The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 475: Clarence provoked again

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

It stands to reason that everyone is playing together according to their own national team.

One country, one pile, individual playing personal.

But there are some exceptions, and they are mixed up everywhere.

I didn't expect that the first person who ran to the Chinese team was none other than Clarence!

What was unexpected was that Clarence was also one of the members participating in this tea contest.

Clarence saw it early, and she really hated this Chinese grind her teeth!

Yin Sichen is so arrogant and evil, who is indifferent to all beauty, but only looks at this Chinese woman!

This makes Clarence very unconvinced!

When he was in the UK, Clarence didn't please him in front of him. When he came to Japan this time, Clarence made up his mind to make him look ugly!

"I heard that everyone in the Yun family is very talented. I didn't believe it before. Now I can't see Miss Yun Er. I don't believe it! It was unexpected that Miss Yun Er was not only good at language translation, but also good at making tea." Clarence walked He came over and said directly to Xi Xi: "Unfortunately, it was a pity that I couldn't drink the tea made by Miss Yun Er when I was in the UK last time!"

His face changed slightly.

These words of Clarence seem to be okay on the surface, but a closer look shows that Clarence is satire at the Yun family to do some things to serve others.

Whether you are doing translation or making tea, isn't it just to serve others?

I really didn't expect that a dignified British aristocracy even learned to play word games with the Chinese.

Mo Zixin, who was sitting on the side, smiled softly and said, "Miss Clarence is a British nobleman, but she has to do everything herself. This small event can even bother Miss Clarence to come and lead the team, It was really hard work. I used to hear that the British nobility no matter how busy they are, but now it seems that this is not the case."

Mo Zixin's implication is that, as a Miss Clarence, even if you don't care about things in Britain, you went to Japan to participate in such a small competition. Since it is so busy, it is estimated that the family is not affected by it? Where is a lady who is not subject to punishment?

Clarence didn't understand the out-of-string sounds of this sentence, but when he saw the strong smile in his eyes, he quickly reacted.

Clarence glared at Mo Zixin fiercely. She dared to offend Mo Zixin.

Mo Zixin represents the country in some ways!

Although she is the young lady of the Clarence family, she is not the only heir. If she offends the upper class of China, the family will definitely not keep her!

"Mr. Mo is really kidding." Clarence said that Mo Zixin was in his early stages, and he could only say nothing. "Mr. Mo has worked hard to lead the team, how dare I call myself hard?"

Mo Zixin continued: "My Mo family has bowed down to die for the country, and these are all within the matter. Is Clarence also representing Japan down from the Queen of England?"

Mo Zixin slapped his face in a polite manner, causing Clarence's face to instantly turn red!

Mo Zixin’s Mo family is representative of China’s military and political affairs. He can say that he came here on behalf of a country.

But although Clarence is a big noble in England, he is not qualified to represent Britain!

Mo Zixin's unspoken face made Clarence unable to refute a word.

Not pleased here, Clarence returned to the British team in a state of embarrassment.

The British are also keen on drinking afternoon tea, but the European and American sides are more keen on drinking black tea, so most of the entries in this competition are also related to black tea.

It is really not easy for Britain to please tea.

When seeing Mo Zixin slapping Clarence in the UK, several Chinese players faced with honour.

One of the team members couldn't help but say: "This Clarence is also really interesting. It's not good to provoke anyone, but dare to provoke the Yunjia? Who doesn't know that all the tea drinkers in the world come from Yunjia? That British drink I am afraid that a large part of the tea comes from Yunjia, right?"

The others laughed together.

Xixi sighed.

Clarence is so self-conscious, why doesn't she understand that she is for Yin Sichen?

Dangerous face!

No further progress has been made between him and himself, which has already caused this Clarence sword.

If she really is with Yin Sichen again, she must not eat herself?

Despite the unpleasant example of Clarence, the players from other countries are very kind to say hello.

In particular, I heard that there are Yun family members in the Chinese team this year, and they came to say hello to Xixi.

You should know that in the past, the Yunjia would not send people to participate.

The status of the Yun family is already impressive enough. Such a petty mess can hardly be seen in the eyes of the Yun family.

This year, Yun Family sent Miss Yun Family 2 to participate. How can others not be curious?

This is a real enemy!

But fortunately everyone understands that the game is the game, the private relationship is the relationship, it is not as curious as Clarence, and it will tear up the face.

There are even consultants from several countries who want to follow suit and learn some skills that have been lost in most parts of the world.

Xixi is very good at language and very knowledgeable. No matter which country you come to greet, Xixi can communicate with each other in the other's language.

Xixi's performance is simply brilliant, stabilizing the style of all the players present!

Even if the other players can do it again, how many of them can speak a dozen languages ​​and are so fluent?

The players who were hostile to Xi Xi, after talking to Xi Xi, all put down their hostility and prejudices, and all appreciated Xi Xi's language talent and knowledge.

Plus there is no shelf, smile is frank. No matter whether the other party is from a first-class developed country or a third-rate developing country, Xixi is treated equally, which makes everyone's attitude towards Xixi become more and more kind.

Moreover, the Yun family has always been in good shape, and it's almost 28 years old, but it still looks like it is in its early twenties.

Coupled with the fact that oriental women do not show age, a small face with a pure face, refreshing and refreshing, full of youthful vitality, attracted the men of the audience to watch it over and over.

After this picnic, not only did all the members of the Chinese team bow down, but even the players from other countries had a strong interest in this beautiful Chinese girl.

Clarence saw that Xixi had robbed her of the limelight again, and the back of her hate was going to bite.

She also wants to be like the people, but not everyone's English is very good.

Moreover, Clarence also feels that this is a very important part, and always looks like a tall one.

She despised even the members of her own country, how could she despise those from developing countries?"

Just when Xi Xi was in a relationship with everyone, Yin Sichen had already reached the base of the Inagawa Association.

It wasn’t anyone else who was responsible for welcoming Yin Sichen, it was Kobayashi who visited with Clarence that day.

"Mr. Kobayashi, it's hard work." Yin Sichen greeted himself when he met.

Xiao Lin immediately showed a respectful attitude: "Yin Sang is too polite! It is an honor for Xiao Lin to serve Yin Sang. The president is already waiting for Yin Sang inside. Please here."

Yin Sichen's mouth twitched slightly, followed Xiaolin, and walked in slowly.

There were four black bodyguards standing at the door. After seeing Yin Sichen and Xiaolin, they bowed and saluted, reached out and opened the door, and invited the two to enter.

Yin Sichen nodded at them and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, Yin Sichen saw a middle-aged man with a slightly blessed posture standing on the spot and extending his right hand at him.

"Yin Sang's visit is indeed an honor for Inagawa." The president of Inagawa greeted Yin Sichen extremely enthusiastically: "Please inside."

"The chairman is welcome." Yin Sichen smiled slightly and shook his hand: "It's an honor to be able to trouble the chairman to meet in person."

"Where and where." The president of the Inagawa Association said with an eyebrow: "It's my pleasure to see Yin Sang."

The two were polite for a long time, and finally got to the point.

"I heard that Yin Sang has been tracking down a batch of banned drugs that flowed out of Inagawa three years ago? I don't know why Yin Sang would be interested in this batch of banned drugs?" The chairman looked at Yin Sichen seriously. .

"Do not hide the chairman, my wife was killed three years ago, which is part of this batch of banned drugs." Yin Sichen knows the strength of Inagawa Association, they would not be too difficult to ask for any news.

What's more, Gu Xixi was in danger of dying from drugs and was not a secret at all.

Therefore, Yin Sichen directly threw out his sincerity: "I mean, Mr. Kobayashi has already told the chairman. I Yin Sichen is willing to mediate the dispute between Inagawa and Yamaguchi on that site. Yin's The branch of the consortium in Japan can also send some shares to the chairman as my sincerity."

The president of the Inagawa Association immediately smiled on his face: "Yin Sang really is an atmospheric person. Since you all talk about this, if I don't show some sincerity, it seems that I am not interested. Indeed, this The batch of banned drugs did indeed flow out of the hands of the Inagawa Association. At that time, the batch of drugs was divided into three batches. The first batch went to Russia, the second batch went to Vietnam, and the third batch went to Africa. But it didn’t flow into China. If someone got these banned drugs, they should have gotten from those three places."

Yin Sichen frowned: "Can the follow-up be traced?"

"It's still a little bit of an eyebrow." The president of the Inagawa Club said politely: "Yin Sang must have wanted to know how to remove these banned drugs."

Yin Sichen was refreshed.

He came to Japan just for this!

It would be better if it could be lifted!

Of course, the premise is that there must be no risk. He can no longer bear the despair of losing his love!

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