The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 384: Who says my French is bad?

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

There are prosperous neighborhoods nearby, just found a cafe and parked the car.

Xixi handed the car key to the other party, but Yin Sichen didn't pick it up.

"This car has been given to you." Yin Sichen dropped this sentence and got out of the car.

It's a bit confusing, this car, really give it to me?

So generous?

How rich is the Yin consortium?

Such a valuable car, say you give it away? And still the stranger I met on the first day of today?

Xixi was still sitting in the driver's seat, and the door was opened. The slender and powerful hand appeared in front of Xixi.

Silly, his eyes fell on the other person's finger.

With perfect finger shape and a rosy palm, this is the most beautiful man's hand I've ever seen.

Better than those hand-made hands.

Everyone likes beautiful things, and Xixi is no exception.

Seeing such a beautiful hand, Xi subconsciously placed his hand in the palm of the other hand.

Waiting for the other person to hold his hand again, Xi Xi only reflected what he did...


Xixi felt a little annoyed.

I've never been an idiot before, but why didn't I have half the resistance to this man?

Xixi's eyes were a little flustered, he didn't dare to see him, and he would get off when he turned around.

"Seat belt." Yin Sichen raised her eyebrows, her panic didn't escape his eyes. His little mole was still the same as before, either forgetting to wear a seat belt or forgetting to remove it.

"Ah?" Hesitated, and there was no response.

The next second, his handsome face suddenly approached, suddenly startled, his body shrank back, but was imprisoned in this small space by the back of the chair.

His face is getting closer and closer, more and more...clear, and his breath is almost clear and audible.

That kind of strong male hormone caused her heart to jump!

The ears turned red unconsciously.

He... what is he doing?

So many people...

Ah... no, it doesn't mean... this is not a problem of more people but less people, but...

He suddenly reached out and untied the seat belt that was bound to Xi Xi, looking at Xi Xi with puzzled eyes.

There was a trace of exploration in the light, and a trace of...playful.

Xixi just reacted. He wanted to unbuckle his seat belt.

God, what the **** were you thinking about!

Ah, it's a shame...

Xixi really wanted to cover her face, pretending that nothing had happened just now.

Yin Sichen's eyes slightly picked up, and the faint light grew deeper, and her fingers pulled hard away from the car: "It's okay, this car has been given to you, don't be so nostalgic."

There was a panic: "I don't have..."

Before he finished speaking, he slammed into each other's slightly smiling eyes again, and he wished to bite his tongue down.

what happened?

How can I become so clumsy in front of this man?

I was so smart...

Really evil door, hell!

I dare not dare to ink again, otherwise I don't know how to be ugly.

There were so many ugliness at the first meeting. I have never been so shameful in my life.

Although this cafe is not large, it is exquisite.

There were not many people in the shop when the two went in.

The waitress quickly took two people to a seat near the window and reported his coffee in French. Yin Sichen said casually in French: "It's just like her."

Listening to Yin Sichen's incomparably pure spoken French, Xi was suddenly shocked: "Do you know French?"

"Did I say that I can't speak French?" Yin Sichen chuckled: "Who says my French is not good?"

Xixi opened his mouth suddenly.

His spoken French is so pure, what translation is needed?


The world of the rich is really unpredictable.

Coffee was quickly delivered, and Yin Sichen just glanced at it, and stopped moving.

Xixi took a soft sip and thought hard to find a topic.

Such a top aristocrat has to drink afternoon tea with himself. This is all here. The other party does not drink at all. What does that mean?

Want to talk to yourself?

I am just a chief translator, not at all a senior executive of the company. What can I talk to myself?

At the moment when he was puzzled, Yin Sichen supported the chin with one hand, and the other hand elegantly stirred the coffee in his hand. Slowly said: "I have a plantation in Africa."

"Ah?" A bit startled, this topic is awkward.

"If you like coffee very much, just go to my assistant and you can do whatever you want. They will send you coffee beans from African plantations." Yin Sichen said elegantly: "My coffee beans dare not say No. 1 in the world, but definitely not the worst."

Xixi realized what the other person meant, and said a little embarrassedly: "Ah, don't bother. Actually, I rarely drink coffee."

"I know, you like to drink tea." Yin Sichen squinted, as if remembering something, his eyes slightly squinted, the joy of his eyes made his eyebrows bring a trace of drowning.

It was stunned: "How do you know that I drink tea?"

"The three treasures of the Yun family: books, medicines, and tea. As the second Yun family, how could you not study tea?" Yin Sichen raised her eyes with a smile, and reflected the other person's figure into the eyes.

"You investigate me?" Xi Xi's complexion changed slightly: "The Yun family had withdrawn from China three years ago. How does Yin always know so detailed?"

"Because of you." Yin Sichen answered naturally.

"What do you mean?" Xi Xi's face changed again.

"The Yun family has been in depression for three years. Would you like to return to China?" Yin Sichen did not answer this question, but instead thrown another question: "Although the Yun family has a small island in Indonesia, it is a The rise and fall of the family is destined to be integrated into the environment. The Yun family has inherited thousands of years and formed a family for nearly 500 years. Such a huge background, just leave from China, don’t you feel very sorry? The culture of the Yun family, But it is all based on China."

"Mr. Yin knows a lot about our Yun family." Xi Xi's eyes froze, put away the shock of the male color, and began to look at Yin Sichen seriously.

Male color is wrong! !

I almost got caught in the other party's trap!

Yin Sichen is still laughing: "It is said that the Yun Family dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The Yun Family has been hidden in the city for a long time. This incubation has been for thousands of years. However, before 473 years ago, the Yun Family suddenly rose and became At that time, some people once questioned the Yun Family’s enthusiasm and rising capital. The Yun Family showed its inheritance to the world for thousands of years, and a family tree clearly proved the profound heritage of the Yun Family. He began to dance long sleeves on the political stage. Not only promoted the local economy, but also promoted the change of the political situation. Later, the Yun family suddenly chose to withdraw from the political stage, chose the golden mean, concealed the edge, and concentrated on the cultural field. The Yunjia's statement made the emperor very satisfied and retained the Yunjia."

"For so many years, the reason why the Yun family can successfully pass on for thousands of years is inseparable from the middle way chosen by the Yun family. I have also heard that the ancestors of the Yun family used to be Confucian people, and they accompanied Confucius around the world. Let's talk about the nations." Yin Sichen's expression dignified every time he said something.

These things can only be known to the Yunjia successors, how can Yin Sichen know!

The world only knows that the Yun family has a family history of nearly 500 years, but no one knows that the inheritance of the Yun family has actually begun since the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period!

How did he find these?

You know, the Yun family is now shrinking across the board, all living on the island of Indonesia, only he left the island two years ago and came to France alone.

I am sure that I have never mentioned my family with anyone in the past two years. How did the man in front of me know?

Seeing the dignified expression on his face, Yin Sichen couldn't help but sigh.

The Yun family really wanted to make Xixi clear his relationship with himself! !

Today, my memory is stable, although there is no schizophrenic worry, but the same, I want to persuade the other party, it is difficult to go to the sky!

However, even if it is difficult, you will not let go easily!

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to send you a coffee bean." Yin Sichen didn't want to make Xixi feel wary of herself for the first time, and suddenly smiled: "Otherwise, Xixi you Don’t you think I’m trying to plot something for you?”

Yin Sichen is well aware of his apparent lethality.

When necessary, he did not mind using this weapon at all.

Especially the person he faced was not someone else, but Gu Xi.

Yin Sichen smiled, the Chunjiang River was warm and the flowers were in full bloom.

People in the entire cafe, regardless of men and women, regardless of guest of honor, all eyes are on Yin Sichen.

There are a few bold and passionate girls who even take the initiative to call Yin Sichen's phone number.

But they hadn't had time to get close, and several bodyguards fell from the sky like ghosts, blocking their actions.

What a joke.

There is only one Gu in the world who can get close to the CEO!

Sure enough, his eyes were shaken by the other person's smile, and the hostility disappeared unconsciously.

Are you too sensitive?

The other party didn't say anything, did they?

The Yun family was originally a famous person, and it was not a small household. The other party knew that the Yun family was not unusual.

Moreover, the other party is still such a master of the eye.

Since the other party is not malicious to himself, he should not be arrogant.

Mom and Dad have repeatedly stated that they will not allow themselves to return to their home country.

However, if the Yun family can really return to the top, parents will probably be happy?

Forget it, don't want this thing, let's take care of the things now.

I don’t know what happened to those two little things at home. What if Ruona could do it alone?

When Xi Xi thought of the two little buns, he didn't know why it was inexplicably soft.

Especially that Yin Yu enthalpy, with a small mouth beeping, is really a bit like himself.

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