The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 385: Mommy, we are boys!

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yin Sichen saw his eyes softened, and knew that his handsome man had succeeded.

I really didn't expect that I will have such a day, when I need to pursue this little mole with my own beauty...

Okay, it’s not the first time that this kind of thing has been done before, but it’s the first time it has been done so carefully.

Yin Sichen was a little thankful that God had given him such a good appearance. Finally, in addition to bringing endless trouble, he also had a little use.

Xixi raised her wrist to look at the time and said, "If Mr. Yin has nothing to do, can I leave first?"

To be honest, I really can't hold the two little buns at home.

Such a beautiful and cute bun, if it's your own, how nice...

Yin Sichen chuckled: "If Xi Xi has something to do, you can leave at any time. By the way, the company will have a welcome party tomorrow night. I wonder if Miss Xi Xi is willing to be my female companion?"

"Aha?" Xixi pointed at his nose: "Me? Yin always really jokes."

"I'm not kidding." Yin Sichen's eyes are deep and his smile is full of smiles: "Tomorrow I will let someone send you a dress. Whether I can complete this cooperation depends on Miss Xixi's cooperation."

Ha ha ha ha...

Xixi sneered in his heart.

Yeah, how did you forget this stubble?

This is a task given by the company's top executives. It offends the man in front of him, and this cooperation will make a difference.

Yeah, who told me to work at this company?

In its place, seek its politics.

It seems that the feminine partner's identity cannot be rid of.

Xixi immediately smiled and said, "Since President Yin appreciates it, it is better to obey than to respect. Then I will leave!"

"Okay, then don't give it away. Remember to drive Aston Martin, he is yours." Yin Sichen didn't hold back, smiled and sent her away.

After Xixi left, Yin Sichen took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Sons, the next one is up to you!"

Yin Yuyan and Gu Miao answered with a smile on the end of the phone: "Daddy, don't worry! We will definitely chase your mom back!"

Hanging up the phone, Yin Sichen's smile at the corner of his mouth could not be erased.

He would not believe it!

Three-pronged, where can his little mole escape!

He drove Aston Martin back, and along the way, that was a big swagger!

Even if there are a lot of rich people in Paris, but Aston Martin one-77 is still there for the collection level!

Drive casually on the street, this time around, it is called a sour!

To know that many people know the goods, every model of Aston Martin remembers it really.

When this model was produced in that year, there were only 77 cars in the world. Later, someone crashed one in Hong Kong, and some people did not plan to open it after collecting it. Strictly speaking, this car is really not on the road. Too.

So, countless people on the way looked, shocked, and amazed!

Xixi parked the car in the underground parking lot near his home and paid a large sum of money before returning home.

As soon as I entered the house, it turned out to be flying.

Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao are lying on the table with their little buttocks on their backs, and they communicate perfectly with the young Brazilian tortoise-forcing the Brazilian tortoise to lay eggs.

"Little turtle, you need to lay eggs quickly!" Yin Yuzhan held a stick to educate the Brazilian turtle across the glass tank: "You have occupied our mummy for three years, shouldn't you pay a price?" ?"

Gu Miao looked at Yin Yuzhan puzzledly: "Why should he lay eggs to pay the price?"

"Humph! They snatched Mummy and let us be a child without Mummy for three years, we robbed its child and made her child without Mummy!" Yin Yuyan raised his head high and said proudly: "This is Daddy said! Daddy said, how can the enemy treat us, we will return ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times!"

Gu Miao nodded hard in an instant, agreeing that "since it was said by dad, it must make sense! Yes, you lay eggs quickly, we have turtle eggs!"


As soon as she entered the house, she heard the strange conversation between the two steamed buns, and then spouted.

Who is Yin Yuyan's father?

It's so domineering!

Well, the man I saw today seems to be very domineering...

Oops, really, why did you think of him again!

Is it true that you are really attracted to the other party's male color?

Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao heard the movements behind them, and when they turned around, they saw Xi Xi, and regardless of the poor little Brazilian tortoise, Sa Ya rushed over and hugged Xi Xi's thigh one by one: "Mommy is back! "

Xixi raised his forehead again: "I'm not your mum..."

When I bowed my head, I saw tears rolling in the eyes of the two small buns, and I couldn't say anything below.

"Okay, okay, whatever you call it. Anyway, I'm not married or have children, just accept the two dry sons." Xi Xi reached out and wiped away tears for Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao: "Good treasure, Don’t cry, you’re hungry or hungry, is it good for you to cook? Right, Aunt Ruona?”

Gu Miao's bright red eyes flashed and said, "The godmother said it was inconvenient to take us to the supermarket to buy things. She went to buy us and let us wait at home."

Think about it, too. With two three or four year olds going out, it is indeed easy to distract.

Xixi said, "Then let's take a shower first? Wait, what do you call her?"

"God mother!" Yin Yuzhan replied in unison with Gu Miao: "We call her to be mother!"

Xixi suddenly misunderstood, thinking that Mu Ruona had received two dry sons for half a day.

Of course, Mu Ruona deliberately made her misunderstand!

Otherwise, how to explain?

Yin Yuzhan rolled his eyes and asked, "Does Mommy bathe us?"

He reached out a little bit of Yin Yuyan's nose and unconsciously brought a trace of drowning: "Okay, auntie, wash you!"

"Oh, oh, too!" Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao clapped to celebrate, happily running and undressing, and when she ran to the door of the bathroom, she was bare and fleshy.

"Wait, I haven't given you any water yet! 1" Xixi helplessly rolled up her sleeves and quickly followed into the bathroom. The bathtub was filled with water, and the two little buns had happily crawled in, happy Playing with water.

Xixi hit a lot of bubbles in the water to make them happy.

The features of the two small steamed buns became more and more stereoscopic.

Xi Xi noticed that Yin Yuzhan's appearance seemed a bit familiar, as if someone...

Gu Miao is a typical mixed-race, with dark brown hair and slightly curly hair, and delicate facial features. Especially the red eyes are out of the ordinary. The beauty of these two children is simply unreasonable.

Xixi casually said to them while making bubbles: "You look so beautiful, does anyone say you are girls?"

As soon as Xi Xi's words fell, Yin Yuyan and Gu Miao looked at each other, and the two little buns pouted at the same time!

Huh, Mommy said the same!

"Brother, we prove it to mommy!" Yin Yuyan said dudu mouth.

"Good!" Gu Miao nodded in agreement.

Two small buns stood up from the bathtub at the same time, a small belly in the direction of flurry, two fleshy birds swayed proudly across the water line.

"Mommy, look, we are boys!" Yin Yuyan and Gu Miao said in unison.


Xixi really smiled, one at a time, and pressed them into the water.

Gu Miao looked up and said: "Does Mom now believe that we are boys?"

Yin Yuzhan said in a dumb mouth: "Mommy must not doubt our gender!"

Xixi laughed and endured internal injuries: "Yes, I was wrong!"

"Mommy should seriously reflect on it!" Yin Yuyan continued to mutter.

"Hmm, introspection must be serious introspection!" Xi Xi didn't find out at all, she no longer unknowingly corrected the two children's name for themselves.

Seeing how Xi nodded in approval, Yin Yuyan suddenly rolled his eyes and said, "Mommy takes a bath with us and rubs his back!"

Xi Xi: "You are boys, but I am a girl!"

Yin Yuzhan dudu mouth coquettishly said: "But we are mommy's baby, we don't count! Other children can take a bath with mommy, but from the day we were born, mommy has not accompanied us... "

Speaking of which, Yin Yuzhan slowly lowered his head, and his beautiful big eyes instantly turned red.

Oops, my heart!

Xi Xi covered her heart, suddenly soft enough.

Today, one day, my persistence and bottom line were repeatedly broken by these two little buns.

Forget it, no matter!

Before the mothers of these two children are found, they can account for a few days!

Even enjoy the happiness of being a mother in advance!

"Come, turn around, I'll rub your back." Xixi's breath was very soft and soft, and she probably didn't find out how soft her eyes were at this time.

Yin Yuzhan cheered Gu Miao and turned his body back to his back.

Xixi took a towel and carefully rubbed the backs of two small buns, especially the kind of delicate and delicate tenderness of the baby, so that Xixi was not willing to work hard, for fear of scratching such delicate skin.

Yin Yuyan and Gu Miao squinted happily, enjoying the services of her mother.

Sure enough, being with Mummy, no matter what you do, is the happiest!

Finally, after taking a shower, Xi Xi was wrapped in a large bath towel by herself, and then pulled over one by one to dry her hair with a hairdryer.

Seeing them wrapped up in a pupa-like snuggle in their arms, the feeling actually seemed very satisfying.

The sound of the key unlocking sounded outside the door, and when she looked up, she saw Mu Ruona pushing in three or four large suitcases.

"Are you bringing all the supermarkets here?" Xixi finished the last one, picked up a bottle of cream that can be used by adults and children, and gave two small buns a serious wipe from head to toe. all over.

Mu Ruona felt guilty for a while, hehe smiled and changed the topic: "You have finished washing them! Exactly, I have prepared the clothes and shoes, I can put them on!"

She didn't dare to admit to it, she didn't go to any supermarket at all, but directly looked for what the butler wanted.

How can the young master of the Yin family use supermarket goods?

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