The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 474: Players from other countries

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Early in the morning, I woke up early to freshen up.

As soon as she looked up, she saw that Yin Sichen and Mo Zixin came out of the room, who were mentally exhausted.

"What happened to the two of you? Why are you so insane?" Xi Xi couldn't help asking.

Yin Sichen and Mo Zixin suddenly shook their bodies, glanced at each other at the same time, and then looked at the same time.

The two men's eyes, at the same time, added a bit of other content.

Xixi made them look hairy: "Hey, what's wrong with you? Won't it be evil at the same time?"

Yin Sichen was the first to respond, glancing at Mo Zixin meaningfully: "I'm the first to get this time!"

"That may not be necessary." Mo Zixin looked at Yin Sichen unwillingly.

"Then let's go and see." Yin Sichen's mouth raised a smile that was determined to be.

"Wait and wait." Mo Zixin replied without shrinking.

Xixi was confused for a moment: "Hey, hello, what dumb puzzle are you two playing?"

Not waiting for Yin Sichen to reply to Mo Zixin. Someone outside quickly walked over, saluting and said: "President, the other national team members have come over and said that they are going to invite the two to see the venue in advance."

Xixi looked straight and said, "This can be."

It's less than three days away, and now it's really time to get to know other players in the game.

Moreover, before the game, there is a not-so grand welcome meeting that requires everyone to participate in a group.

This competition is a team competition, not an individual competition.

Therefore, everyone either wins together or loses together.

After seeing Xixi's skills yesterday, the members of the national team went back to discuss it, and finally put away a slow attitude, solemnly begging Xixi to join in.

With such a powerful help from Miss Yunjia II, the members of the national team have also increased their confidence in this competition.

Yin Sichen nodded and said, "Got it, just clear it up and go."

Mo Zixin said for a moment, "I'll go first, you come later."

Nodding, Mo Zixin gave Yin Shichen a meaningful look, turned and left.

After Xi Zixin left, he couldn't help but ask Yin Sichen: "What dumb puzzle did you two just play?"

Unexpectedly, Yin Sichen didn't answer this question, but he suddenly embraced Xixi in his arms, and there was a trace of sobbing in his voice: "God bless you, I haven't let me miss you!"

It's so foggy by this sentence, I don't understand what Yin Sichen is talking about.

Although Xixi didn't understand why the two of them were weird this morning, but now it is not the time to ask about this, there are people waiting outside.

Xi Xi quickly cleared up and hurried past.

Sure enough, when we waited in the past, everyone had been waiting for a long time, just waiting to go out.

Seeing Xixi coming, Mo Zixin immediately said, "Xixi, just waiting for you alone. Although there are still three days to compete, it is estimated that there is not much time for training in these three days. We have to rush over to other countries as soon as possible. The players meet, and there are a few banquets from the organizers to attend. Don’t worry about the dress or something, I’ll bring them to you together.”

Mo Zixin made it clear in a few words, but he felt that he was really prepared.

Yin Sichen stood aside, looking at Mo Zixin coolly; "Mo President Mo is really careful."

Mo Zixin's blue eyes lifted slightly, looking directly at the coolness of Yin Sichen's eyes: "Everyone else. Yin, as the organizer, was naturally accused of being biased. These days, Xi Xi followed us Please rest assured, Mr. Yin, we will not be ill-treated."

Yin Sichen turned black.

He forgot this stubble.

If you want to participate in the game, you really have to avoid suspicion with him.

Xixi now accepts the order of Mrs. Yun, and does not care about the love of her children. She wants to win the first kill. She immediately waved at Yin Sichen and said, "I won't be able to translate for you these days. .. I’ll make it up when the game is over!"

"Okay." Yin Sichen thought for a while, anyway, this game is not long, just a few days. After being busy with the game, he must take it to a place where Mo Zixin could not find a good relationship!

Xixi said goodbye to Yin Sichen, followed Mo Zixin and the other members of the national team and left.

As soon as I entered Nara, I felt the atmosphere of Nara became strange.

Not to mention, people all over the street are discussing the upcoming tea competition, which gives Nara a sense of tension out of thin air.

Nara Prefecture has a mountainous terrain and many ancient temples, so there is a strong cultural atmosphere here.

The venue of this tea competition is in an ancient temple in Nara Prefecture.

Although Xixi is proficient in Japanese, this is her first time in Japan.

Several other national team players played on behalf of the country several times.

However, their Japanese level is limited to say hello, so after arriving in Nara, it was troublesome to do some translation.

The interpreter who came with the group saw Xixi's superb Japanese and all closed their mouths.

It is not shameful for the class to get axe.

As soon as I arrived at the monastery, I saw that the entire monastery had already come to participate in many countries.

Everyone is here to look at the venue in advance.

Xixi followed the members of the national team into the monastery. The assistant next to Mo Zixin sent everyone's identification to the past for inspection, and then followed Mo Zixin's side and whispered: "Mo, President of the monastery Say, since everyone is here, we will all stay and enjoy the cherry blossoms."

Xixi couldn't help but say: "The cherry blossoms in Nara Prefecture are the most beautiful. I didn't expect that the cherry blossoms at this time had not yet opened."

Mo Zixin whispered with a smile: "Nara County has a cool climate, so the flowers here are too late to bloom. Since it is so coincident, it is better to enjoy the flowers together."

"Okay." Xixi didn't think about anything else, and immediately nodded and said, "It's quite a sensation to eat under a cherry tree."

The area used for competitions is heavily sealed and temporarily closed.

But people can visit other places in the temple.

The other members of the national team were all elites. Seeing Mo Zixin's strange eyes, they all found an excuse to spread them apart.

Xixi didn't think about anything else, so he followed Mo Zixin and walked under the cherry tree.

Moxi walked in front, Mo Zixin slowly followed behind.

After a gust of wind, the cherry blossom petals scattered with the wind and fluttered with a white dress.

Xixi stretched out her hands and twirled her long hair mixed with petals, Mo Zixin moved her heart, took out her phone, clicked, and gave Xixi a close-up photo.

Hearing the sound of taking pictures, Xixi turned his head back gently, but only had time to see Mo Zixin put away his phone.

Caught on the spot, Mo Zixin's handsome face flashed a trace of confusion.

Before, he didn't understand why he saw Yun Yi for the first time, he would have a feeling of deja vu, and he couldn't understand why he could no longer control his heartbeat after meeting Gu Xixi.

But after last night's dream, he understood everything.

It turned out that people really have past and present lives.

No wonder he likes Gu Xi because it turned out that because he had fallen deep in his last life, he couldn't extricate himself.

He has missed too much in his last life. In this life, he must not miss it!

In this life, he wants her to fall in love with herself willingly!

Where does Xixi not understand Mo Zixin's eyes, but...

Anything in this world can be forced, but emotions cannot.

In fact, I have already said very clearly that I really have no affection for Mo Zixin between men and women. I just think that he is a very caring and confidant brother, but he is not a partner who can carry his life.

But in this case, it is enough to say it once, and if you say too much, it will really hurt you.

Apart from keeping as far away from him as possible, there is really no other way.

So I pretended not to find it, and smiled and said: "You also rarely take this opportunity to take a break, then don't be wronged yourself. This is public travel."

Mo Zixin couldn't help but smile with amused words.

Mo Zixin was originally a beautiful man, but his beauty was not as aggressive as Yin Sichen, but when he smiled, it was still pleasing to the eye, attracting many people around to stop and watch it.

In particular, his pair of blue eyes that are different from other Chinese people make him a bit more mysterious.

Several hot girls couldn't help but throw a few Qiu Bo at Mo Zixin.

Mo Zixin walked two steps quickly, did not mean to take care of other people, and walked side by side with Xi Xi.

At noon, the organizer really organized everyone to have a picnic on the grass under the cherry trees.

Xixi sat on the side of Mo Zixin, happily eating the sushi delivered.

Mo Zixin chatted casually with Xixi, the atmosphere was relaxed and casual.

At the same time, Yin Sichen, who was still on the mountain, also left the guest house by car and went directly to a secret stronghold of the Inagawa Association.

The news came from Xiao A. There was news about the batch of banned drugs three years ago.

Yin Sichen wanted to ask clearly whether the sequelae caused by this batch of banned drugs could be eliminated from the root cause.

If it is eliminated from the root cause, can the memory of Xixi be recovered?

Wanting to defeat Mo Zixin is actually very simple, as long as it reminds Xi of everything in the past!

With the feelings of two people, Mo Zixin had no chance!

Mo Zixin knew everything about Yin Sichen's actions.

However, Mo Zixin's abacus is that while Yin Sichen is looking for a solution to the banned drugs, hurry up and cultivate emotions.

If Xixi nodded and agreed to be with herself during this period, then Yin Sichen would be useless even if he found a way.

The two men are playing with their little abacus, and Xixi is ignorant at this time!

Xixi and other team members quickly joined together. The status of Yunjia Shuxiang's family was untouchable. Xixi's erudition was instantly recognized by several consultants.

Those who used to be slow, also slowly accepted it.

After all, Xixi is a person with real talents, not an indiscriminate one.

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