The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 212: go away

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Aunt Zhang's eyes suddenly turned red.

Although it didn't take long to contact Gu Xixi, Aunt Zhang could see that the young master and the young grandma really loved each other.

But why...


The old lady instructed not to let anything go, and let them decide for themselves.

Otherwise she...

Gu Xixi smiled at Aunt Zhang and turned away.

Mu Ruona had parked her car, and after Gu Xi got on the bus, without a word, she turned around and left.

Gu Xixi didn't know that, just after the car body left the door, Yin Sichen rushed out of the study, going to chase Xixi.

Before Yin Sichen walked to the door, Mrs. Yin's stiff voice came from behind: "If you are going to kill your mother, you will go chase."

Yin Sichen's footsteps stopped abruptly.

Yin Sichen stood on the spot, took a deep breath, and gently said, "So, mother, are you going to be an enemy of your son?"

Mrs. Yin's voice suddenly raised: "Yin Sichen, I am your biological mother. Whom did I become for this six years ago to become this ghostly look! You are telling your mother, are you ungrateful?"

Yin Sichen sneered.

"Of course I can't watch my mother being forced to death by me, otherwise I am not filial?" Yin Sichen's smile grew colder and colder.

Aunt Zhang couldn't help but shivered.

She rarely sees the young master become like this.

Every time the young master showed this smile, it was often when he was desperate.

Mrs. Yin smiled with satisfaction when she saw that Yin Sichen was suppressed by herself.

But she didn't smile long before her smile completely stiffened on her face.

"It's just that my son suddenly remembered that there are other things in the company. I'm going to the company to deal with official duties, don't you know that my mother has an opinion?" Yin Sichen replied in a light voice: "Mother rests early, since Ran Xiwei is here to help Take care of it, your son will be relieved, Aunt Zhang, take good care of her mother."

"Yes, young master." Aunt Zhang nodded in reply.

After Yin Sichen finished speaking, he lifted his legs without lifting his head and left.

Looking at the back of Yin Sichen's departure, Mrs. Yin looked pale.

But in six years, how could a good son be like this?

No, her son has always been very obedient!

The son has changed, it must be the ghost Gu Guxi!

Gu Xixi, you do not want to get my recognition! You never want to be my daughter-in-law!

Mrs. Yin raised her hand and overturned the living room table.

Wow la-messy.

Aunt Zhang lowered her head and dared not look at it.

Madam was not like this before. But since that happened six years ago, my wife...

Six years ago, many, many things happened, including some things that the master did not know...

But, if the young master knows, it might be painful?

Aunt Zhang thought about it and decided to remain silent.

Ran Xiwei slowly walked down, his eyes falling on Mrs. Yin.

She was also aware of Mrs. Yin’s emotional instability, but this instability was a good thing for her.

Because the more emotionally unstable, the better control.

"Auntie, why are you angry again? Si Chen is busy working in the company, which is a good thing!" Ran Xiwei slowly took a cup of tea and handed it over: "As long as you don't go to Gu Xi, it doesn't matter."

Mrs. Yin reached out and patted the back of Ran Xiwei's hand: "Still you are the most sensible. Si Chen's child was blindfolded by that woman, it doesn't matter, he will see you sooner or later."

A trace of viciousness flashed through Ran Xiwei's eyes.

Of course, she was the last person standing next to Yin Sichen.

No one else is worthy!

Waiting until Mu Ruona opened the room, Gu Xixi recovered.

Well, two good sisters are falling in love at the same time!

The reasons for falling out of love are the same, all because of Ran Xiwei!

Mu Ruona smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused today, and I couldn't help you just now."

Gu Xixi shook his head: "We are all overwhelmed."

"Then what do you plan to do next?" Mu Ruona couldn't help but ask: "Anyway, I have already asked for leave, I don't want to see the face of that group of people again!"

"Me too." Gu Xixi replied in a low voice: "Tomorrow you will come back to Yun's house with me. I will explain to Yun's house. I want to go to my old home. I will call my mother over there today to ask When I was born, my mother was clearly a supporter, and I refused to say something. Anyway, I had nothing to do, so I might as well go there and relax."

Mu Ruona nodded: "Yes, I will accompany you. Anyway, I will go the same everywhere."


The next day, Mu Ruona drove Gu Xixi back to the Yun family.

As soon as he entered the door, Gu Xixi was pulled into the room by Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun, and asked long and short.

After hearing Gu Xixi's story, Mr. Yun was so angry that he was going to the Yin family's theory!

Why should Yun's daughter suffer such humiliation?

His Yin family is the tallest, we don’t climb high!

Mrs. Yun was so distressed that she only shed tears: "My daughter, you are suffering! Rest assured, this matter, your parents will support you! We are not afraid of divorce. Our Yun family can afford you and your children!"

Gu Xixi smiled and nodded, but said nothing.

Gu Xixi said softly: "Mom and dad, I'm here to discuss something with you. I have something to go back to my hometown there. Tomorrow I will pack up with Rona and fly over. If there is anything here, just go directly Call me now."

"Are there any important things for you to go there?" Mrs. Yun was reluctant to let Gu Xi go.

Gu Xixi came to K City a few days ago, but Mrs. Yun could not leave Gu Xixi.

"Well, something important." Gu Xixi didn't want to tell them for the time being, he wanted to go back and investigate his life.

It's not too late to say this kind of thing when the dust is settled.

Mr. Yun was frantic, frowning and said, "Then take a few more people to take care of. You just left, and the Yin family didn't even send someone to follow, it's really black heart! Anyway, you are all pregnant The children of the Yin family!"

Gu Xixi shook his head and said, "I will not let them follow. Since I have decided to cut the Yin family with two cuts, I will never use the Yin family's reason."

"Yes, my daughter is right! We are not rare!" Mrs. Yun said in favor.

"Exactly, your aunt is going to the n city, let your aunt follow, otherwise I don't worry." Mr. Yun still frowned. "How can you two girls do it? Or bring two assistants from home, Don't worry about this matter, I will arrange it."

Gu Xixi nodded and did not refuse.

When Gu Xixi got on the plane, he unexpectedly saw an unexpected person.

If Mo Zixuan said hello in advance, Gu Xixi was not surprised to see Mo Zixuan on the plane.

Then Mo Zixin sitting next to Mo Zixuan had to be surprised.

Mo Zixin's blue eyes were filled with a faint smile: "Early."

Gu Xixi no longer knew what to say, but Mu Ruona behind Gu Xixi nodded with Yun Xiaoqing: "Early."

"Auntie sent it yourself?" Mo Zixuan smiled and looked at Yun Xiaoqing. "With my aunt, my brother should be relieved."

Yun Xiaoqing glanced at Mo Zixin meaningfully and said, "Yes, my brother-in-law is not at ease, let me **** myself in the past. I don't feel at ease! Now, with pregnancy inconvenience, I can't make any mistakes. of."

"Auntie hard." Gu Xixi finally recovered, and said with a smile: "Yes, Mo Zixin, do you want to follow us back to the n city? Don't you need to stay and continue to stare at the project?" "

Mo Zixin smiled deeply: "Yesterday President Yin informed me that I can take a good rest."

"Huh?" Gu Xi looked at Mo Zixin puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"Meaning, all the projects were taken over by him alone! He didn't belong to him, he also took over all of them." Mo Zixin's blue eyes flashed incomprehensible tenderness: "General Yin Suddenly becoming so hard, I was a little bit uncomfortable."

Gu Xixi understood the meaning of this sentence all at once.

He said that Yin Sichen took away the work originally belonged to Mo Zixin.


Is it because...I don't want to go home to face Ran Xiwei and Mrs. Yin, so I have nothing to do with it and grabbed the work originally belonged to Mo Zixin?

Don't really say, Gu Xixi is really right.

Mrs. Yin can cheek a woman by her son's side, and Yin Sichen can also excuse her work and not go home!

As long as he doesn't go home, see how she stops.

Yin Sichen made up his mind and stayed in the company without returning to the villa.

Even if Ran Xiwei is the marketing manager, don’t forget that she is not Yin Sichen’s personal assistant. She is not qualified to follow Yin Sichen 24 hours a day.

Gu Xixi's eyes were drooping, and his heart had mixed flavors.

What if he understood his mind?

After all, he would not turn against his mother for his own sake.

Mrs. Yin is right, she and Yin Sichen are mother and son after all, and the blood relationship is the most irresistible existence.

Yin Sichen will now contend, but he will eventually compromise.

Just as he once resisted marriage, is it not a compromise now, marrying himself and having feelings?

He had been in love with Ran Xiwei once. If under the pressure of Mrs. Yin had to divorce herself, after marrying Ran Xiwei again, wouldn't it be impossible to rekindle love again?

Haha, fate is really interesting.

Go round and round, but still have to return to the original point.

He wants to return to his origin, and he wants to return to his origin.

fair enough.

Seeing this earlier will not be too painful.

However, how can I comfort myself so that I can ignore the pain in my heart?

I thought I was just an outsider, but I was indifferent when I watched the joys and sorrows of others.

I never thought that I was an insider.

Yin Sichen, after you set up a love affair for me, do you feel pain when you escape?

Gu Xixi didn't say a word, and sat silently in his place.

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