars to sponsor?

Can't do it? Then shut up!

As soon as Xi Xi appeared, the researcher Dong Xianxian, a historian from China, almost stood up!

Her excited body was trembling, and her lips were trembling. "This...this is..."

With tears in her eyes, the following words couldn't even be said.

Yin Sichen, who was sitting on the side, understood why she was so excited, and immediately whispered: "Teacher Dongfang, please don't worry. She is not your student Yunhao, but Yunyi's sister Yunxi."

Dongfang Xian took a few deep breaths, closed his eyes, and forced tears back into his eyes. He took a long breath and said, "Yeah, I don’t know if my students have been away for five years! I just suddenly saw The face that is exactly the same as hers can't help but be excited. No wonder this time I will be the judge, and Mr. Yin is really good!"

Yin Sichen smiled and said nothing.

In this battle, he must help to win!

No matter what means you use, you will spare no effort!

Dongfang Xian is a graduate tutor of m University, a famous national historian and cultural master.

When Yun M was studying at the age of m, she studied under Dongfang Xian.

At that time, Yun Chao's shock was absolutely gorgeous, which made Dongfang Xian be a friend of the year. If it wasn't because of Yun's poor health, Dongfang Xian would like to let his students simply live in their classroom apartments and discuss academics with her every day.

Dongfang Xian has been nearly 70 years old this year. After retiring, he was rehired by M. He continued to teach, spread history and culture, lived unmarried all his life, and devoted his life energy to cultural research.

Therefore, as the most proud student in her life, Yunyi devoted all her energy and teaching.

I thought there was a student who could inherit his own mantle, but he did not expect that his student, Huiji Bibi, would have deteriorated sharply after he turned 20, but Fanghua left at the age of 21.

The Dongfangxian researcher who suffered this attack quit his job as a graduate tutor of m and devote himself to the cause of cultural protection.

Now that I saw the twin sisters of the lover in Japan, the teacher Dongfang Xian burst into tears in his eyes.

She was originally a very impartial judge, but the moment she saw her face, she was inevitably shaken.

Yin Sichen really counts.

Three of the five judges have a good opinion of Xixi. It is difficult to win or not.

Of course, Yin Sichen is also confident in the Yun family, and foolproof is always good, isn't it?

Equally excited, in addition to Mr. Dongxian, there is Mr. Matsumoto, a local folklorist in Japan.

Mr. Matsumoto was not calmed by his face, but his clothing and jewelry came from strictly following the ceremonies.

Mr. Matsumoto is well versed in the customs of China and Japan. Naturally, he recognized the outfit of Xixi at a glance, which will play an extremely important role and inspiration for his future folklore research.

Earl Phil's red eyes flashed with a hint of amazement.

This is the third style and face he saw on Xixi.

The first is a Western-style evening dress in a British manor, and the second is a gentle cheongsam dress on Mrs. Yin’s 80th birthday.

Just when Earl Phil thought she was just taking advantage of her clothes, so there were only two kinds of faces. Today, Xixi gave him the ultimate shock.

This is also Chinese style clothing, but it is completely different from the dress style of Mrs. Yin's birthday.

The completely retro outfit, the calm and dignified footsteps, the beautiful and beautiful eyebrows, and the long dress on the ground made the Earl of Phil, the British nobleman, straighten his eyes instantly.

He seemed to understand why Yin Sichen and Mo Zixin were so addicted to this woman.

On the surface, she looked like a gentle and jade-like gentleman, not a fabulous beauty.

But her ever-changing temperament is almost as irritating as poison.

Earl Phil also knows that the Yun family has two daughters. As everyone, Yun Yi is even more amazing and noble.

Earl Phil only thought it was the result touted by others. Where can a weak sick woman be good? Didn’t those people deliberately touted them in order to hold Yun and Mo?

But at this moment, Earl Phil saw this strange aspect, and he suddenly realized that he was wrong, and it was very ridiculous!

Abdominal poetry and gas from China.

The Yun family really gave birth to two amazing daughters!

Yun's little daughter can have such a temperament, not to mention Yun Yun, the eldest daughter of the Yun family who is talented to win her little daughter?

Originally just holding the lively Count Phil, he finally looked up.

Clarence saw the solemnity of Earl Phil's eyes, but the corners of his mouth curled up in disdain.

She was not afraid that Earl Phil was interested in Xixi, but that he was not interested in Xixi!

As long as Earl Phil loves this woman, then her cooperation with Earl Phil can be officially started!

With the help of Earl Phil, she has the confidence to drive this nasty woman away from Yin and let her monopolize Yin!

Because the beaded jade is in front, no matter how good the players are from other countries, no matter how good they are, they can no longer be noticed.

No way, the gap is too big!

Chinese players, the strength is too powerful!

After all the team members were together, a brief opening ceremony was held.

Japanese officials have prepared a lot of programs for this purpose, so that everyone can relax a lot of tension at the beginning of the game.

After the opening ceremony, it was a formal game.

Everyone draws separately, and starts the performance in the order of drawing.

Because there are a total of five rounds of competition, the project and content of the performance will be decided on your own.

Tea art is all-encompassing, and it is impossible to show it all in one game.

Therefore, there are trade-offs, and everyone should integrate and sublimate according to their own strength and the characteristics of their own country.

Xixi won the number seven, not too early or too late.

So, Xixi sat patiently in his place and watched other people's performances.

Xixi sat very quietly in her place. Although it was not her turn to start performing, she bowed her head so gently and sat there on her knees.

The game has not started yet, she has already entered the scene.

In contrast to others, it is an expression during the game, and another expression when the game is over.

Earl Phil, sitting on the jury, couldn't help but drift towards the red eyes.

This woman... is really special.

Is this self-confident? Or conceited?

Finally it's our turn.

Almost at the moment when the game started, she gently raised her head, the look flashing in her eyes was extremely firm and proud.

Yes, as a full-time tea ceremony female official in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, she is naturally qualified to be proud.

On one side, some people started to burn incense, some people boiled the snow on the pine trees in Changbai Mountain, some people bounced a famous long narrative poem "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" from the Tang Dynasty, and slowly began to sing: "Han emperor heavy Se Si Qing Guo, Yu Yu could not ask for years. The Yang family had a female who grew up and was raised in a deep bosom. The natural beauty is difficult to give up, and was once chosen on the side of the king. Looking back at Bai Meisheng, the Six Palace Fandai has no color."

Xixi sang this narrative poem while making tea.

The man dressed as Emperor Tang Ming and the woman dressed as Princess Yang Gui danced together in the venue.

This competition is about teamwork.

Be nice, smell good, and smell good.

Although Xixi is not the only performance, she still attracted the attention of countless people present.

It is because her voice is really too clear.

Yin Sichen, who was sitting at the top of the head, raised his eyes gently. He seemed to remember the beautiful things, and the tenderness in his eyes couldn't hide it.

She rarely sings, but when she sings, she is really touching.

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