The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 445: Three sisters meet

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mo Zixuan, as the Miss Mo family, naturally has the pride of the Mo family.

She will not surrender her status and care about anything with a civilian.

But she won't, Mu Ruona will!

The woman's eyes are not ordinary sharp, and her mouth is not ordinary poisonous!

Jiang Huiyin dared to slam in front of Mo Zixuan, but did not dare to slam in front of Mu Ruona!

If Mu Ruona recognized her identity, she was really dead!

Hearing Mo Zixuan asked Mu Ruona to come over, he didn't wait to answer. Jiang Huiyin stood up suddenly and said anxiously: "Ah, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do. I'm leaving now! , Let’s go back! Miss Mo, I’m so embarrassed, I still have to take a step first, please forgive me!”

Mo Zixuan just looked up at her and nodded indifferently.

In Mo Zixuan's eyes, this woman is really nothing.

Whether she is in the emperor capital or in the y province, she is a well-known famous Shuyuan, and she can't be more serious than a feng chen woman.

Xixi couldn't stand the woman making this gesture in front of her. When she heard that the other party was going, she didn't hold back. She said immediately, "Well, then let's talk about it another day."

Jiang Huiyin grabbed the bag and fled in embarrassment.

Even if she is a famous brand, even if she has a similar appearance, she still loses to Gu who is a bargain!

Because, Xibei goods is Xibei goods. No matter how dusty the pearls are, the pearls are still pearls, and no matter how the lacquer is applied, it is still Sibei goods!

Xi Xiu called Mu Ruona in the past, Mu Ruona heard that Mo Zixuan had come, and she really threw the matter in her hand and hurried over.

When Xi Zi and Mo Zixuan saw Mu Ruona's flaming red Porsche Sao bag stopped downstairs, Mo Zixuan couldn't help but say to Xi Xi: "Do you say Ruona's character will not change? ? For so many years, she is still so arrogant!"

Xixi leaned on her chin and said, "I guess there is no hope!"

After saying this, the two laughed at the same time.

Mu Ruona stood on the chest of the G Cup and stepped on the eight-centimeter high-heeled shoes. The queen walked all the way, and she rolled her eyes at Mo Zixuan when she entered the door, saying, "You said you didn't go to England some time ago. Tell me, I knew I was going to England too."

Mo Zixuan replied: "Aren't you going to Italy to hide?"

Speaking of hiding, Mu Ruona felt frustrated for a while: "Don't mention it, Shang Ke's lingering soul..."

Mu Ruona didn't want to mention Shang Ke, but changed the topic: "Yes, I heard that your fiance..."

"Stop and stop, stop and stop! Jing Rong and I are not unmarried couples. It was just a joke between the parents of the two parties. There were no tokens of the two engagements. It is not accurate." Mo Zixuan quickly made a big cross. , Anxious and pale-faced explanation: "Don't you draw me with that girly girl! I don't like that girly girl."

"Then you still match up with your brother?" Mu Ruona leaned on the sofa without bones, and squinted at Mo Zixuan: "Don't think I don't know what you are trying to do in the past two years."

Mo Zixuan quickly compensated and smiled: "I don't mean I want to marry, and I don't force it, do I?"

Seeing Mo Zixuan ask for help, he snorted irresistibly.

"Furthermore, my brother is much better than that girly, handsome and dedicated and hard working and gentle. Jing Rong's boy can have one-tenth of my brother and I will not resist this marriage! Look at him, by your side How many Yingying Yanyan red powder confidant? How far does this central air conditioner go! I'm not rare!" Mo Zixuan couldn't help rolling his eyes and said: "I Mo Zixuan can't marry, why should I hang? Die on his crooked neck tree?"

"It makes sense," Xi Xi echoed.

"Why don't you marry Mo Zixin?" Mu Ruona glanced sideways.

"Isn't it a feeling?" Xi Xi also answered sturdily.

"Cut." Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan gave Xi Xi a white eye at the same time.

The three of them got together again and talked and laughed, and the dinner was delicious.

The three people talked and talked about Mrs. Yin's 80th birthday.

Mu Ruona and Xi Xi said they wanted to go. Mo Zixuan suddenly thought of the woman who claimed to be Jiang Ying. She couldn't help but frown and said, "Xi Xi, that woman named Jiang Ying is not a good person. You have less contact with her."

"Jiang Ying?" Mu Ruona asked doubtfully: "It seems that I unwittingly missed something important."

Mo Zixuan's disgusted expression explained to Mu Ruona: "When I first came over, I saw Xi Xi sitting with a woman named Jiang Ying. This woman's facial features are similar in nine points, but The temperament of that body, if I am not wrong, she should be in the skin business. Where does such a woman deserve to eat with us?"

Do skin and skin business...

Mu Ruona admitted that she was struck by lightning.

"Xi Xi..." Mu Ruona said to Xi Xi with a long heart: "It doesn't matter if you lose your memory, and your previous taste is not so bad! Really, believe me! Your previous style is also extremely strict, Whether you are Gu Xixi or Yunxi, you will not have any intersection with such a person. Although the Gu family is ugly and unreliable, it still stands in the sun with a clear banner on this matter. Not to mention It’s the tall and majestic Shuxiang door of the Yun family!"

Xixi twitched: "I was just curious about what she could say. In fact, I also thought that I should not be the same person with her. I didn't feel any closeness to her at all."

"That's right!" Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan said in unison.

Leaving Jiang Huiyin apart, the topic of the three returned to Mrs. Yin's birthday. What gift was appropriate.

After eating, Mo Zixuan made other arrangements and returned to Mu Ruona together.

Mu Ruona drove the car and said to Xi Xi: "Whether we can open our company at the 80th birthday of Mrs. Yin this time depends on our preparations. Xi Xi, you tell me the truth, you few How is Tian’s relationship with Yin Sichen?”

How is the relationship? How else? Isn't it... all kinds of embarrassment?

"Just do that." Xixi said discouragedly: "Rona, I have a knot."

"Huh?" Mu Ruona couldn't help turning her head and glanced at him: "Are you knotted again?"

What is it...

Xixi ignored Mu Ruona's ridicule and continued, "You said, if he really loves me, why didn't he find me for three years? Over the past three years, with his status and strength, he can always find me , Isn't it?"

Mu Ruona nodded: "This is true."

The Shang family where Shang Ke is located is not as strong as the Yin family, and he can find Mu Ruona's whereabouts anytime and anywhere, and chase and intercept, and the murdered Mu Ruona is running around to hide from him.

If Yin Sichen really wants to find Gu Xi, let alone the big goal of Paris, France, that is, hiding on Mount Everest can be dragged home!

"So, I suddenly don't want to find a way to retrieve my memory. If I loved him before, then even if I am amnestic, I will still fall in love with him, right?" Xi Xi looked at Mu Ru with expectation. Na.

"In theory, this is indeed the case." Mu Ruona nodded.

"If I don't love him enough, or he doesn't love me enough. What's the point of finding this memory or not? I just need to know that I have two children who need my love. It's enough anyway. It's impossible to grab the Yin family's right of inheritance." Xi Xi exhaled gently.

"So, you have to put your future on the test of your feelings?" Mu Ruona really is the best-known girlfriend, and immediately continued to say the following: "Three years is not short If you can’t fall in love with each other again, then you give up retrieving memories?"

"Yes." Xi Xi said firmly: "If our love is not as steadfast as I thought, then what's the point of insisting on me? My Yun family's daughter, from childhood to most, is proud and begging to come I don’t want my love! What I want is willingness!"

Mu Ruona thoughtfully glanced at Xixi: "Xixi, you are really a bit different from before. Before you, you didn’t have such self-confidence and no such determination. Before you, always like that. My self-confidence is always so weak, so weak that I am often bullied by others, and I smile and say no pain. In fact, I like you now, and now you are full of confidence and pride. You said Yes, if a relationship cannot stand the test, what is the point of asking for it?"

Mu Ruona suddenly thought of herself and Shang Ke, if Shang Ke was able to...maybe, he and he would not end like this.

Sure enough, feelings are the most tolerant of fraud.

Love and dislove, separated by a line, are two worlds, positive and negative.

If there is enough love, how about crushing bones?

But if it is not enough, then the foundation is not stable, everything is just a mirror, a castle in the sky, which will collapse and disappear at any time.

Xi Xi looked at Mu Ruona with excitement: "Ruona, do you agree with me?"

"Why not?" Mu Ruona figured this out, and suddenly smiled brightly: "You are right, and reminded me. Yeah, if a relationship can't stand the test, it's not as good do not love!"

Shang Ke, if in your eyes, I am still not as important as your family and your career, then I will never look back.

My Mu Ruona also has my pride and my self-esteem.

Charity love, I don’t want it!

Either love me wholeheartedly, or don’t give me a point!

Broken love is most hurtful.

After this conversation, the two close friends in the boudoir both strengthened the belief in their hearts.

With the approaching of Mrs. Yin's birthday, the entire Yin family mansion was busy as a group of tops.

Five days before the birthday, the entire n-city is already lively.

Xixi and Mu Ruona have also submitted the secret formula of the maintenance product in their hands, waiting for the patent office to issue the final document proof.

After getting the patent, the company will formally start operation.

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