The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 272: Yunjia Mixin

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

"Astrology is a very magical technique. I am ashamed. I have never completely solved this secret. But I have to admit that the reason why the Yun family is safe is inseparable from the astrologers in the past. During this generation, your grandmother speculated about the crisis facing the Yun family. One of the crises included the arrival of the descendants of the 1111th generation. Yes, you and Yunyi are the 1100th. The eleventh generation."

"This number is passed down to your generation and is a sign of great fierceness. The Yun family will be destroyed by the descendants of the 11th generation. Your fate is very different from Yun's life. When you are in the womb, you will Forcibly took away all the nutrients, resulting in Yun's innate development**. But when it was born, it stands to reason that you who are more prettier should come first. But the first person who came to the world was Yun. . And at the moment you land, you will take the world with you."

"Actually, I didn't believe these rhetoric long ago. When your grandma told me that your mother has a child in her stomach, it was destined to carry a terrible life. I disdain. I thought That’s just a coincidence. So, your grandma concealed me and your mother and secretly deployed one thing. That’s your adoptive mother, Jane laughs."

"Jian Xiao is a child adopted by your grandmother and has always listened to you. One day, your grandmother asked her if she wanted to repay her parenting grace. Jian Xiao agreed, for this, she had to pay high The price. Your grandma found out for her the object of leaving Yun’s house, that is, your adoptive father Gu Jiaqiang. Then your grandmother sent Jian Xiao to marry Gu Jiaqiang, left y province, and returned here. Let Jian Xiao keep secret Waiting for the day you are born."

"Your grandma took a pill for Jian Xiao when she left. This is the secret recipe of the Yun family. Even the most sophisticated technology, it takes a certain amount of time and cost to crack this ingredient. Your grandma is worried After Jian Xiao married Gu Jiaqiang, she no longer listened to Yun Family's restraint, so she took this pill and came here in the name of marriage. This pill's role is not only to prevent Jan Xiao from conceiving. And, more importantly, it will slowly eat away a person’s vitality."

Gu Xixi heard this and took a breath!

It's no wonder that when Jane was being examined, the doctor stopped talking.

It seems that he has discovered something.

It's just because of the identity and position, it's not easy to say, it can't.

"It's okay if this person is infertile all his life. If once pregnant, then if there is no secret medicine treatment of Yun's traits, both adults and children can't survive." Mr. Yun said here, with a sad expression: "I'm really Unexpectedly, the secret medicine only in the rumors actually exists! At that time, the Yun family was also a doctor in the court. These things probably came from the palace."

Gu Xixi nodded silently, feeling more and more heavy.

"Jian Xiao has repeatedly promised that no matter how long the drug effect lasts, she will not be pregnant. She will raise you up as her own daughter. Jian Xiao did it. No matter how much suffering you suffer, she has always been Treat you as yourself." Mr. Yun said with emotion: "I'm actually very grateful to her. Without her, maybe my two daughters are gone."

"When your mother gave birth, she was going to the hospital. But your grandma suddenly objected and took the doctor to her home for delivery. At that time, your mother's situation was really very bad, and the child was choking. It takes a while to get to the hospital from home. There are all kinds of doctors in the house, so I agreed to let the doctors at home carry out production."

"As soon as I was born, I got on the ventilator and the incubator. The situation was very bad. I kept watching the whistle, keeping pace, and I was afraid that if I was not careful, something would go wrong. Only your grandma and doctors and nurses."

"You were finally born. But when you were born, you didn't cry, and your mother didn't know how you were. When the umbilical cord was cut, someone stood in front of your mother with a dead baby and told her Say, the second child died because of too long a lack of oxygen and suffocation."

"Your mother was shocked and fainted. All the doctors were rescuing the advisor and your mother. No one saw someone secretly transferring you away. All this was left under your *** Yes. Some things are really coincidental and weird. During the transfer, you have been quiet and not crying."

"The rule of the Yun family is that the dead baby just born cannot enter the ancestral grave, so it can only be disposed of quickly. So no one found that you were dropped and successfully sent out of the Yun family. After your mother wakes up, later It was three days later. Yun Yi survived, but was a congenitally weak body. The family found the best doctor in the world and said that she could not live sixteen years old."

"Your grandmother said that Yunhao must have lived sixteen years old, otherwise the Yun family will really be over. Whether it is related to the future of the Yun family, the daughter is my daughter, and I will desperately save her life. Yun For this reason, the family reopened the medicine field and laboratory separately, specially planting and distributing medicines for Yunhu. Yunjia’s many years of savings were spent on the husband. Finally, she lived to the age of 21. "

"On the day Yun Yun died, your grandmother stayed in the room for a whole day. When she went out, she only said one word. Heaven is terrible, there is no solution. Unless there is a life in the world that can suppress the sky. If you kill Disha, you won’t be able to come back in your life.” Mr. Yun continued: “Your grandmother said this, she left Yun’s house completely and never came back. Two years later, your grandmother Suddenly I returned home yesterday, and... called me and your mother into the room and talked with us all night long. I only knew what happened that year."

"Come on, I know you will resent us, resent Yun Family. I hope that no matter how much resent you don't blame your grandmother. As an astrologer of Yun Family, she has no choice." Mr. Yun said here, wipe Wiping the tears around my eyes, I continued: "I also know that I have no right to ask you anything! After all, after 23 years, the Yun family owes you, we owe you. But Xixi, have you ever thought about it? , You came to k city, is it actually God’s arrangement?"

"After all, Yun Zixiao and your face are really exactly the same!" Mr. Yun seemed to say in a whisper: "In the midst of turmoil, it was already doomed."

"Yun Family, I'm afraid it's not so easy to return." Gu Xixi said softly, "No matter how many coincidences, it can't prove anything."

"Yes, the Yun family is really not so easy to return." Mr. Yun said dejectedly: "I don't even want you to come back...because, you are my only daughter, and I hope you can be more happy than you want. life."

At this time, Mrs. Yun, who had been crying, finally couldn't help but say: "Come on, don't ask, go!!!! The farther you go, the better, don't come back in your whole life, don't meet in your whole life!"

Mr. Yun scolded, "What are you talking about!"

Mrs. Yun suddenly broke out and yelled at Mr. Yun: "It's all you! If it weren't for you, why would my daughter live outside, how could I suffer so much? If not for you, I always thought My daughter died long ago!"

Mr. Yun's face was ashamed.

Despite this matter, he was just informed.

But it was Mrs. Yun who made this matter and decision, his mother, and he could only accept it for his mother.

"Come on, don't ask, don't come back!" Mrs. Yun cried and cried: "The Yun family's responsibilities and missions shouldn't let you bear it! Don't come back, go, go, go farther and farther it is good!"

Gu Xixi listened to Mrs. Yun's words, and there was a moment of emotion in her heart.

From Madam Yun's words, Gu Xixi had already guessed what.

Sure enough, Mr. Yun continued to say: "If you want to save Jian Xiao, you must return to the Yun family. Because only the real blood of the Yun family can enter the forbidden land of the Yun family. The medicine for the treatment of Jian Xiao is in the forbidden land. "

"What's the price?" Gu Xixi had already guessed this would happen.

Sure enough.

Since Mrs. Yun tried her best to force herself to return to Yun's house, she must also force herself to take on responsibilities that did not belong to her!

Will this price be mentioned by Yin Sichen... the price?

Gu Xixi couldn't help turning his head to see Yin Sichen, but he could only see the back of Yin Sichen Wei'an.

"The price is... cut off from the Yin family." Mr. Yun said with a heavy face: "According to astrological instructions, the Yun family and the Yin family will become the enemy of the enemy. The first thing you will return to the Yun family is... divorce Yin Sichen ."

"Why?" Gu Xixi couldn't help but ask, "Why should the Yin family get involved?"

"Because the descendants of the 11th and 11th generations of the Yun family had a marriage contract with the Mo family." Mr. Yun's eyes showed a trace of intolerance: "A few decades ago, the Mo family paid a few lives. And saved the Yun family. This marriage contract was made at the time. No one can change it."

Mojia, Mojia...

Gu Xixi stared dumbfounded at Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun on the screen, a flash of light flashed through his mind!

Is it because of this?

Gu Xixi asked anxiously: "Yun Yi promised Mo Zixin's pursuit... Did she say... Did she like that the person she likes was not Mo Zixin at all, the reason why she agreed to Mo Zixin's pursuit was just Because of family ancestry?"

Mr. Yun nodded silently.

Gu Xixi fell on the sofa all at once, and asked after a long time: "Then... The person Yun likes, is it...Is it Jiang Yihai?"

Mr. Yun nodded again.

Gu Xixi understood it all at once!

She finally understood why Jiang Yihai faced her runaway.

She finally figured out why Jiang Yihai said such a word.

The other shore flower, the other shore flower...

Flowers do not meet, flowers do not meet.

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