The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 211: Emotional cracks

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi's body stiffened, but he turned slowly.

Not surprisingly, Yin Sichen stood behind him.

Yin Sichen's complexion was very green.

He never expected that the first day of his mother's arrival would force him to divorce Gu Xixi!

What Gu Xixi said just now deeply hurt his heart.

Gu Xixi, why can you say the word divorce so easily?

Do you know whether or not, I have never played around with you?

"Since President Yin is coming, I won't disturb the two's narration, so I will pack up and leave the Yin's house." Gu Xixi said this and turned to leave.

Yin Sichen was holding Gu Xi's wrist, and she would not let her go.

"Mom, will you kill your son as soon as you come back?" Yin Sichen looked at Mrs. Yin with a stern face. "Is my concession and tolerance all these years, has become a weapon for your mother to hurt your biological son?" "

"Fuck! How are you talking to me?" Madam Yin suddenly angered: "I am your mother!"

"So, you can hurt me like this?" Yin Sichen was just gritting his teeth, but the other party was his mother. Even if he was angry, he could only tolerate it.

"I'm doing it for you!" Mrs. Yin raised her voice, and her eyes were full of anger.

"Really? My mother." Yin Sichen's voice was cold: "Does your mother think that I was the one I was six years ago?"

Madam Yin was taken aback, she didn't understand what Yin Sichen meant.

What was the difference between him six years ago and now?

Aren't they all her sons?

"Now that Mom has finished the treatment, then keep it well in the country. The son has grown up for a long time and can already be alone, so Mom only needs to support the world every year. Don't worry about other things." Yin Sichen Despite forcibly suppressing his anger, at this moment, he really can't help it.

"What kind of tone do you use to speak to me?" Mrs. Yin also became tough with her attitude.

Just when Yin Sichen and Mrs. Yin were drawn together, Ran Xiwei appeared in time.

"Auntie, Sichen, what's wrong with you"? Just came back today, how did you get on the bar?" Ran Xiwei looked like a narrator and quickly smoothed Mrs. Yin's chest. "Xi Xi, you are really Yes. The aunt is also your mother-in-law. How can you make the aunt angry when the aunt just came back today? Do you know if you don’t know how to do it?”

Gu Xixi turned away and looked away from Yin Sichen's wrist. Unexpectedly, the other party did not intend to let go.

"Mom, I solemnly inform you that Gu Xixi is my wife, and the child in her stomach is the fourth generation of the Yin family! Except for Gu Xixi, no woman wants to give me a boy or a half! "Yin Sichen said with a clear attitude: "If you want to drive away, well, I will go with her!"

Yin Sichen's sentence just now reminded Mrs. Yin.

He was no longer Yin Sichen six years ago.

Six years ago, Yin Sichen was still innocent and always felt that the world was beautiful.

But now Yin Sichen is already the Yan Luo who broke out of the sword forest in Jianshan.

He is no longer so easy to grasp the existence of control.

Listening to Yin Sichen's words, Madam Yin's eyes flashed violently.

She endured and endured, and finally compromised.

"Okay, I know." Madam Yin finally found out that her son had changed.

He was no longer the boy who panicked when he was in danger, but the emperor who was not panicked and had a hard wrist.

Mrs. Yin also understood that using previous methods to drive Gu Xi, afraid that it would not be realized.

However, if it's hard, it's soft!

"Okay, I'm a little tired. Xiwei, push me back to the room to rest." Mrs. Yin waved her hands, looked no longer at Xi Xi, turned and left.

Ran Xiwei glanced with pride at Gu Xi, this time, she won!

After everyone else left, Gu Xixi coldly said to Yin Sichen: "Release!"

Yin Sichen looked at Gu Xixi with a cold face, looking so beautiful on her face.

He didn't want to let go, he always had the illusion that if he let go of his hand at this time, then he would lose her...

Gu Xixi stared coldly at his grasped wrist, and said in a cold voice: "What can you do if you hold me like this? You and I know the ending very well. Divorce is a matter of time. As I told you, it is impossible for us to continue..."

"I won't let go, I won't leave." Yin Sichen almost squeezed these six words from the teeth.

Gu Xixi smiled softly, and looked up at Yin Sichen in this way. Qing Yue's eyes clearly reflected Yin Sichen's beautiful face.

Yin Sichen felt his heart hurt by Gu Xi's smile.

"You don't believe me?" Yin Sichen asked back.

"How do I believe? If your mother deliberately troubled me, how many times could you stand behind me?" Gu Xixi looked at Yin Sichen calmly, his eyes clearer and clearer.

Yin Sichen was dumb for a while.

Yes, he really can't watch Gu at home all the time.

He couldn't blame his mother.

If the mother is obsessed with trouble, she is really weak.

Gu Xixi smiled miserably: "A few days ago, I said that we are going to return to the bridge and return to the road. You don't believe it, you say you can do it! But now I have lost all this Confidence. Yin Sichen, answer me after you think about it. If your mother vows to break up with us, how much confidence can you have?"

Yin Sichen looked cold.

Gu Xixi closed her eyes gently and said softly, "I know your answer. Okay, can you let go?"

Yin Sichen seemed to be forbearing, and seemed to beg Gu Gu pleadingly.

He didn't want to let go, he didn't want to find someone in love in this life, but he let her leave.

He thought that after so many years of polishing, he was invincible and fearless.

But at this moment, he was so weak and frustrated!

He can chatter outside, but he can't balance the relationship between the two most important people in his life.

Yin Sichen felt like a failure.

Gu Xixi broke his wrist one finger at a time, turned and walked away.

Behind him came Yin Sichen's voice like an injured beast: "Gu Xixi, do you really have the heart to leave me?"

Gu Xixi suddenly stood, lowered his eyes, and concealed his emotions. After he calmed down, he spoke softly: "Mrs. Yin is right, people should not think about things that weren't their own. It's me It's too greedy. I thought I could finally let Mrs. Yin approve of me, but I was wrong. I was just a mortal, not a fairy, and I had no way to reverse it."

"I also said, give me enough time, I can reverse everything." Yin Sichen quickly chased this sentence.

"But I may not be able to wait. If there is no accident, Mrs. Yin will desperately match you up with Ran Xiwei, how do you let me face you? Is that cruel to me?" Gu Xixi Gently said: "I'm going to pack things, and I will leave here with Rona tomorrow. Maybe I'm not here, you can talk about it."

After finishing this sentence, Gu Xixi never made any pause, turned to the room and asked the assistant to pack up two boxes for himself, ready to leave.

Before Gu Xixi walked out of the room, she heard the voice of Mrs. Yin from outside, "Xi Wei, send this supper to Si Chen to the study. He wants to eat it at night! Ah, there are fruits, you also give He cut it and sent it to him."

Ran Xiwei's cheerful voice immediately came over: "Okay, Auntie, I will send it right away!"

After a while, I heard Ran Xiwei knocking on the door of the study next door.

Gu Xixi smiled bitterly.

On the first day, I was so impatient to stuff people around Yin Sichen, and it was so blatant.

In Mrs. Yin's eyes, her so-called daughter-in-law is just a decoration, ah no, it is better to display.

It seems that she really can't wait to drive herself away.

Gu Xixi dragged the box and walked out. Mu Ruona had already packed her things.

Mu Ruona has a car, but does not worry about not going.


Gu Xixi just walked out of the door, because of his big belly, it was a little inconvenient. When he turned around, he bumped into a person.


Gu Xixi looked down at his clothes, already messed up.

Ran Xiwei suddenly screamed: "Ah, you are all right? I didn't mean it! You see, you have to go out and stain your clothes."

Gu Xixi looked down at the stains on his body, Ran Xiwei was clearly intentional.

But now Mrs. Yin is here, what can she say?

Isn't Yin Sichen also hiding in the study, can't he come alive?

What can you expect?

Gu Xixi handed the salute to Mu Ruona, turned back to the room and planned to change another dress.

But Gu Xixi hadn't reached the door of the room yet, Ran Xiwei suddenly stopped Gu Xixi's footsteps and looked at Gu Xixi maliciously: "Since I came out of this room, do you really have to go back again? I remember that the lock on this door was fingerprint-recognized. Since you are leaving, cancel your fingerprint recognition. Is it possible that you still want to come back?"

Gu Xixi suddenly turned white.

Ran Xiwei, you are ruthless.

Gu Xixi gritted his teeth, pulled out the room panel, and canceled his fingerprint recognition.

Ran Xiwei quickly entered his fingerprint identification, and then looked at Gu Xi in a demonstration.

Gu Xixi clenched his hands into fists and took deep breaths repeatedly, forcing himself to calm down.

"Since you want to leave, I won't give it away. I have to go to the kitchen to prepare Si Chen for supper and tea, don't give it away." Ran Xiwei looked at Gu Xixi with pride.

"No need." Gu Xixi spit out this sentence coldly, turned around and slowly walked down the stairs.

When Gu Xixi walked to the door, Aunt Zhang stopped talking.

"Aunt Zhang, thank you for your care these days." Gu Xixi said with a smile: "I don't have anything for you, this is for you to think about. It's worthless, don't push it."

Gu Xixi put a jewelry box on Aunt Zhang.

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