The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 402: Ready to go to uk

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Questions, I asked the three people here!

"Cough cough." Mu Ruona stood up suddenly: "I suddenly remembered that the washing machine was washed in the washing machine, I went to see it."

"Cough." Yin Yuzhan also stood up. "I just ordered an order from the Internet, I have to go and see where the progress is."

"Cough." Gu Miao also stood up immediately. "It's broken. I've made a phone call to repair the gate. Why hasn't it arrived yet? I have to ask! Or how dangerous is it at night!"

Let's see if all three of them are gone, and then we leave ourselves.

How is this going……?

Do they know it or not?

"Hey, you three... Hey, don't you bother me?" It was a bit sullen, what did that mean?

The three of them turned around and walked fast, without giving a chance.

After a while, the gate repairer really came.

Dingding Dangdang quickly repaired the door of Xixi's house and repainted it.

He changed his clothes, re-leveled the blown vegetable garden, and sprinkled the seeds for planting again.

Although the public security is not good here, nobody steals such things as stealing vegetables.

Moreover, there are very few people here, and really no one lives nearby.

Therefore, the vegetables grown in the yard are still growing well.

After a busy morning, I watered the water and finally got some rest.

Xiao a smiled and came over holding a vegetable basket, knocked on the door and came in: "Miss Xi, this is the green vegetables that the president asked me to send. This is the fresh vegetables that have just been shipped from China. Many dishes are not available in France. , So it can only be shipped from within the country."

Watching Xiaoa put the vegetables directly into the house, he opened his mouth and said, "How is that so funny? How much is it? Otherwise, I bought these vegetables!"

"No, the president said, it should be the down payment to the UK." Xiao a very long-eyed came over and helped to collect the watering tube, said: "The president told me to let you know, I will leave the day after tomorrow Britain, let you prepare for these two days."

"There is nothing to prepare, I have already packed my salute." Xi Xi said quickly: "Then I took the children together?"

"The president instructed that Miss Xixi would fly directly with her child. The president would go one step ahead, and there would be a special person responsible for the reception after Miss Xixi passed." Xiao a smiled and said: "For the convenience of Miss Xixi taking care of Child, the president will call you an assistant to take care of you and your child’s daily life. Please don’t say anything. This is the president’s intention."

I was so disappointed that I did such a stern thing last night, and the other party had to care about it, and he sent green vegetables and assistants...

Why do you feel so inconsistent?

Xiaoa left the house respectfully after finishing her work.

At noon, Xiao Wang really dragged the box over.

"Young milk... Ah, Miss Xixi, I'm here!" Xiao Wang smiled and came to say hello to Xixi. When he saw Mu Ruona coming, she also greeted Mu Ruona: "Miss Mu hasn't seen you for a long time!"

"Xiao Wang, you are here!" Mu Ruona greeted Xiao Wang with a smile.

He looked at them suspiciously: "Do you know?"

Xiao Wang and Mu Ruona had a stiff expression! !

Finished, forget this stubble!

Mu Ruona's mind turned quickly, and immediately said: "Of course I know! She is a member of the assistant group of the Yin's consortium. I used to be the vice president of Odyssey! I have also had a lot of dealings with the Yin's consortium. Yin I don’t know the assistant beside Si Chen?"

Xiao Wang suddenly replied: "Yeah, yeah, that's it!"

"You also know that Yin Sichen is so busy that many things can't be asked in person, so naturally those assistants did it! It's also a regular thing that I often meet with the assistant team! Right, Xiao Wang?" Mu Ruona? Quickly made a wink at Xiao Wang.

"Ah, yes, yes." Xiao Wang nodded, "That's it!"

Xixi always think they are strange...

However, this explanation can be said in the past.

"Xiao Wang, I really don't need any care here." Xixi turned to Xiao Wang and said, "Thank you Mr. Yin for your kindness. I go to the UK to work, not to play!"

"You don’t need to mind, the president is very good to partners and subordinates. Look at me. I have been working with the president for so many years and never plan to change jobs. So, don’t worry about it, just The welfare of formal employees is good!" Xiao Wang finally recovered, and quickly came to an end.

"Come on, don't be polite with others! You think it's easy to take your kids! You just became a mom and you don't know the hard work! Xiao Wang comes to help you, just steal it! Otherwise, wait until When you are busy, how do you cry! You don’t want to think about it. When you run around with President Yin, who will take care of your children? Who can show you when I can’t help you see your child?"

Mu Ruona's words reminded me at once!

He slaps his head: "Yeah, how did I forget such an important thing? Ah ah, it's me bad! Xiao Wang, thank you! Then please these few days!"

Xiao Wang immediately replied with a smile: "You must not be polite!!! It is right to take care of them!"

Xixi said very sincerely: "That's the way, then it's so settled! In the past two days, please help you take care of the children. I will buy some things and prepare to go to the UK!"

"Ah, if there is a need to purchase, please give me a list, I will prepare it." Xiao Wang smiled very gently: "This is the assistant's job, you only need to order, and the rest will come. carried out!"

"Ah? Is this really okay?" Mu Rona looked anxiously.

Mu Ruona nodded with a smile.

"Well, then thank you!" Xi Xi felt really a little bit sorry!

Anyway, this is Yin Sichen's assistant. Is it really okay for him to call it this way?

However, she also wanted to try how great the assistant was. She immediately made a long list and asked Xiao Wang to purchase.

It was only an hour before a car appeared at the door.

Gu Xixi asked for a lot of things that were all purchased back!

Even a lot of unpopular things have been bought!

A dumbfounded dumbfounded!

What a great assistant!

Actually, where is Xiao Wang awesome? Xiao Wang just passed the task of the purchase list back, and someone will get it done right away!

Xixi prepared for a whole day, and finally packed four large boxes at night.

Most of the things in them are two children's things, only a small box belonging to her own.

Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao saw that they had prepared several clothes in and out of them, and suddenly they couldn't help running over to hug their legs and act like a spoiler: "Mom is hard! 1"

Xixi squatted down and hugged Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao, saying, "We will go to Britain the day after tomorrow. We have to promise my mother not to go into trouble or run around, did you hear that?"

"Yeah." Yin Yuyan smiled with Gu Miao very proudly.

Hey, Britain is their home base.

They went to England, but no one dared treat them!

"Okay, it's not early, let's go, take a bath and go to bed!" Xixi took two small buns to take a bath and rest.

Mu Ruona drove away in the evening.

She will never give Shang Ke any chance to find her!

It’s said that five years without disturbing each other, what about trust between people?

This is only three years!

Shang Ke couldn't help running to France to find someone!

Fortunately, she escaped fast, otherwise she was about to be caught!

Therefore, after Xiao Wang came over to take over her job, Mu Ruona didn't stay much for a minute and drove away!

In the evening, Xiao Wang rested in Mu Ruona's room. Two little buns clinged to their pillows and jumped on the pillow **, saying that they had to sleep with mommy.

Xixi loved the child and thought about what happened in the past two days, and then tacitly agreed.

As usual, it is time to tell a story before going to bed.

"Mommy, please tell us the story of Yunjia." Gu Miao said with a smile: "We like listening to the story of Yunjia."

"You like to listen to the story of the Yun family, okay, then I will tell you about the origin of the Yun family today." Xi Xi said with a smile: "This matter, in fact, only the Yun family's descendants can know. Because you are me Good baby, so your mother will tell you about Yunjia’s true origin today."

The two little buns lit up and looked at them shiningly.

He smiled slightly, stroking two small heads and said, "Many people think that the history of the Yun family is only more than four hundred years, but they are wrong. The history of the Yun family has been more than three thousand years. The true origin of the Yun family It started from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. In my generation, it is exactly 1111 generations. Is it a very distant family? In the era of war, the change rate is particularly fast. Therefore, the Yun family Is a veritable big family."

"But the Yun family has always believed in Confucianism and pays attention to a middle way. Therefore, the people of the Yun family did not go to the officialdom and did not go to the single-wood bridge. Even if someone is an official in the dynasty, it is only a small local official. Into the Chaotang. This precedent was suddenly broken nearly five hundred years ago. A true genius appeared in the Yun family, he formally established the Yun family. It is also the first precedent to give up politics. It’s the only precedent."

"Later, war broke out, and the Yun family made credit for the horses and horses. You probably haven't heard of an idiom called: cunning rabbit dying, running dog cooking, bird flying, slingshot hiding. The Yun family received the emperor's great merits because of its great merits. Dreadful. The owner of the Yun family sensed the emperor’s killing intention, and handed over most of the family’s property and title in time, and took the Yun family away from the Chaotang. This only preserved the foundation of the millennium."

"In order to thank the Yun family for their dedication and concessions, the emperor formally established a family and ancestral temple for the Yun family. This is when the Yun family began to be truly prominent. It was also at this time that the Yun family's cultural status began to receive attention and Reuse. The Yun family has exported many and many talents to the court, and has received many and many praises. The Yun family has always adhered to the principle that it will never be affected by the government."

"There are people in the Yun family who are emperors and prime ministers, but they will never exceed a certain period of time. At a certain time, they will definitely step down and leave. It is this statement of the Yun family that will make the Yun family prosperous among successive emperors. Up until the early Qing Dynasty, the Yun family came out with a female general named Yun Zixiao." The fascinating story about the life of the legend of Yun Zixiao, the envy of the two little buns, I wish I could go now. The mountain village went to see the portrait of Yun Zixiao.

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