The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 935: punishment

Ye Xi turned his attention to those children.

This is not harsh, and it can even be said that the calm sight has scared these children instantly. All the children who looked like stubborn little quails were really withered, and the little hands behind them stretched out and gently put down the buckled tiles.

"Sorry, Master Xi Wu..."

Someone stood up and apologized.

All the children were very nervous, short of breath, and did not dare to look up at Ye Xi.

Although these children of the Cang clan were not very afraid of listening to Green Ears, they were still very afraid of Ye Xi, because they knew that Ye Xi was the future ancestor witch, and would be even more powerful than the Great Yuan witch.

Seeing that the children were so afraid, Ye Xi walked over slowly, squatted down in front of the children, and said mildly, "Don’t be afraid, I won’t beat you. It’s just that this house is where you will live in the future. It’s beautiful, and I can’t destroy it anymore.

All the children opened their eyes round and round, as if they had heard explosive news.

"You said... this is for us?"

A stupid kid asked in surprise.

Ye Xi was surprised, wondering why the children looked so surprised, and said, "Of course."

The next moment, all the children screamed in surprise at high decibels.




The children jumped three feet high in surprise, ecstatic, dancing with hands and feet, like little birds that screamed and jumped to the extreme of joy.

"This is for us! This is for us! Ahhhhh!"


Ye Xi smiled and rubbed a child's little head.

He knew why the children were so surprised before, because they were not sure if this house was for them...

Ye Xi watched the children making trouble with a smile, and when they calmed down, his smile faded.

The children who had been cheering for joy suddenly became nervous again.

Ye Xi: "Although this house is for you to live in, it will also live in many other children. So what you destroy is not only your own house, but also other children's houses. I will not beat you, but you must have Punishment, can you understand?"

The children held their breath, looking at Ye Xi with twin sparkling innocent eyes, without blinking, waiting for him to say the punishment.

I thought to myself, as long as they don't live in such a high and beautiful house.

Before the children became more anxious, Ye Xi continued: "Just punish you for being the manager of this building."



Everyone was stunned.

"What does the head of the building mean?"

Ye Xi slowly said, "I call this large stone house with high floors a building, and the building manager is the person responsible for managing the entire building."

The children can't understand.

Responsible for this whole big stone house, is that punishment?

Not to mention that the children were surprised with their little heads held high, and even the chiefs of Lu-ear Tushan couldn't figure it out.

Ye Xi laughed loudly: "The building manager is not easy to do. The most important thing is to keep the whole house intact. In the future, if other children living in this house damage the house, such as removing tiles or destroying the stairs, then I won’t look for it. Others will look for you."


The children all brushed their faces.

Now they understand, that is, they have to take care of other companions and prevent them from destroying the stone house. If the tiles are removed or the floor tiles are scratched, they will be punished.

A child turned his eyes around and asked Ye Xi,

"Master Xi Wu, can the building manager let other people living here listen to him?"

The building leader, the leader, sounds similar to the captain chief. You must know that the captain of the hunting team has very high powers. If the leader of the building can let other people living here listen to them, such as ordering them to barbecue for themselves and fetch water for themselves, that would be great.

Ye Xi saw through his careful thoughts at a glance, and shook his head, with a soft tone: "No, the building manager only has the right to manage other people and not destroy the house."

Chief Tushan and the others quietly looked at each other.

Listening to Lu Er was even more exaggerated, and Duan Luoluo stepped back a little, a little far away from Ye Xi.

Was scared.

He understood, Ye Xi's trick is simply to kill people without seeing the blood, it's more than a vicious beating, no, ten meals are terrifying!

Ten beats, anyhow, as soon as you close your eyes, you can end it, but you have to worry about other children not to let them be naughty and to make trouble for them, that is endless.

Moreover, he also has such a seemingly prestigious title, but in fact he has no rights. The knife is wrapped in sugar...Tsk tusk, he must not offend Ye Xi in the future.

Ye Xi didn't know that Listening Lu Er had secretly regarded him as the incarnation of a dark belly, insidious and terrifying, stood up, patted the children's back with his hand, and said gently.

"Okay, go out."

The children bowed to Ye Xi and ran away crying.

After Ye Xi waited for the children to leave, he found that everyone around him was silent, and said amusedly: "What's wrong?"

Hearing Lu Er cleared his throat, trying to pretend to be okay, but he couldn't help feeling a little weak when he spoke: "...It's nothing."

Ye Xi ignored him and said to Chief Tushan and the others: "Have you heard what I said to the children?"

"heard it!"

"Master Hui Xiwu, I heard it!"

Ye Xi nodded: "What I just said was not to tease those kids."

A dozen high-level Xicheng nodded in agreement.

Ye Xi: "..."

He thought the atmosphere was a little strange.

Ye Xi paused slightly, and continued: "I named these houses the dormitory building. These children are not controlled by their parents, so they have to be restrained."

"In the future, there will be not only the building length, but also the floor length and the house length."

"Layer leader, responsible for protecting the public property on the first floor from being destroyed."

"Head of the house, responsible for not destroying the public property of a room."

"The floor chief is in charge of the house chief, and the building manager is in charge of the house chief. In addition, someone needs to inspect the dormitory regularly to prevent the building supervisors from being lazy. You will decide on the punishments.

"As far as hygiene is concerned, these children don't care about it. In the future, please ask the Oryx to clean the dormitory, and the reward will be drawn from the city treasury.

"These children have been raised by strange flowers, weeds, and springs. They are no stronger than ordinary children and have great destructive power. If they are not managed well, the entire building may be collapsed by them. So you must take care of this, you know? "

The last sentence of Ye Xi's tone brought a bit of sternness and seriousness The high-level executives of Xicheng had a terrifying expression and responded in unison.

"Master Xi Wu, don't worry!!"

Ye Xi nodded gently.

These dormitory buildings are six stories high, and the children are inevitable from serious injuries when the house collapses. This can be considered a security issue and cannot be ignored.

It’s also very simple to manage, just move over and use the complete set of schools in the previous life.

Ye Xi turned his head to look at Listening Lu Er: "Let's go, I will take you to continue the tour." After that, he walked upstairs.

Listening to Green Ear subconsciously responded: "Okay..."

After Ye Xi walked the two steps of the stone ladder, he grabbed his hair to follow.

(End of this chapter)

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