The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 358: Yin Sichen and Mo Zixin together

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yin Xuemo never thought that Jiang Huiyin would ** Xiao Heng!

Doesn't she like Jiang Yihai?

Why should I rob Xiao Heng with her!

Yin Xuemo sat there with a sullen face, his fingers and nails were sinking into the meat.

She must have been deceived!

That’s right, cheated by Jiang Huiyin!

Gu Xixi's approach to this matter quickly reached Mrs. Jiang's ear, and Mrs. Jiang nodded gently.

This method is the best.

Sacrifice an assistant and preserve the reputation of Jiang Yihai and the Jiang family.

She received this love!

Mrs. Jiang discovered more and more that Jiang Huiyin was really violently damaged by her, so that she did not know that the sky was thick!

It's still Yun's daughter!

Know the general, understand the advance and retreat.

Even at the critical moment, the chain is not dropped, and trouble is effectively and quickly handled.

It is a pity that once a daughter of the Yun family fell in love with his son, but could not become the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family.

Gu Xixi's handling method reached not only Mrs. Jiang's ear, but also Yin Shichen and Mo Zixin's ear.

Yin Sichen glanced at Mo Zixin, and said, "It seems that someone is going to move again and again!"

"If President Yin is at ease, you can go over and have a look." Mo Zixin said immediately.

Yin Sichen gave Mo Zixin a meaningful look and said, "Since President Mo has arrived in n city and is the host, how can he leave President Mo? Don't ask? Just because President Mo is also single, why not go to a hot spring resort together? Look at the excitement?"

Mo Zixin's blue eyes flashed, and the smile was so humble: "Since President Yin is so kind and inviting, I am naturally disrespectful."

"Mr. Mo brought a gift to Xi Xi, not to let Ms. Mo send out, I'm afraid that Ms. Mo is afraid of sleep and sleep?" Slender fingers lightly tapped the position of the temple on the right, eyes full of playful look Mozi Zixin: "If I guess correctly, these gifts were prepared by the Yun family and the Mo family together?"

Mo Zixin did not deny: "Yin is really smart. These gifts were indeed prepared by the elders of the two families. When I was there, I gave my mother a hand-knitted wristband. The mother liked it very much. Now she is young People, willing to spend their time to prepare gifts for elders, is not much. My mother said that although this bracer is not valuable, but the child knits one stitch by one thread, this knitting needle method is still a brand new product that will be released soon. . Xixi can find this stitch in advance and prepare it with his own hands. This intention is enough for the Mo family to cherish."

Yin Sichen's eyes darkened a bit.

It’s so sweet to hear your rivals praise your wife...

No way, who would call his wife so good?

The elders of the three parties, Gu Xixi did not fall at all, and all took care of the other party's emotions.

Understand the preferences of each elder, and specifically select or prepare gifts for each other's preferences.

Even Yin Siyao, who had just returned to Yin's house, received a small gift from Gu Xixi.

Who wouldn't like such a careful person?

However, when Mo Zixin declared war, Yin Sichen easily took over: "Well, the Yun family is a maiden family. It is normal for the maiden family to give back to their daughter. It is just that the Yun family is no longer in the country. The troublesome Mo always helped to transfer it. Xixi is a kind-hearted person who always refuses to trouble each other in vain, so it is also appropriate to properly prepare a thank-you gift. The last time she asked me for the stitch, I also told her Say, the next time I introduce a new needle method, I will help her find out in advance, so she won’t have to bother to find it."

Yin Sichen's few words of lightness and carelessness turned Gu Xixi's attention to the Mojia into Gu Xixi's gratitude to the Mojia.

Suddenly offset the deep meaning of Mo Zixin's words just now.

Mo Zixin smiled and said: "Mr. Yin really has intentions. However, before Mr. Yin looks for it, he still has to ask his preference. What does Mr. Yin think?"

"As Xi Xi's husband, President Mo, please rest assured. Our husband and wife have always been single-minded, Xi Xi knows everything about me, so I know the preferences of Xi Xi most clearly. Mo thought What about it?" Yin Sichen fought back immediately.

Mo Zixin smiled suddenly, but did not go on.

Gu Xi, who was in the verbal confrontation between Mo Zixin and Yin Sichen, had just returned to calm at this time.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen on the first day.

This Jiang Huiyin can also be regarded as a dog jump the wall.

Gu Xixi went back to his room and slowly sorted out what happened in these days, only to realize that he was too negligent.

In fact, many things are clues, but they are simply ignored by themselves.

Jiang Huiyin's hostility towards himself came so strong, so inexplicably, it was a problem in itself.

It is a pity that he never thought about it at all.

I was probably too distracted for other things. I never thought about it. Jiang Huiyin had a crush on Jiang Yihai since childhood.

This kind of thing may be nothing in ordinary people. The adopted daughters fall in love with their sons, and may allow them to socialize, get married and have a good time.

But this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed in the big family!

This change of identity is the bottom line that must not be touched.

Jiang Huiyin suddenly changed from Miss Jiang Jiada to Grandma Jiang Jia, and this matter spread out. I don't know what will happen.

This is extremely damaging to Jiang's reputation.

The longer Gu Xixi was in the Yin family, the more he understood the bottom line of these families. It is absolutely not allowed to trample.

For example, Yin Siyao, although he is also the blood of the Yin family, but his bloodline is impure, and he can never become an heir!

The purity of the lineage is what the upper class cares most about.

The other party can be a civilian marry, but definitely not a third!

The princess of a royal family in Europe is a small third, and I do not know how much criticism has been suffered.

The more the upper class, the more you care about this.

Therefore, Gu Xixi's decision to act on his own right has no regrets.

Xiao Heng was just wronged.

When Gu Xixi was thinking about how to comfort and compensate Xiao Heng, Xiao Heng knocked on the door outside.

Gu Xixi immediately looked up and said, "Please come in."

Xiao Heng hesitated, pushed the door in, and stood at the door, his face really smelly.

Hey hey, I knew it would happen!

Gu Xixi put a smile on his face, and said cautiously: "Xiao Heng, I'm sorry. That happened just now, and I have no choice. I can only grieve you temporarily and make you bear this bad reputation. "

Hearing Gu Xixi's apology, Xiao Heng's complexion looked better.

Although he is only an assistant, he is the chief assistant of Yin Sichen anyway.

To put it bluntly, his position in the Yin's consortium is not much lower than those of the directors.

Gu Xixi is not like other idiot women, self-righteous that the wife of the president should be superior.

This is where Xiao Heng appreciates Gu Xi most.

"Dare not." Xiao Heng replied coldly.

Gu Xixi still apologized: "Major Jiang family's body can't be recovered for a while, but he can't stay in my room for a long time. Although I still have you in my room, I still have to Avoid it. I want to ask you to help me, stay with Jiang’s room for the time being, and stare at Jiang Huiyin. Don’t let her go out again. Is that okay?”

Xiao Heng heard Gu Xixi say these words, and his face finally returned to normal.

Gu Xixi could think so much, obviously because she was right.

Xiao Heng never looked at Gu Xixi again, and immediately nodded and replied, "Okay, I'll move Major Jiang's major over here. The young master came over tonight. With the young master in my company, I can make a temporary mission. ."

Gu Xixi was startled: "Si Chen is coming?"

"Well. Come together, there is Mo Zi, young master Mo Zixin." Xiao Heng nodded.

Gu Xixi blinked and said nothing, but nodded.

Xiao Heng no longer talked nonsense, and directly asked the other two bodyguards to help Jiang Yihai return to his room.

Soon after Xiao Heng left, Yin Siyao also came.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?" Yin Siyao asked as soon as he entered.

"How did you come?" Gu Xixi frowned slightly.

Yin Siyao's eyes flickered. He didn't dare to say that he was worried about Gu Xi. He just made a personal excuse: "I heard that Miss Jiang's family was taken from the sister-in-law..."

"Nonsense! How can I have here..." Gu Xixi said here, suddenly stopped!

No wonder that at noon, Jiang Huiyin will ask her doctor when she will come, she is planning to plant it for herself!

What a Jiang Huiyin!

You haven’t hurt Jiang Yihai enough, but will you continue to hurt me?

Seeing that Gu Xixi reacted, Yin Siyao knew that his purpose was achieved, and immediately said: "Since the sister-in-law is fine, then I will go back first."

"Wait." Gu Xixi stopped Yin Siyao suddenly.

Yin Siyao stopped immediately.

"Just now, thank you." Gu Xixi nodded gently.

Yin Siyao's eyes flashed a streamer: "You're welcome. I'm gone."

If it wasn't Yin Siyao reminding himself, I'm afraid this dirty water will get caught on his head!

It is rare that Yin Siyao knew to run over and remind himself.

Otherwise, I only care about cleaning Jiang Yihai, but I forget myself!

Jiang Huiyin, Jiang Huiyin.

You really have to pull a cushion before you die!

In the evening, the team of Yin Sichen and Mo Zixin stopped at the door of Hot Spring Villa.

The news of the two people's arrival suddenly made the women of Hot Spring Villa all ready to move!

From celebrities to celebrities, down to the maid, all look forward to.

You have to know that Yin Sichen and Mo Zixin are the most powerful new generation of business leaders recently.

Not only are their wealth amazing, but their face value is also amazing!

Yin Sichen is married, but Mo Zixin is still single!

Well, a top diamond king with a clean private life, I don’t know how many women want to marry the man in her mind.

Even if you know you don’t deserve it, it’s good to be able to take a closer look.

In case God opens his eyes, is it that Mo Zixin, the proud man of this day, has caught his eye?

Didn't Gu Xixi jump from a civilian to a young Yin Family***?

Maybe someone else can?

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