The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 314: Clean up director Zhu

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Ran Xiwei seemed to have expected Zhu’s board to ask this question, and Jiao Didi immediately replied, “Zhu Ge is really, can I still buy Zhu Ge’s stock if I don’t have the money? You know, I always want to do something decent, acting It’s just one of my hobbies. I still have to do serious things sooner or later. My parents and the elders of the Yin family have always been very good friends. Although my parents’ business failed, they still left me with a For money, I don’t want to squander that little money, I want to do something serious."

Of course, Director Zhu will not be easily fooled by Ran Xiwei, saying, "Why do you have to stare at the Yin's consortium with so many listed companies?" No matter how good your parents' relationship with Yin is, it is not enough to be so eager for you 'S excuse to buy Yin's stock?"

Ran Xiwei's eyes turned and said: "Brother Zhu, look at you, what can I do?" Although there are so many companies outside, none of them can have the strength of the Yin's consortium! Besides, I believe in Yin's. The foundation of the consortium, I bought a stock and bought a talisman. I just need to eat, drink and have fun."

Director Zhu looked at Ran Xiwei suspiciously, as if to determine whether Ran Xiwei was lying.

Ran Xiwei's acting has fully played its role, and Director Zhu's vigilance is slowly decreasing.

"It really is a fool." Yin Sichen sneered.

Gu Xixi couldn't help but ask curiously: "Why is Ran Xiwei so passionate about the shares of Yin's consortium?"

"Yin's consortium has a lot of secrets that you don't know yet. Only a director who holds a certain number of stocks is eligible to know." Yin Sichen glanced lightly at Gu Xi: "The stock you hold, It’s not enough to know the secret."

Although Gu Xixi knew this was true, he was a bit sad.

There is a feeling of being excluded.

"Ran Xiwei's goal may be the Yin family's right to trade in a black market abroad." Yin Sichen quickly added: "It is still speculation, and it cannot be finalized yet."

"Black market?" Gu Xixi looked at Yin Sichen suspiciously.

Yin Sichen also looked at Gu Xi very seriously: "Yes, you have to know that many prohibited things are allowed in foreign countries. For example, **transplant..."

Gu Xixi couldn't help shivering, and suddenly didn't want to continue listening.

Yin Sichen did not go on, but continued to stare at the monitoring screen.

If what Qiao Qi said is true, then Ran Xiwei is most likely eyeing the Yin Shi consortium's right to trade in the black market abroad!

Gu Xixi thought about a lot of messy things in her head, but when she heard Yin Sichen made a phone call, she recovered.

"You can close the net." Yin Sichen said lightly: "Save today's video, please ask Director Zhu to appreciate it."

After finishing this sentence, Yin Sichen hung up the phone and drove away with Gu Xi directly.

"Let's go like this?" Gu Xixi looked at Yin Sichen in surprise: "You know Ran Xiwei is going to start with the shares of Yin's consortium, have you let her go?"

Looking at Gu Xixi's eyes becoming weird, Yin Sichen was afraid she would think too much: "Ran Xiwei is a good chess piece. Since she is so eager for the stock of the Yin consortium, she will use her to try the Yin consortium one by one. Those directors. If they have any changes, I will save the trouble to investigate. It's a double action, isn't it?"

Gu Xixi was speechless.

Yin Sichen's deep thoughts really cannot be guessed by herself.

Perhaps he is right?

After driving away from the resort, Yin Sichen drove slowly back.

I don't know why, the two people did this thing together, Gu Xixi suddenly felt that the cold war could not go on...

The two have been in such a harmonious relationship for several hours, so how can there be a cold war?

Hey, when is your rhythm controlled by the other party?

Gu Xixi was extremely depressed.

Yin Sichen's mood was so good that she said to Gu Xixi: "I asked my family to cook the soup for you. You haven't returned home these days. Aunt Zhang has asked several times."

Gu Xixi said awkwardly: "If Ruona is in a bad mood these days, I will accompany her more. Say, don't you not go home? How do you know that Aunt Zhang asked me?"

Huh, a few days ago, it was clear that he was away from home and could not go home?

Now I use this tone to complain that I am not going home!

It's too much!

Yin Sichen did not answer this question, but directly switched the theme: "What to eat tonight?"

Gu Xixi was choked.

"Forget it, I'll go to Ruona..." Gu Xixi replied sullenly.

"Mu Ruona is not available tonight, you don't even have an assistant, are you going to go on a hunger strike?" Yin Sichen said flatly: "If you think Xiao Wang is not close enough, I will fire her! Every month! Holding a high salary of the Yin consortium, but not working, where is the Yin consortium?"

Gu Xixi answered dumbly: "I just want to relax with Ruona alone, what's going on with Xiao Wang?"

"You have lost your heart for a week." Yin Sichen continued to complain.

"Good, I got it. I'll go back tonight." Gu Xixi didn't want to let Xiao Wang lose his job. Think about it for a week.

Forget it, go back and go back.

Anyway, this quarrel is inexplicably better.

As for the future, then I will talk about it in the future!

Yin Sichen's mouth slowly raised a smug smile, and gave Xiao A an instruction: send the soup home and get home in a while.

Xiao a immediately executed Yin Sichen's order. When Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi arrived home, the dinner was just set on the table.

The well-cooked soup is at the right temperature.

After leaving home for several days and coming back again, Gu Xixi always felt like something had changed.

But within a week, the Yun family was completely over.

The money I gave to the Yun family's parents is not enough to make the Yun family resurrect. It can only let the institute run for a few more days.

Fortunately, the Yun family did not urge themselves to carry out the ancestral training of the Yun family as soon as possible, and the Mo family did not say anything.

This made Gu Xixi breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

Despite this problem, it has not been resolved.

But now, besides temporarily dragging it back, what can be done?

Yin Sichen also deliberately forgot this problem, pretending that nothing happened, and took Gu Xixi's hand into the house.

The housekeeper and Aunt Zhang glanced at each other, pretending that nothing had happened, and continued to take care of Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi.

Gu Xixi wiped his hands and sat at the dining table, seeing that the food in front of him was his favorite, and his eyes were inevitably moist.

There are still many people in the family who care about themselves.

Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi finished the dinner very quietly.

After eating, Yin Sichen reached out and touched Gu Xi's hair, turned around and went to the study.

Tonight is the day to pack up Director Zhu, he is going to command the whole remote control.

Gu Xixi also knew that Yin Sichen had something to do, so he didn't bother him. When he returned to the room, he only recovered. Where did Mu Ruona go?

At this moment, Mu Ruona was entangled in the company by Shang Ke, and she couldn't get away.

"Shang Ke, what do you mean? You follow me?" Mu Ruona heard Shang Ke mentioning Zhou Jing and was a little angry.

Shang Ke grinded his teeth for a while: "Are you fancy him?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Mu Ruona said, holding her arms: "Since I happened to be here today, please approve my resignation report."

Mu Ruona placed her resignation report on the table again, facing up to Shang Ke and said: "Since you have also stood here, it means that you have returned to the Shang family. The difference between us is not conspiracy. I don’t know how to climb the dragon and the phoenix, and you don’t have to worry about being sad. Mrs. Shang can also be satisfied and happy.

Shang Ke closed his eyes gently, remembering what Yin Sichen said.

Yeah, all blame him.

If he had taken control of the Shang family early, how could he be so embarrassed? ?

As long as you have absolute rights, you are not afraid of any problems!

"If nothing happens, I'll go first." Mu Ruona held her own things and turned to leave.

She hadn't walked two steps away, and her wrists tightened suddenly.

Mu Ruona was caught off guard and was suddenly taken back by Shang Kola.

Without saying a word, Shang Ke pressed Mu Ruona all at once on the desk, leaned over and kissed.

Mu Ruona never thought that Shang Ke would dare to do such a bold thing in his office.

Under the horror, he even forgot to resist, and just let Shang Ke kissed him all the way.

Shang Ke's death imprisoned Mu Ruona's body, and did not give the opponent any chance to resist.

Mu Ruona recovered, but it was too late to resist.

Both hands and legs were suppressed by Shang Ke, don't look at Shang Ke looking thin, but still very powerful.

Mu Ruona looked at how sloppy, but how could she be Shang Ke's opponent in terms of strength?

Shang Ke kissed all the way down, and Mu Ruona's body gradually softened.

Anyway, rebellion is useless. Mu Ruona slowly accepted the kiss and kissed with Shang Ke for a long time.

After a long time, Shang Ke finally reluctantly released Mu Ruona.

"Rona, promise me. Give me five years. Please don't marry someone within five years?" Shang Ke's voice carried a slight pleading: "After five years, I will prove with actual actions. No one can stop us together."

Mu Ruona was about to speak, and Shang Ke immediately said, "If you think you can escape my control, then you are very wrong. Even if I am not the owner of the Shang family, I am still the heir of the Shang family. With the status and abilities of the Shang family, Zhou Jing wants to get mixed in the country. You should know how much hope there is. I don’t want to use this method to persecute you, and I don’t want to use such a mean method to let you follow. I I just want to ask you to give me a while and let me prove myself."

Mu Ruona froze.

Of course she knew how authentic Shang Ke was.

Yes, with the status and strength of Shang Family, Zhou Jing absolutely has no chance of winning.

But do you really have to wait five years?

What if he loses?

If, did you lose?

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