The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 401: I will be responsible

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Xixi finally spoke: "Ah, I'm up already."

A pretty girl came in immediately outside the door. The girl almost burst into tears when she saw herself, and she almost cried.

Ah, look, this strange little girl is crying!

She must be sorry for herself!

She also feels that she has done all the evil things and will be dead soon!

What a...unlucky!

My own wine volume is so poor!

Just a bottle of wine, I put myself down!

"Grandma, my name is Xiao Wang." The girl looked at her with red eyes, "You are finally back."

Nodding noddingly, I think there is something wrong with this sentence.

What is finally coming back...

Xixi can't take care of these sections now, or think about how to deal with that man for a while!

Xiao Wang quickly pushed Xixi into a row of brand-new clothes, and quickly matched Xixi with him.

He was stunned: "How do you know my preferences?"

Xiao Wang's eyes were red again: "Because I am empathetic!"

He smiled a little, didn't refuse Xiao Wang's help, and soon changed his clothes to leave the room.

Looking at the back of Xi Xi, Xiao Wang couldn't help but wiped the corners of his eyes secretly.

Grandma, I finally found you!

Xixi slowly walked to the restaurant, at this time Yin Sichen had also changed to a brand new outfit.

The dark purple shirt, with the two buttons on it open, the sleeves rolled up to the position of the arms, came over with two breakfasts.

Silver-grey trousers, wrapped in figure, tall and strong.

Xi Xi couldn't help swallowing. In the dream last night, why didn't he have any further memories with him?

To what extent did you **last night?

"Are you up? Have breakfast." Yin Sichen glanced at him very naturally and said, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Here comes, Xingshi is guilty!

He must be suggesting that he did such a ** thing last night, is he guilty?

Guilt? Of course guilty!

Although I am in France, the people here are all open to Nahat, but it does not mean that I must follow the customs of the village and just wipe out the people.

The other party's question is just right!

Not only did he lose his face, but also reminded himself cleverly!

He stayed in the same place for a long time without answering, so he stared at the two breakfasts in Yin Sichen's hands.

Yin Sichen saw that she had been staring at the breakfast in her hand, and immediately smiled softly and said: "Last night I was sorry to make you drink too much, you worked hard, so I personally made two breakfasts together, if not disgusted Eat it?"

I'm coming! This is a further hint to yourself!

A hard sentence proves that I was really ** last night!

If you don’t have sex, how can you work hard?

Looking at his expression, although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, it was so reluctant that it must be hard to tell.

Mr. Yin, sorry, I did it last night!

You are wronged!

Seeing Xixi still standing there, Yin Sichen suddenly smiled and took the initiative to open the chair for Xixi: "Sit."

I'm coming! Is this a negotiation with yourself?

Yes, he is the first to salute!

As Dad said, men with aura and momentum often don't go straight in. Rather than salute first, make a full gesture!

This Yin Sichen is so powerful, it must be such a person!

He deliberately got up early and prepared breakfast, and then greeted himself politely, and started negotiations after finishing the greeting!

This is the first salute before the soldiers!

However, in the face of such a powerful Yin Sichen, what should you do to show your sincerity and confess your attitude?

Apologize directly?

Or... it’s faster to ask for mercy directly?

No no no, these are not suitable!

Or just express your position!

A man as strong as him wants absolutely no apology or beg for mercy, but his own attitude!

Yes, it must be like this!

Look, he is smiling at me!

He is waiting for his statement!

Sure enough, it's a terrible man!

Yin Sichen saw Xi Xi staring blankly at her face, staring blankly, not talking or eating, so she stared at herself.

Yin Sichen couldn't help smiling lightly: "I have something on my face?"

Xixi suddenly stood up suddenly, with a struggling and tangled expression on his face, looking at Yin Sichen's slightly surprised expression, and gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Yin was really sorry last night! I didn't expect I would drink too much! Yesterday You have done bad things! But rest assured, I will be responsible!"

Ruo-a group of people fell in the distance.

Yin Sichen froze a little, then laughed out loudly.

"I'm serious! I...I...I don't have much money...I only..." Xi Xi gritted his teeth, thinking that it was a big deal to go back to his parents and ask for money!

"Well, okay. I'll wait for you to be responsible." Yin Sichen actually answered in a serious way: "Sit down and eat first, and you will be responsible for me when you are full."

He looked at each other suspiciously.

He talks so well?

Wasn't it said that he was cruel and cruel? Doesn’t it mean that there are never strangers around him?

He just let himself go so easily?

"Come on, I'll cut your breakfast for you and eat this one." Yin Sichen cut a plate of breakfast by himself, handed it to Xixi, and got the uncut breakfast in front of Xixi. In front of yourself, the movement is cut quickly and elegantly.

He looked at him suspiciously: "What happened last night, are you really not angry?"

"Why do you want to be angry?" Yin Sichen raised her eyebrows and looked at her.

This look...

Shouldn't it be angry eyes?

"I... Did I happen to you last night..." I couldn't keep up with the next words.

Yin Sichen then made an expression of sudden enlightenment and said, "Ah, you said last night!"

It's so nervous!

Intently staring at Yin Sichen, looking forward to his next sentence.

"I did drink too much last night, and what happened happened, I don't remember at all! By the way, what did you just say? What do you say you are responsible for?" Yin Sichen asked with a suspicious expression. Road.

Suddenly froze!

Did he drink too much?

He didn't even remember?

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha... **** help me too!

Am I not responsible?

Xixi waved his hand desperately: "Nothing, nothing... Ha ha ha ha, I said nothing! Eat, eat! Nothing happened!"

Xixi picked up the knife and fork and quickly ate the breakfast in front of him.


He has forgotten!

Hahaha, you can stop being responsible!

Anyway, only him and himself were in the room last night!

As long as he doesn't remember, everything will not happen!

Yin Sichen smirked and almost laughed.

Why is his little mole so cute!

"About last night..." Yin Sichen spoke slowly.

"Cough cough cough..." I thought I had successfully passed the level, almost scared by Yin Sichen's words and almost flew out the soul!

"Eat slowly, don't worry." Yin Sichen hurriedly handed over the glass at hand.

Xixi didn't raise his head at all, and reached for it, so I didn't find that this cup was actually...Yin Sichen's cup.

Gomummummummum, I drank it all.

"You said last night..." There was a guilty conscience.

"Ah, you asked me last night, can you take the children with you when you go to the UK?" Yin Sichen endured the smile in his mouth and said slowly: "I think about it carefully, I can bring it, and I will give You prepare a house for you to take care of them."

"Really?!" Xixi completely forgot his guilty conscience, and looked at Yin Sichen with a shining look.

The smile bloomed in the corner of Yin Sichen's mouth: "Well."

"Yeah! That's great! President Yin, you are such a good person!" Sincerely praised Yin Sichen.

The several assistants who were hiding on the side eavesdropping all smiled!

Seeing his president tease his grandma so much, it feels... really sour!

I heard that I can take my children to the UK. I was so happy that I forgot to take responsibility for this issue.

After eating breakfast happily, then happily leave!

When Xi Xi walked out of the door, I remembered that I forgot to take charge of this matter!

Ah, since he doesn't remember, does he need not be responsible?

Well, it must be like this!

You can stop being responsible!

The happily Sayya returned to her home.

However, as soon as she entered the door, she saw three pairs of disgruntled eyes, looking towards herself.

Xixi just remembered that he obviously went to deliver dumplings to his neighbor last night.

As a result...

Xixi became guilty again: "What... what was I last night..."

"Okay, don't explain!" Mu Ruona said seriously: "Everyone is an adult and understands it!"

Understand your sister! I haven't explained it yet!

Yin Yuyan and Gu Miao nodded silently at the same time, and then turned their heads collectively and ignored them.

In the bottom of my heart, sadness flows against the river...

Nonsence! Where are so many literary words?

Come, sons, let mom hug, let mom kiss!

Sure enough, beautiful men are not as reliable as their sons!

She sat dead in the middle of her son and said happily: "Tell you something. I'm going to England in a few days, um, yes, go to the United Kingdom with Yin Shichen, the president of the Yin Consortium. I have already applied for translation, my sons can go to the UK with me!"

Mu Ruona cheered: "Great, I'm free! I'm going to Italy!"

"What to do in Italy?" Xi Xi couldn't help asking.

"Go to Italy to hide people!" Mu Ruona replied straightforwardly.

If Yin Sichen goes to the UK, Shang Ke estimates that 80% will fly to the UK too!

Huh, don’t follow along!

Xixi also knows that Mu Ruona has been hiding from someone for two years, and that person seems to be very persistent looking for her everywhere.

Well, no matter her!

"Then wish you avoid success!" He smiled and patted Mu Ruona's shoulder, said: "Yes, ask you something! Isn't the Yin's president divorced three years ago? His ex-wife who is it"?"

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