The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 271: Guarded and guarded

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Jian Xiao sat at the table outside, and the smile on his face slowly converged.

Jane reached out and stroked her belly.

She never expected that she would have children.

Because this is her own choice.

Gu Jiaqiang's congenital infertility is just a coincidence.

If Gu Jiaqiang is capable of fertility, she can't... or can't get pregnant.

These words, she never said to Gu Xixi.

If you can’t mention something, try not to mention it.

Having said too much, it is really easy to hurt the other party. Or, I will not kill Boren, who died because of me.

At this moment, the little life conceived in his body seems to be declaring war on his past.

The smile on Jane's mouth grew bitter.

She didn't even dare to face the Yun family and the past.

Although more than two decades have passed, the past is so clear and vivid.

Jian Xiao didn't know if he could avoid the layout of the year, and lingered.

But the moment I didn't reach Myron for the first time, Jane's heart snapped and seemed to guess something.

But she was still reluctant to doubt Myron.

After all, Myron is the man she really fell in love with.

She would rather believe that this is just a coincidence or misunderstanding.

She didn't want to believe that terrible conjecture.

She tried to be as normal as possible in front of Gu Xixi, just not wanting Gu Xixi to think more.

But now it seems that Xi Xi has begun to doubt...

How to do?

Xixi can never return to the Yun Family!

If you come back to the Yun family, she will assume the responsibility of the Yun family and fulfill the mission of the Yun family!

Then her marriage to Yin Sichen...

Jane smiled holding the hand of chopsticks and squeezed it tightly!

No, even if Xixi is not her own, she can't let anyone threaten Xixi!

That was the little child she brought a little bit from a small dumpling!

That's her life!

Never let anyone threaten Xi, and never let anyone ruin happiness.

Jian Xiao slowly put down her chopsticks, reached out to stroke her stomach, and said to herself gently, "It seems that it's time to make a decision!"

Jian Xiao slowly stood up, did not say hello to anyone, turned and left the house.

The background is so firm and calm.

It seems that there has never been seriousness at this moment.

Unprecedented seriousness.

Gu Xixi in the room calmed down and was ready to let Jian Xiao connect with the Yun family's parents. As long as the identity was confirmed, Gu Xixi must find a way to keep Jian Xiao!

If you can, it is best to keep this child!

Even if Myron doesn't recognize this child, let him raise this child for his mother!

Gu Xixi opened the door and was ready to come out and talk to Jian Xiao, but as soon as he came out, he found the house empty.

Jane was gone.

Gu Xixi suddenly panicked, took out his phone to call Jian Xiao, turned off.

Shut down?

Just now, I talked and laughed together to have a meal together. Why was it suddenly gone and suddenly turned off?

Gu Xixi suddenly panicked, turned and yelled at Yin Sichen: "Mom is gone! The phone is off! Where can she go?"

Yin Sichen was also shocked, and immediately responded, immediately dialed Xiao A's phone: "Go to Mrs. Jane..."

Xiao A waited for Yin Sichen to finish, and immediately replied: "I met Mrs. Jane just now. Mrs. Jane has something to tell me to tell the president and grandma."

Yin Sichen directly released the phone, and Xiao A's voice seemed to be a little low, and slowly said: "Ms. Jane said she had something to leave for a few days. She said that she would not let anyone hurt less***. Mrs. Jane said that she would be back in a few days, so the young grandma must wait for her here."

Xiao A's words made Gu Xixi daze for a while.

Mom, where did you go?

Xiao a continued: "President, the computer is ready, the other party has already greeted, do you need to continue the video connection?"

Yin Sichen looked at Gu Xixi, Gu Xixi's eyelashes flickered, and gritted her teeth and said, "Connect! I must get everything out of the way today!"

Xiao a immediately replied: "Yes, grandma. After ten minutes, you can connect."

Gu Xixi said firmly: "No matter where my mother went, I know that she must have gone for me! Since my mother is going to pay for me, how can I just enjoy my mother's pay?"

Yin Sichen looked at Gu Xixi with complicated eyes: " the future you will use the most precious things in exchange for your mother's freedom and happiness. What will you do?"

"For example" Gu Xixi raised his eyes and looked at Yin Sichen.

"For example...our marriage." Yin Sichen's beautiful face seemed to have fallen a layer of ash, making Gu Xixi look a little unrealistic.

Use our marriage as the price?

Gu Xixi's eyes flashed.

This price... is really great.

However, mother's happiness and safety can not stand idly by!

Dilemma, dilemma.

Gu Xixi turned his face silently and did not answer Yin Sichen's question.

Yin Sichen's heart seemed to be hit hard with a heavy hammer.

When he thought of Gu Xixi divorcing himself, he felt his heart was torn apart.

No, never!

He absolutely does not allow such things to happen!

Yun Family, if you dare to force Gu Xixi to this point, then just wait and see...

Yin Sichen stretched out his hand to hold Gu Xixi's back, his long fingers tightened slowly, and his voice gradually became cold: "Gu Xixi, you listened well. No matter what decision you make, I won't ask .. But, without me, it will never be possible!"

Gu Xixi also felt Yin Sichen’s anxiety and gradual violent emotions, and gently replied: "What nonsense you are. Is that only if not? How can I divorce you? We finally love each other, not ?"

Gu Xixi finished this sentence and looked up at Yin Sichen.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xixi even saw Yin Sichen's injured face.

Gu Xixi thought about it for a while, he didn't seem to be wrong about this sentence?

Why did he show an injured expression?

Yin Sichen stopped talking.

He knew that sooner or later he was going to take this step.

However, he hopes to be able to drag one step forward.

He has already opened his own chips to the old lady of the Yun family, why has he refused to agree?

Isn't it enough chips?

Yin Sichen didn't answer this question. He reached out and brushed away the broken hair on Gu Xixi's face. He lowered his head and kissed gently on Gu Xixi's forehead: "Go, Xiao A is ready. All this should indeed be revealed opened."

Xiao a carried a 60-inch LCD screen directly to the living room, and flicked his fingers on the notebook.

Gu Xixi puzzled at Yin Sichen.

Yin Sichen explained: "This is a satellite network dedicated to the Yin family, and no one will peep or intercept information. So, you can safely talk about any topic. I can't believe others' networks."

Feeling the protection of Yin Sichen, Gu Xi's heart was instantly warm.

Gu Xixi took the initiative to reach out and hold Yin Sichen's finger.

Feeling Gu Xixi's tenderness, Yin Sichen sighed in the bottom of his heart, held Gu Xixi's finger with his backhand, clasped her fingers together, and bowed his head: "Maybe you will have a lot to say, come, sit down slowly Speak slowly."

Gu Xixi nodded.

Xiao a quickly connected to the satellite network of the Yin consortium and began to connect with Yunjia.

The Yun family has been waiting for a long time.

Obviously, the Yun family already knew what...

The moment the LCD screen was on, Gu Xixi saw that Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun on the screen seemed to have already cried.

Now when she saw Gu Xixi, Mrs. Yun couldn't help it anymore, she covered her mouth, and her tears fell down.

Mr. Yun looked at Gu Xixi with a complicated gaze, reached out and gently patted Mrs. Yun’s back, and said to Gu Xixi: "Xi Xi, can you really call us parents?" Over the years, you have been wronged!"

Only this sentence, Gu Xixi knew, they already knew it.

Yeah, Myron has returned to the Yun's house. How come they don't know?

Gu Xixi looked at Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun on the screen. They are their real biological parents!

But at this moment, Gu Xixi really couldn't call it.

Jane didn't know where to go.

I always feel that there are countless conspiracies over my head, Gu Xixi just feels very depressed.

Yin Sichen stood aside, watching Gu Xixi connected with the Yun family with a complicated look, holding a glass of liquor in his hand, and he was bored.

At this time, only liquor can extinguish his uneasiness.

"Come on... my daughter..." Mrs. Yun cried silently: "It's the mother's fault! Everything is my fault! Why did my daughter suffer such a pain."

"You already know that, don't you?" Gu Xixi opened his mouth, only to realize how bitter his voice was: "Then my adoptive mother, do you all know who it is?"

Mr. Yun nodded silently: "We just learned this morning. Sorry, Xi, the Yun family owes you."

Gu Xixi turned away and looked at Yin Sichen who was standing on the side. When he saw his sip of a glass of booze, he always felt that Yin Sichen had concealed something.

Gu Xixi was silent for a while and went straight to the topic: "Then do you know my mother... No, what medicine did my adoptive mother take when she left Yun's house?"

Mr. Yun nodded heavily and said, "Today, I am going to tell you this thing originally. Just now my mother, your grandmother, told me everything. Let’s not mention whether Forgive me for not forgiving, I think you have the right to know the whole truth."

Gu Xixi nodded.

Yes, she needs to know the whole truth!

Including the contents of Yin Sichen's repeated words!

Yin Sichen heard this sentence, but put down the glass, and suddenly turned to look at the scenery outside the window, so that Gu Xixi could not see his face and eyes.

At this moment, he wanted to kill.

"The Yun family has a history of 470 years. You know this. In the early days of the Yun family, the wife of the first owner was an astrologist. Yes, it was the same as your grandmother. Her divination ability is very outstanding, and because of her divination, the Yun family avoids the tremendous turbulence again and again. Therefore, the Yun family will marry an astrological woman every once in a while for the purpose of In order to let Yunjia avoid various risks."

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