The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 357: The crazy Jiang Huiyin

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi froze.

Xiao Heng looked at Gu Xixi and said steadily: "It is Jiang Huiyin."

"What are you talking about!" Gu Xixi didn't calm down for a moment, and shouted at once.

After saying this, Gu Xixi covered his mouth.

Xiao Wang nodded and said, "I just went out with my cousin just to stop Jiang Huiyin from doing stupid things."

Gu Xixi turned to look at Xiao Wang in disbelief: "What are you talking about?"

A suspicious blush floated on Xiao Wang's face.

She didn't expect that when she rushed in, she would see... hot pictures.

At this time, Jiang Yihai woke up slowly.

As soon as I looked up, I saw Gu Xi.

Jiang Yihai's eyes were slightly dark, and he thanked the doctor: "Thank you very much today."

The doctor saw Jiang Yihai woke up, slowly withdrew the needle, remeasured Jiang Yihai's body temperature, and said, "Something uncomfortable, please tell me at any time."

Jiang Yihai nodded, and the doctor packed his suitcase and turned away.

The master's affairs are still less mixed.

Xiao Heng pulled Xiao Wang out together. If there is anything, let them make it clear!

Now only Gu Xixi and Jiang Yihai were left in the room.

Gu Xixi twitched his lips and looked at Jiang Yihai lying in front of him, not knowing how to speak.

"Just now, I'm really sorry. I can't control my body." Jiang Yihai looked at Gu Xixi apologetically: "Can you help me cover the quilt? I don't have any energy at all now."

Gu Xixi recovered, and hurried over, pulled up a quilt and slowly covered Jiang Yihai.

Jiang Yihai's figure is really good.

To have muscles, to have lines.

Jiang Yihai actually does not mind showing his figure in front of Gu Xixi, but not now.

He was really ashamed of the matter just now.

"I'm sorry, when I was under the control of drugs, I could only think of you." Jiang Yihai smiled bitterly: "I can't let outsiders see me so embarrassed."

Gu Xixi nodded, passed a chair, and sat in front of Jiang Yihai: "I understand. What the **** is going on?"

Jiang Yihai's eyes flashed a bit of pain, and said softly, "It's all my fault."

Gu Xixi sighed: "If you don't want to say, I won't ask."

Jiang Yihai shook his head immediately: "No! Not wanting to say, but... but this thing is really ashamed!"

Gu Xixi had no words, just looked at Jiang Yihai.

"You probably can't think of her, Huiyin...she loves me..." Jiang Yihaiming knew the topic was shameful, but she still said it.

At the moment when the sanity was swallowed, he pushed away Jiang Huiyin wrapped around him and stumbled into Gu Xi's room.

Perhaps subconsciously, he can only trust Gu Xi.

Others may use his love potions to make big fuss, and even threaten him to force him.

But Gu Xixi won't.

His inexplicable trust Gu Xi.

Gu Xixi was shocked by Jiang Yihai's words. After a while, he said, "Ah?!"

Jiang Yihai carefully looked at Gu Xixi's expression, and saw Gu Xixi's blank expression in shock, he couldn't help frowning, and smiled bitterly, said: "I also just learned recently. It turned out that Hui Yin was against you in the previous days, even It’s because of me. Sorry, I’m sorry, it’s because I’m tired of you.”

Gu Xixi was still in the aftershock that was shocked by Jiang Yihai's sentence just now, and it took a long time to reply: "Thank you for coming to me, otherwise, Jiang's reputation is really over!"

Miss Jiang’s medicine gave Master Jiang’s medicine!

Miss Jiang’s secret crush on her brother is to force her to go!

Once such news breaks out, the Jiang family's reputation and stock will be in jeopardy!

Gu Xixi suddenly forgiven Jiang Yihai's offense.

In that case, he just hugged himself, but did not do anything else, he has already reached the limit.

"How did it happen?" Gu Xixi couldn't help asking.

Jiang Yihai sighed and said what had just happened.

"I went back to my room and rested after eating at noon. At about three o'clock, Huiyin suddenly knocked on the door and said that I had something to talk about. I let her in without thinking too much, because I take a nap, so I wear It’s a little bit less.” Although Jiang Yihai felt embarrassed, he told Gu Xixi the truth: “Huiyin hugged me suddenly and said that she would give her her first time. Of course I would not agree with this absurdity. The Jiang family has always been dedicated and infatuated. Once a person is identified, it is difficult to change. I have always treated Huiyin as my sister, how can I do that kind of **inferior thing?"

Gu Xixi nodded.

"When I knew that Jiang Huiyin had always liked me, I just wanted to escape, but I didn't expect to solve this matter. It was precisely because of my escape that such a consequence was caused." Jiang Yihai's voice was a bit bitter: "I My mother knew about this, so she forced us to come to Hot Spring Villa. First, she broke her thoughts, and second, she found a suitable man and married her. I am the only heir of the Jiang family, my mother. It won’t allow me to miss anything.”

Gu Xixi nodded again.

"So, when I came here this morning, it broke out once at home. Mom said it was unsympathetic. If Huiyin couldn't pick a suitable man in this hot spring villa, my mom would marry her casually. On the surface of Huiyin Obeyed the arrangement of the family, secretly prepared the medicine, intending to...Come first, then take me directly, and then be honest with the family. I was negligent and drank the water passed by Huiyin." Jiang Yihai continued: " When I felt something was wrong, Huiyin had stripped herself and stood in front of me, claiming that there would be no other men in her life, she just wanted to be with me."

"I felt overbearing with drugs. I couldn't care about anything else. I pushed her away and rushed out. As a result, Huiyin suddenly found a knife across her neck and said that if I got out of this door, she would Die in front of me. Although I refuse to accept her, but I don’t want her to die, the time of hesitation, the effect of the drug is getting faster and faster. Just when I was embarrassed, I saw your assistant just from the door Passing by. I stopped your assistant..."

Gu Xixi's eyes flickered, no wonder Xiao Wang would not be in the room.

"Jiang Huiyin didn't expect that I would call someone in. She rushed over. It was ridiculous to want to put a bow on me. Isn't it ridiculous? But at that time, I really had no strength! I fight As the last reason pushed her away, the stumbled rushed into your room. Xixi, what I just said, I'm really sorry." Jiang Yihai apologized again: "I didn't control my body..."

Gu Xixi shook her head and said, "Don't talk about this first. What are you going to do with Jiang Huiyin? She did such a thing to you, I'm afraid that Jiang's family can't accommodate her! Don't think about it, you can hide your aunt. , I can’t hide it! You know, this hot spring villa is aunt’s private property!"

Jiang Yihai nodded solemnly: "Yes, I am also worried about this. Come on, do you have a better way?"

Gu Xixi shook his head: "Not yet. You take a rest first. I'll go out."

Gu Xixi left the room and saw Xiao Heng and Xiao Wang standing outside, and immediately frowned, saying, "Did anyone else see what happened just now?"

Xiao Wang shook his head: "No, Master Jiang called me and rushed out. Jiang Huiyin also took the medicine, but the dose was much lower than that of Jiang Dashao. However, his cousin was also very miserable!"

After saying this, Xiao Wang gave Xiao Heng a sympathetic look.

Xiao Heng's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of anger.

"No one saw Jiang Dashao's things, but Jiang Huiyin was wrapped around his cousin, but many people saw it. After all, his cousin came late, and the final movement was a bit big, so some people saw it." Xiao Wang continued to add.

Gu Xixi turned to look at Xiao Heng, his mouth slightly opened.

"Humph." Xiao Heng's expression became more gloomy: "It's disgusting."

Gu Xixi laughed loudly and deliberately teased Xiao Heng: "Hey hey, don't say that! Jiang Huiyin's long is good."

Xiao Heng's eyes glanced across Xi Xi, and suddenly turned away in silence!

Hey hey, this assistant's temper is really big!

Isn't it a joke?

Gu Xixi ignored Xiao Heng and continued to ask, "Who has seen it?"

Xiao Wang thought for a while and replied: "It should have been seen by three or four people, the daughter of the secretary of the municipal party committee, and another one is the real estate company's money. The other two people are not sure. They are passing by outside. I can hear the voices inside. They are a pair of sister flowers of the Yin family's company. They are their own people and they can shut up their mouths."

Gu Xixi was very satisfied with Xiao Wang’s reaction, and immediately nodded and said: “Don’t block Jiang Huiyin’s affairs, let them spread them. But Jiang Yihai’s affairs can’t be leaked out in one word! Just want to grieve Xiao Heng Anyway, I have to bear the charge of being arrested by Miss Jiang’s family."

Gu Xixi's doing this is also the opposite of the two powers.

Compared with Jiang Yihai, it is very necessary to sacrifice Xiao Heng appropriately.

Xiao Wang quickly figured out the joints and nodded immediately. "Yes, grandma. Cousin... he won't mind!"

Gu Xixi smiled bitterly: "I will compensate him later."

So under the guidance of Gu Xixi, Jiang Huiyin became interested in the assistant next to Gu Xixi. The news of crazy Heng Heng spread so quickly.

Everyone has a shocked expression.

No one can believe it!

Miss Jiang's family actually fell in love with the male assistant next to Gu Xixi!

Miss Jiang's family is not even a descendant of the Jiang family, but as long as she bears this title, she deserves to be a rich family!

Jiang Huiyin was willing to surrender his identity to entangle a cold assistant?

When other people were shocked, one person's face was completely distorted...

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