The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 315: Ran Xiwei's real goal

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mu Ruona, of course, knew that Shang Ke was definitely not a simple threat.

It was not a day or two since she was Shang Ke's deputy. She knows more about the family's heritage than anyone else.

Mu Ruona forcibly suppressed her anxiety, turned away from looking at Shang Ke, and gently said, "I can't control what you want to do. Similarly, you can't control what I do. Shang Ke, You can use other people to threaten me, but the same, you don’t force me to go abroad. Yes, there is still a home in n city. I have more than one city in this country. My dad is old, if you If you want to start with your mentor, I have nothing to say. How my mother treats you, you know the best in your heart, when you went to college, my mother raised you as your own son, you have to start with your master, I have nothing to say. My Mu Ruona is someone who eats by her own ability, if you really want to see me in n city, I will go, I will go abroad, I will leave! I will disappear completely in you In the world! Don’t force me, I can do it."

Shang Ke entangled his nose and mouth with a tangled blow, and wiped hard.

The two have been tit-for-tat since a long time ago, and no one will accept defeat.

Both men thought they were holding each other's weakness, but they didn't get anything.

Mu Ruona turned around fiercely and said indifferently: "Shang Ke, I can give you five years. But these five years will not mean that I will be constrained by you. On the contrary, if you let me down again, we The agreement is void at any time."

Shang Ke's eyes instantly ignited a light of hope.

"My relationship with Zhou Jing is just an ordinary friend. I don't have what you think... I don't want to eat." Mu Ruona walked out after saying this sentence: "Don't stop me, or don't blame me for turning your face. The resignation report On the table, you sign it. Even if it is to preserve my dignity, even if we can stand in an equal position in the future, and not appear as your deputy.

The moment the words fell, Mu Ruona's figure had disappeared outside the door.

Shang Ke looked at the resignation letter on the table, his fingers firmly grasped the table, because of excessive force, the desktop has begun to deform.

Although he did not want to admit it, he had to say that Mu Ruona said something very reasonable.

As long as Mu Ruona is still the vice president of Odyssey, then in the eyes of the Shang family, she will always believe that Mu Ruona relies on Shang Ke to achieve today's results.

Even if Mu Ruona is outstanding, the Shang family will not recognize it.

Perhaps, letting her go for the time being is the most correct choice...

Despite being reluctant, for the sake of the future, Shang Ke also knew that he must sign this word!

Mu Ruona struggled to reach the door of the building, and suddenly she couldn't help bursting into tears, so she stood on the street, and the tears ran wild.

Five years, five years of agreement.

Is it really reliable?

Yin Sichen returned to the study, Xiao A connected the signal to the study.

After Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi left, many interesting things happened.

In the picture, Director Zhu’s eyes flashed a little light, and he said, “What do you buy or not, don’t you see my brother? Isn’t that good? Since you also like your brother, my brother will buy you a house outside. If you give one million a month, you just need to be happy, and the hard work of making money will let your brother come."

Ran Xiwei listened to Director Zhu putting on his trousers and didn't recognize anyone. He was immediately anxious and suddenly sat up from the quilt and turned to look at Director Zhu.

"Brother Zhu, what do you mean? Are we not okay? As long as I come here to accompany you, you will give me the shares in your name! Besides, I bought it, but I didn't want it." Ran Xiwei was too anxious As a result, the tone of speech became bad.

Her time is running out, and she really can't stand any variables.

Director Zhu's eyes flickered, thinking of the person who warned himself, and now seeing Ran Xiwei's expression, he immediately understood what was happening.

Director Zhu's face sank, and he stood up from the ** all at once. After putting on his bathrobe, he signed a cheque and placed it on the **. He said slowly: "This is the money for you. "

After saying this, Director Zhu will turn around and leave.

As soon as Ran Xiwei saw that Director Zhu really wanted to pay the bill, he suddenly jumped his teeth from the ** and suddenly blocked Director Zhu’s way, and there was a icy flash in his eyes: "What does Zhu Brother mean? This money, just Want to kill me? Really when I'm worthless?"

Ran Xiwei dialed a number directly and said, "Show Brother Zhu a good look."

Not long after hanging up the phone, someone immediately knocked on the door and came in, handing a USB flash drive to Ran Xiwei.

Brother Zhu vaguely felt something was wrong.

Ran Xiwei has turned on the TV and directly played the contents of the USB flash drive.

The next second, the picture on TV not only changed Director Zhu's face, but Yin Shichen's face also changed slightly.

What was exposed on the TV screen was that Director Zhu met secretly with the head of a hostile competing company. The other party not only gave Director Zhu a card but also a few passports.

Yin Sichen recognized that these passports are true, but not true.

These passports have a set of files, but these perfect and realistic files are also forged!

Yin Sichen's narrow and long corners of the eyes, lightly pressed, the killing of the fundus flashed instantly, and the bloodthirsty smile slowly rose.

It's really dozing. Someone sent pillows!

It seems that there is one more bargaining chip to deal with Director Zhu!

Gee... It's a coincidence.

The remote control in Ran Xiwei's hand snapped off the TV, turned to look at Director Zhu, and smiled at the white tooth Sensen: "Brother Zhu, do you want to talk to me now? In fact, I still like Zhu brother very much Yes! I know that in addition to controlling the shares of the Yin's consortium, Zhuge has enough wealth in his hand to make Zhuge a first-class society."

Ran Xiwei reached out and arranged the pajamas for Director Zhu. He deliberately looked at Director Zhu's uncertain face and said: "You said, if I sent this video to Yin Sichen, what would happen to Brother Zhu with his personality? "

"You threaten me!" Director Zhu looked at Ran Xiwei with a dark face.

"It's Zhu Ge's mind that I didn't think clearly. Didn't I give you a chance? Brother Zhu arranged his wife and children abroad. Does Zhu think it's safe? What means should Yin Sichen know best about Zhu Ge! Not to mention abroad, even the military, Yin Sichen's forces are infiltrated. Brother Zhu, really don't want to think about it for your wife and children. Do you want to cooperate with me?" Ran Xiwei The smile is very easy: "I don’t want much, I just want this stock in Zhu’s hand."

Ran Xiwei took out a document from behind and handed it to Director Zhu: "As long as you sign it, I guarantee that all videos, originals and copies will be returned to Brother Zhu. How? Would you consider following me? What about cooperation?"

Director Zhu probably didn't expect that Ran Xiwei prepared this hand in advance.

The fat on his body shuddered appreciably.

Although the trust president of the Yin Group has only been in office for a few years, none of the directors in the company are unclear about his fierce tactics.

If it wasn't for him to rely on the fiercely **** wrists and sent the two uncles to the hospital, how could he sit firmly in this position?

Now the side branch has long gone.

It's just that the name of a family member of the Yin's consortium is still hung. On the strength, he has long been thrown hundreds of kilometers by the lineage of the heirs represented by Yin Sichen.

Yin Sichen treats the company's traitors, and the punishment is also cruel.

I heard that the last employee who stole the company's secrets was eventually sent to Africa.

Go to that place, don't think about turning over in this life.

Who doesn’t know that Africa and the Middle East are the sites of the Yin family?

Yin Sichen has a great relationship with the chiefs of the Middle East, and has various unspeakable and various cooperations with several African heads of state.

In Africa, Yin Sichen is a sideways existence!

It's just that in the past few years, Yin Sichen has been low-key after returning to China, so that many people seem to have forgotten his previous means.

When Director Zhu thought of Yin Sichen's face of Zhang Junyi's evil charm, he was nervous and scared to pee.

Ran Xiwei glanced at Director Zhu with disdain.

If this is the case, do you want to fight against yourself?

Ran Xiwei handed the equity contract forward and urged Director Zhu to sign.

Director Zhu shudderedly took over the equity certificate in his hand. When he signed it, he finally got the courage to ask, "What about you? Why do you want the equity in my hand? I don't believe you are in order money!"

Ran Xiwei's fingers are well maintained. When she reached out and pinched Director Zhuo's fat cheeks, this picture seemed a bit out of place.

"Brother Zhu, if you know too much, you will die sooner." Ran Xiwei reached out and patted Director Zhu's cheek and said gently.

Director Zhu's eyes flickered for a long time, and he seemed to think of something. His whole body was shaking even more. He pointed to Ran Xiwei and said, " want to contaminate the Yin family's trading rights in the European black market..."

Ran Xiwei interrupted Director Zhu's words all at once, and his eyes were murderous: "Brother Zhu, I have reminded you, don't toast or eat fine wine!"

Director Zhu is really scared at this moment.

"Brother Zhu, my patience is limited." Ran Xiwei finally exposed her true face completely.

Who can think of Ran Xiwei, who usually looks like a little white flower, is such a chilling real look?

Director Zhu's whole body was trembling like sifting chaff: "You don't even use my stock. It's useless in that black market. Only those who hold more than 30% of the shares can intervene."

"Then I would like to thank Brother Zhu's reminder." Ran Xiwei smiled more arrogantly: "I will get 30% of the stock! I will definitely get what I want!"

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