The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 446: Wang Yu pleads

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Just after Xixi had just held a meeting for the employees under his jurisdiction, the secretary knocked on the door and came in: "Mr. Yun, there is someone at the front desk named Wang Yu who wants to see you."

Wang Yu?

Xixi raised his hand and squeezed his brow, how come he came?

Moreover, how did he know that he worked for Danny?

What happened to him suddenly looking for himself?

Is that the car you want to get back with yourself?

By the way, I have forgotten this matter. On that day, Yin Sichen's men drove away, and I don't know if they sent it back.

Forget it, since all the meetings here have ended, go check it out for yourself.

Determined, Xi nodded and said, "Please come to the reception room."

The secretary received the order and immediately turned around to execute it.

Xixi got up and quickly came to the reception room.

As soon as I walked in, I saw that Wang Yu was still wearing laboratory overalls, with a restless expression, sitting in a chair on one side.

Wang Yu saw Xi Xi coming in, and suddenly his eyes lit up, looking at Xi Xi with expectation.

Xixi missed Wang Yu's rescue at that time, naturally it would not be neglecting Wang Yu.

"Wang Shao..." Xixi immediately walked over with a smile, reaching out and shaking with Wang Yu: "How come you come to find me?"

Wang Yu reluctantly withdrew his fingers, the remaining temperature and fragrance of his fingertips, so that he could not help a burst of heartbeat.

Wang Yu pushed his glasses, it seemed to be an embarrassed expression and said: "Miss Yun Er, I have something to beg you."

Seeing Wang Yu open the door and seeing the mountains, Xi Xi also opened the chair and sat across from Wang Yu, nodding and saying, "As long as I can do it, I am incumbent."

Wang Yu bowed his head and said in a frustrated manner: "Can you please tell Mr. Yin of the Yin Family Consortium not to target my father anymore? Although my father has always been scumbag, but this time he has also received a lesson Not only has Yin’s consortium swallowed several branches in the n city, but also the head office over the Imperial Capital has also been hit. Although I don’t like him very much, I also hate his style of doing things, but he is mine after all father."

"Mr. Wang forced you to come?" After listening to Wang Yu's words, his heart turned, and he immediately thought about some joints.

Wang Yu responded dejectedly: "My father said that if I couldn't stop President Yin from attacking, he would cut off all the funds in my laboratory."

Hearing Wang Yu's answer, I inexplicably felt like laughing.

This Wang Yu is actually quite interesting.

The experiment was much bigger, and even the father’s property was indifferent.

Such a person really cannot support the Wang family.

Because he is not here.

Guessingly, Wang Zhen was already scorched, and all the tricks used did not work.

Then, afterwards, I thought of my son and myself.


He kidnapped himself in the front and demanded himself in the back.

Co-authored all the good things in the world and left him alone?

However, Wang Yu did save himself, and he had to lead Wang Yu's favor.

Although he is a jerk, but his son is still good, he can't just sit back and talk about this matter.

Wanting to understand this joint, Xixi immediately solemnly replied: "Okay, I will help you!"

Wang Yu looked at him in surprise.

"Relax, I'll talk to President Yin about this matter." Xi Xi's voice was very soft and light, but she didn't know that her face now was almost overlapping Yun Yun.

Wang Yu stared blankly at his cheek, but he was dumbfounded.

The time is very precious, so there is not much to retain Wang Yu. After Wang Yu was sent away, Yin Shichen was dialed immediately.

The phone rang only two times and was connected.

The moment Yin Sichen answered the phone, his heart, liver and liver were shaking.

There is a call, a call, and finally a call!

After waiting for so long, I finally waited for a normal call!

On the last phone call, he didn't have time to speak, and he was kidnapped!

This call is finally normal!

I don’t know what to say to myself"?

Is she telling herself that she wants to restore her memory and ask for help?

Or should I tell myself that I want to be my partner to attend the 80th birthday?

Or did she suddenly miss the child and want to visit the Yin family? Although she has no place now, she still doesn't mind taking her back to see the children...

Just when Yin Sichen was thinking wildly, her voice was softly floating in: "Mr. Yin, do you have time to meet?"

Here comes, my little mole finally wants to see me!

Well, should the next sentence express my feelings of missing me?

Yin Sichen didn't wait to answer, and the voice of the little mole came again on the phone: "I have something to ask you for help, it's about the emperor."


The pen in his hand was broken in half by Yin Sichen.

what? Imperial capital? Wang Zhen?

His little mole actually asked for help for such a scumbag?

What help? Don't help!

Wait, this is the first time that the little mole took the initiative to tell himself to ask himself for help after three years.

If the opportunity is so rare, if it is easily rejected, isn't there a chance to get along with her alone?

Well, let’s first come down and see what the little mole does, and then decide.

After Xi Xi finished speaking two words, he was anxiously waiting for the other party's response.

The end of the phone has always been so quiet, a little unconfident.

Xi Xi began to hesitate and asked Yin Sichen to help herself. Is this thing appropriate?

If he refuses, how should he convince him?

Wang Yu is gracious in his own right, and it is reasonable to help him by himself.

However, after all, he didn't have much intersection with Yin Sichen. It was normal for him to rashly make this request and be rejected.

How to do it? Do you need to continue to add fire?

Just when Xixi was suffering, Yin Sichen's unique magnetic voice floated out of the microphone: "Okay, let's have a meal at noon."

Hearing Yin Sichen's agreement, Xi was obviously relieved.

"Okay, that place..." The obvious sigh of relief made Yin Sichen instantly displeased.

How can his little mole beg for him?

Yin Sichen grinded her teeth for a while, but still answered the question: "Come to the company restaurant to eat. You used to eat here often."

After saying this, Yin Sichen couldn't help but hang up the phone.

Xixi held the phone for a long time and never recovered.

What do you mean? Go to the restaurant of Yin's Consortium?

Well, although I don’t mind what I eat at noon, I mind what he said!

I used to eat in the restaurant of the Yin Consortium before?

So to say, you used to be an employee of the Yin Consortium?

Memory blank is this bad!

Not only are feelings blank, but past experiences are blank.

With a sigh, you really have to bear the consequences of your choice accordingly.

Without much delay, the secretary asked Mu Ruona to say hello and took a taxi to the office building of the Yin Consortium.

Although City n is not the headquarters of Yin's consortium, Yin's consortium also owns an independent building as an office in City n.

This is the essence of the Yin's consortium. Even if it is a branch company, it can monopolize a building, let alone how domineering the headquarters is.

As soon as Xi Xi entered the company's door, the moment the whole company's employees saw her, the whole thing was bad!

Almost everyone was trembling: "Young grandma is good!"

Xixi wanted to explain, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

So many people, how can they explain clearly one by one?

They simply don't care what they call them, they just nodded at them and asked the front desk company restaurant on which floor.

The front desk diligently told Xixi the location of the restaurant. Before waiting for Xixi to turn to the elevator, Xiao A had already come downstairs and greeted Xixi with a respectful face.

"The president told me to pick you up! The president said that you haven't been here for three years. You feel strange to be natural. You will get used to it in the future." Xiao a respectfully retold Yin Sichen's original words.

Xixi twitched his lips, still come often?

What are you doing here?

Xiao A took it and immediately took the presidential elevator to the restaurant.

After the two have left, the whole company will be boiling!

Grandma is back!

Mrs. President is back!

The grandma's temperament seems to have changed a lot, more elegant and dignified than three years ago, such a grandma's standing forward, those Yingyingyanyan are not enough to look at!

The news about the return of Mrs. Yin’s president’s wife, like a gust of wind, instantly wiped the entire n city!

The women who still dreamed of climbing the tall branch of Yin's consortium all cried miserably!

Those women who are coveting the president can rest!

Xixi followed Xiaoa directly to the top floor of the restaurant and the best room.

As soon as she entered the door, she discovered the beauty of the room.

Although it is only a company restaurant, the luxury and refinement of the decoration are not lost to any six-star hotel.

If there is no estimation error, the food is exquisitely comparable to the standard of a six-star seven-star hotel.

"Please sit down, the president will be here in a moment." Xiao a is very happy to be able to return to the office building of the Yin consortium!

The grandma will be happy when the grandma returns.

The president is happy, so they are happy as a subordinate.

He nodded and sat down under the care of Xiao A.

As soon as she sat down, someone brought freshly brewed tea.

He picked up the tea cup and just smelled it, and then it was distinguished. This is a fragrance piece that he once liked for some time.

The Yun family is proficient in the tea ceremony, and the value of this fragrance is not low at all.

At this moment, a brisk footstep sounded outside the door.

It didn't take long before I heard the little A outside the door whispering hello: "President, the grandma is already waiting inside."

"Huh." Yin Sichen's voice was a bit brisk, and also a bit of joy.

Hearing the voice outside, he stood up immediately to prepare for Yin Sichen.

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