The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 252: Highly speculated identity

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi repeatedly withdrew, but it was Jiang Huiyin's success.

Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan couldn't bear it a little bit. She stepped forward and planned to support Gu Xixi.

Gu Xixi shook her head at them and turned to Jiang Huiyin gently: "Yeah, my surname is Gu Bu, but the Yun family's parents are also my parents. This is something the whole world knows, Miss Jiang actually Don’t you know? I thought Miss Jiang’s family was a fashion leader, and naturally would not ignore the news channel, one of the fastest ways to spread information, such as Weibo.”

Gu Xixi officially held a ceremony of acknowledgment at the Yun Family.

Although I recognized the gods and gods, Gu Xixi was also regarded as the official Yun family.

Then Gu Xixi lightly flicked back.

The expression on Jiang Huiyin's face suddenly became pale.

She just knew that Jiang Yihai would take care of Weibo every day, so she would be so angry!

As long as it is Gu Xi's Weibo, Jiang Yihai will look at it for a long time.

If Gu Xixi took a selfie, Jiang Yihai downloaded it all.

Therefore, she will be more angry!

"Then you are not the official daughter of the Yun family. You don't think that you look exactly like Yun Zhuo, you can take the place of Yun Zhuo!" Jiang Huiyin shouted unobtrusively.

As soon as this sentence came out, all the people present suddenly changed color!

Yin Sichen even said coldly directly: "It seems that my family still needs my cousin, is it my responsibility?"

Gu Xixi turned around and saw Yin Shichen's somber face.

Jiang Huiyin was very afraid of Yin Sichen. When she saw Yin Sichen's complexion, she said to Mrs. Yin coquettishly, "Aunt, look at your cousin!"

Mrs. Yin immediately said to Gu Xixi: "Your cousin is still young. If you are a sister-in-law, don't know her like her."

"Mom, I don't want anyone to target Xi. Even if this person is Jiang's family!" Yin Sichen didn't give Jiang Huiyin a face, and hit the face in public: "Xi Xi is my wife, she is good or bad, It’s all my own business, nothing to do with others!"

Jiang Huiyin heard Yin Sichen teach her in public, and her neck shrank suddenly, hiding behind Mrs. Yin.

Mrs. Yin also knew that Jiang Huiyin was a bit excessive today, so she had to say: "Okay, okay, today is the day when Sijiao returns home. It's all his own family. What's wrong? Huiyin, come and apologize to your sister-in-law!"

Jiang Huiyin stepped reluctantly, looked at Gu Xi with jealous eyes, but had to apologize in his mouth: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I just lost my heart just now."

Gu Xixi gently shook his head: "Nothing, everyone is a family."

Jiang Huiyin retreated unwillingly.

However, because of this play, many people present were curious about Gu Xi's life.

#Yin's wife, the president of the consortium, was born as a civilian, but has a relationship with the famous Yun Family in y province, and it is surprisingly consistent with the face of Miss Yun Family Yun Yun. Is this a coincidence or a conspiracy? ##

#Yinjia's grandmother recognized Yun's family as a loved one ##

#云家大小姐云喏 Actually looks exactly like Grandma Yin’s grandmother, are two people actually one? ##

So, in a moment of kung fu, people in the whole hall were talking about Gu Xi.

Countless topics, countless guesses.

Gu Xixi did not expect that his concealment of the truth would bring such an effect, and his face suddenly looked a little unsightly.

Yin Sichen frowned and said, "Come on, let me inform my uncle's family and take care of Jiang Huiyin!"

Gu Xixi shook his head and said: "Forget it, don't care! Now so many people can't let others read the joke."

Before anyone saw it, Ran Xiwei quickly walked to Jiang Huiyin's side and whispered to Jiang Huiyin: "That Gu Xixi is really too overwhelming! But it's because of Yin Sichen's like, still there Hesitantly, what family are you talking about. If you are really regarded as a family, how can you make you apologize?"

Jiang Huiyin's face became very ugly again.

Jiang Huiyin glanced back at Ran Xiwei: "You have already followed Yin Siyao. Does Gu Xixi matter to you?"

Ran Xiwei smiled and said, "Yeah, although I am Si Chen's ex-girlfriend, but after all it is a thing of the past. So I don't mean to blame anyone. I'm just a little bit embarrassed for you..."

Jiang Huiyin looked at Ran Xiwei cautiously, not knowing what medicine in her gourd.

Ran Xiwei continued: "I just kindly mention you, nothing else. This Gu Xixi is very evil, many men will turn around her! Obviously, he used to be a poor ghost, and then designed his girlfriend, climbed After getting into Yin Sichen's **, and pregnant with the Yin family's children, she entered the Yin family's gate smoothly. Gee, you probably don't know yet? Mo Zi, the young master, is very special to her! Not to mention the Yun family! Ah, yes, I have to remind you that this woman will pretend to be innocent. She is just relying on the child carrying the Yin family. I really don’t know if this child is gone, she How long can you be proud! You are right with her, be careful that Master Jiang will fight hard with you."

After finishing this sentence, Ran Xiwei left lightly.

When Jiang Huiyin looked at Gu Xixi again, his eyes became more gloomy.

No one else can ignore her.

But Jiang Yihai should never like her!

Absolutely not!

The Yun family heard that people around were talking about Gu Xi, and they felt uncomfortable for a while.

Mr. Yun sighed and said, "Unfortunately, Xixi is not our biological daughter. However, if the child was still alive, wouldn't it be as big as Xixi?"

Mrs. Yun looked at her husband in silence: "I don't know why, I always want to secretly do a DNA test, I always think that it is our child."

"What nonsense! That child died early, did you forget it? Or did the doctor hold it for you to see and confirm, the child really has no blessing in our Yun's house!" Mr. Yun said with a look on his face, "Xi Xi Na There is also a foster mother on the side, and we cannot just hurt the heart of the foster mother over there."

Mrs. Yun said discouragedly: "Unfortunately we have to invite the foster mother over there as a guest. The other party has not agreed, and it is not appropriate for us to take the liberty to disturb. I really want to talk to the foster mother over there as a child."

"Since the other party doesn't want to see us, there must be his own reasons, let's not force it." Mr. Yun patted his wife's shoulder and said, "Although Xixi is not our biological daughter, we also treat her as my biological daughter. In this life, our two daughters have lost their lives, and our two daughters have left us successively. Now that we have daughters, we should not expect too much! As long as the children need them, our indispensable protection is enough. Others Don't think about it for the time being."

Mrs. Yun nodded sadly: "However, this time Mom suddenly stated that let us come to this banquet together, it is indeed a bit unexpected. Didn't Mom care about family affairs for many years?"

For a long while, Mr. Yun replied slowly, "Yeah, I'm also weird! It stands to reason that mom has never seen it. How does she know that this party will be troublesome, and let us come over specially Help?"

The husband and wife looked at each other and were confused for a while.

Gu Xixi felt a little tired, so he took assistant Wang to prepare for a rest in the lounge.

Before I even waited at the entrance of the lounge, I heard the dialogue inside.

"That Gu Xixi is just a sheep-dog meat, what kind of outfit! By the way, Ma Yan, why don't you go out today? Anyway, you are the biological mother of Si Yao." A mean female voice from inside It came out.

Then Ma Yan's voice came out: "Where am I qualified to go out? Today is such a lively banquet, I can only hide here and watch. No way, the old lady with a broken leg said, if I don't hide, then The money that belongs to the pharmacy will not be given to us! I also recognize it for the pharmacy, and one day in the future, when our pharmacy controls the overall situation of the Yin's consortium, I will definitely give them a good look!"

The harsh woman's voice rang again: "I heard that Gu Xixi gave a lot of money as soon as she got pregnant with Mrs. Yin's wife. You said, if your family's medicine also has offspring quickly..."

Ma Yan's voice suddenly sounded: "Yes, you reminded me! I think so too! Since Gu Xi can get 5% of the stock because of pregnancy, our family medicine can also be! Yesterday, Siyao told me that she knew a beautiful girl, and she would take it to the banquet today, but unfortunately I couldn’t get out, and I couldn’t see...If this girl could get pregnant quickly, maybe the old lady could also give us a home 5% of the stock of the pharmaceutical company!"

"That's it! So mediocre Gu Xixi can get the stock, not to mention that your family's medicine is just looking for an object, which is stronger than Gu Xixi?" The mean woman said in harmony.

Xiao Wang heard that they were talking about Gu Xi and immediately stepped forward to find them to settle their accounts.

Gu Xixi pulled Xiao Wang and said with a sigh: "Forget it, whatever they say. The mouth is on them, and I can't control it anymore. I won't rest here, let's go to another lounge."

Xiao Wang was so angry and turned Gu Xixi away, and walked towards a rest room in the other direction.

At this time, everyone was strategizing outside, and no one would come to the lounge.

However, when Gu Xixi came in, he still found someone in the room.

Gu Xixi just wanted to quit, but the other party had already spoken: "It turns out to be a younger sister! Why? Is it uncomfortable?"

Gu Xixi looked at it, it turned out to be Jiang Yihai.

Just thinking of the embarrassment Jiang Huiyin gave himself just now, Gu Xixi didn't like this Jiang Yihai even with it.

Gu Xixi nodded slightly and said, "I thought there was no one here. Since you are resting here, then I will..."

"The lounge is so big, I'm so bored alone. If my brother and sister don't mind, let's go together?" Jiang Yihai interrupted Gu Xixi and said, "Just, I have something to ask my brother and sister too!"

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