The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 251: Jiang Huiyin's Hostility

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Jiang Huiyin snorted coldly, and said, "Course-in-law's clever talk, I certainly have nothing to say. However, I heard that his wife-in-law was born to a civilian, and I don't know the position of the Yin family. How long can the wife-in-law be able to do?"

The hostility of Jiang Huiyin's sentence can be heard by everyone.

Gu Xixi frowned slightly.

Haven't you ever provoked this Jiang Huiyin?

It seems that many people are not happy when they marry Yin Sichen themselves?

This Jiang Huiyin's displeasure, but somehow came.

Isn't she her sister-in-law, with such an unwilling expression on herself?

At this time, Jiang Yihai's voice promptly resolved for Gu Xixi: "Huiyin, you are here! Really let me find a good meal!"

Jiang Huiyin looked back at Jiang Yihai, and the harsh expression just now disappeared, replaced by Gu Xixi's charming and charming appearance when he first saw Jiang Huiyin.

If she hadn't seen her change with her own eyes, Gu Xixi must have thought she was dreaming.

"Aunt is looking for you everywhere! Are you still in a hurry?" Jiang Yihai said lightly.

"Then I'll go by now. Brother, you will come in a while!" Jiang Huiyin immediately made a lovely look and looked at Jiang Yihai cutely.

"Good." Jiang Yihai reached out and grabbed Jiang Huiyin's head. Jiang Huiyin glanced at him with warning eyes and turned away.

This hostility is really inexplicable!

Jiang Yihai sent Jiang Huiyin away, then smiled at Gu Xixi and said, "Huiyin just hit you, I apologize to you instead of her."

Gu Xixi chuckled: "It's okay."

Jiang Yihai's eyes fell on Gu Xi's face. After a few seconds of watching, he slowly turned away: "Your photos are beautiful."

Gu Xixi was startled: "Huh?"

How did this sentence come so... make no sense?

Jiang Yihai smiled on his lips, Gu Xixi felt that the other party was looking at others through himself...

and many more……

Does he also know Yunhao?

Gu Xixi suddenly thought this idea was ridiculous, but she felt it instinctively.

"Why did my cousin look at me like this?" Gu Xixi couldn't help but ask, "It seems that my cousin and I met on the first day today."

"Yeah, the first time I met..." Jiang Yihai's face even had a little stunned.

Mrs. Yin's Jiang Xuerong is exquisite in appearance, so the Jiang family is also all handsome.

Jiang Yihai in front of him had a different taste on his body.

Unlike Yin Shichen's domineering domineering spirit, and Mo Zixin's modest affinity, Jiang Yihai has a wild arrogance on his body but does not make people feel annoying.

Gu Xixi gently squinted: "Did your cousin treat me and others as a person?"

Jiang Yihai's eyes instantly deepened a lot: "Brother and sister are really smart people!"

"So it seems that I guessed right. Cousin knows Yunyao?" Gu Xixi asked directly.

"It's more than knowing." Jiang Yihai smiled bitterly: "It's only her who can surprise me in this life..."

Yes, the rest is needless to say, I know it myself.

This young Master Jiang is estimated to be one of Yun's countless admirers.

"You are really like her," Jiang Yihai said honestly, without concealing anything: "Sometimes looking at some of your photos, I would think she was alive."

Gu Xixi suddenly envied her twin sister.

She is obviously a sister and sister. She seems to be attracting much attention, but she is unknown.

"I'm sorry, I'm not Yunchai." Gu Xixi said with full apology: "I just Gu Xixi."

"I know." Jiang Yihai's mood was a little low: "I know that you are not her. But you are really... so similar."

Gu Xixi didn't speak again.

"You still have a lot of things to deal with, and I won't disturb you." Jiang Yihai dropped this sentence and turned away.

Looking at Jiang Yihai's back, it turned out to be a bit fleeing.

Gu Xixi was puzzled, and Mo Zixuan's voice rang softly from behind: "He and his brother were the biggest competitors at the time, but the sister finally chose my brother."

Gu Xixi looked back at Mo Zixuan in surprise.

Mo Zixuan smiled softly at Gu Xixi.

Today Mo Zixuan's blue and white dress made her slim, and she didn't know how many men's attention she attracted.

"Jiang Yihai and my brother have met the sister. It's not surprising that both of them liked the sister. But the sister rarely went out because of physical reasons. My brother took advantage of the time and place, so slowly My sister agreed to my brother. By the time Jiang Yihai recovered, my brother was already with the sister." Mo Zixuan said gently: "Come on, you can rest assured that this Jiang Yihai , But you have to guard against someone."

"Who?" Gu Xixi stunned.

"Jiang Huiyin." Mo Zixuan explained softly: "Jiang Huiyin is not the blood of the Jiang family, but a girl adopted by Mrs. Jiang from outside. The Jiang family has always been one child and one daughter, and pays attention to one child and two sons. To Jiang Yihai. This generation, but only one son has no daughter. Mrs. Jiang regretted that she adopted a daughter from outside. This Jiang Huiyin is brother-controlled. Her hostility towards you today is probably from Yunya."

Gu Xixi smiled and said: "Just because I look like Yun Yi? So can't I even hate me?"

"It can be said like this." Mo Zixuan also smiled: "Does this sound inexplicable? But the Jiang family is so inexplicable! At that time, Jiang Yihai actually had the opportunity to pursue the sister, because Jiang Huiyin was from it. It’s a terrier, that’s why my brother succeeded.”

Gu Xixi looked at Mo Zixuan with a smile: "Why are you telling me this?"

"I'm afraid you will lose money!" Mo Zixuan raised her eyebrows and said, "I don't like this Jiang Huiyin! I always make a naive and innocent look every day, but she is more than twenty! There must be a limit!"

"Well, do you think your innocence has been challenged?" Gu Xixi teased Mo Zixuan deliberately.

Sure enough, Mo Zixuan couldn't hold back anymore, and he laughed: "Only you can say that."

After making jokes, someone came to look for Gu Xi.

As the master, Gu Xixi naturally could not stay too long, and returned to the home with Mo Zixuan.

Once back, Gu Xixi was immediately surrounded by a group of people.

Gu Xixi smiled and talked to each other with a smile, a pair of women's grace.

Mrs. Yin saw it and nodded secretly.

Even Gu Xixi was fostered outside since childhood, but after all, he was born in a noble family.

A few days of evil supplements can also make her reachable in high society.

It's just a pity that Mrs. Yun did not come in person this time!

She originally wanted to compete with the old lady.

"I really didn't expect that the cousin, who was born as a civilian, even understood these etiquettes." Jiang Huiyin's voice sounded sharply again from a corner.

Gu Xixi was helpless for a while.

This is not enough for Jiang Huiyin to embarrass himself, is he embarrassing himself in public now?

Sure enough, Jiang Huiyin's words fell, and many people's faces changed slightly.

Mrs. Yun stood by Gu Xixi for the first time, reaching out and holding Gu Xixi's finger: "The small family of the Yun family is indeed comparable to the large family of the Jiang family. Ms. Jiang laughed."

Gu Xixi did not expect that Mrs. Yun would stand up for herself for the first time, and her eyes would inevitably be wet.

Jiang Huiyin glanced at Mrs. Yun, of course she knew Mrs. Yun!

Because of the eldest lady of the Yun family, she did not pay much attention to the Yun family!

However, the details of the Yun family were there, and Jiang Huiyin dared not directly choke on the Yun family.

"Mrs. Yun is joking, I didn't say Yun family, I'm talking about my cousin Gu Xixi, but she is surnamed Gu, not surnamed Yun." Jiang Huiyin glanced at Gu Xixi and saw Gu Xixi's face After there was no expression on the face, he was immediately more annoyed: "What do you say, Cousin?"

"Mom, cousin is complimenting me." Gu Xixi smiled and reached out and patted Mrs. Yun's hand on the back: "Married into the Yin family as a civilian, and can still be friendly with so many Men Shuyuan This is not what ordinary people can do. But I did. My cousin is congratulating me, isn’t it?"

Gu Xixi glanced at Jiang Huiyin.

Jiang Huiyin looked pale. She should not praise Gu Xi!

Mrs. Yin's face changed slightly, but she quickly glanced at Gu Xi and said nothing.

She wanted to see how Gu Xixi responded to this situation when she did not admit that she was a Yun family.

However, Gu Xixi's answer still brightened her eyes.

"I'm not praising you! Gu Xixi, your surname is Gu, why are you called Mrs. Yun's mother?" Jiang Huiyin made no secret of Gu Xixi's hostility.

Many people present looked at Gu Xi with a lively expression.

To be honest, Gu Xixi killed him halfway and robbed her husband, Yin Sichen. Many people said that it is impossible to not be jealous.

That's the top male god!

Ran Xiwei also heard the excitement here, the deep resentment in the eyes, and shot at Gu Xi without hesitation.

Without Gu Xixi, she will not fall so miserable!

Without Gu Xixi, even if you can't reconcile with Yin Sichen again, Shang Ke will not become so strange with her.

Since returning from the ship, Shang Ke's attitude is strange.

No matter how she used to be cute with Shang Ke, Shang Ke would indulge her, but since that day, Shang Ke would always keep a certain distance from her.

Then, she wanted to follow Shang Ke and participate in Yin Siyao's birthday party as Shang Ke's female companion, but she was refused without hesitation!

The reason why Shang Ke became like this must be a good thing for Gu Xixi to do!

Gu Xixi, you have repeatedly and repeatedly destroyed my good deeds.

Now, besides me, it seems that there are others who dislike you!

I want to see how you can resolve this crisis in front of you!

This time embarrassing you, but the Jiang family, even if Yin Sichen wants to help you, he has to weigh the weight of his grandfather!

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