The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 934: dormitory

Hearing that Lu Er was so interested, Ye Xi naturally readily agreed.

He said to Broken Lingqiuya and the other soldiers: "Let's find someone to carry these stone boxes to my residence."


"Yes, Master Yuan Wu!"

The voices of several people gave their orders loudly.

Ye Xi walked towards the building with Ting Lu Er.

Chief Tushan, Chief Gongtao, Baigui Dawu, etc. also hurriedly followed. Several courageous Cang clan's direct descendants were also very interested in the house. They sneaked a few steps behind and followed them.

The stone door creaked open.

He didn’t see the door before, so he stopped and looked at the door. He opened and closed the door repeatedly and found that the door could automatically return to its original position. He curiously said, “You don’t have to move the slate after installing this. Moved."

Ye Xi: "If you are interested, you can bring two Xicheng artisans when you go back and teach you how to make doors."

Hearing Lu Er was a little touched by Ye Xi's lack of selfishness, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, our rough guys probably didn't have the patience to make this thing. It's useless after teaching."

Ye Xi nodded: "That's it."

The two walked inside the door.

Listening to Lu Er took a breath, his head was almost turned into a sunflower.

He looked up at the white ceiling, the smooth tiled wall next to him, the transparent iceland stone window on his left hand, and the floor with large stone bricks under his feet.

"What's on the ground?" Listening to Lu Er's eyes finally settled on her feet.

Ye Xi: "This is a stone brick, a polished stone brick."

Hearing Green Ears was incredible, he lowered his head and rubbed the stone brick with the palm of his forefoot. The touch was cold and smooth, and he could even see his own shadow!

"Can stone bricks be polished to this degree? Like the surface of the water!"

Ye Xi: "It's nothing unusual. For one thing, the stone is quite special. Secondly, we have a carving tribe in Xicheng, and their polishing skills are relatively superb."

Ye Xi smiled slightly at this point.

In the past, when the carving tribe set up stalls in Jiugong, they sold all kinds of lifelike carvings. Now in the Xicheng trading area, the stone brick business is extremely hot, and everyone wants to buy stone bricks to pave the ground. The current carved tribe people probably haven't carved various ornaments for a long time, and their skills are rusty.

I can’t understand Lu Er: "What is a carved tribe in Xicheng..."

Ye Xi smiled and said, "Did you forget? I said that Xicheng is a big alliance of tribes. There are now hundreds of large, medium and small tribes in it, and Ke tribe is one of them."

"That's it."

Listening to Green Ear was a bit strange and stunned.

He stays in clan territory all year round, but he has also heard about tribes. He knows that tribes sometimes form alliances, but usually two or three tribes form alliances.

There are hundreds of tribes in Xicheng who still live together.

The strangest thing is that a Yuan Witch was born?

"Then which tribe do you belong to?" Listening to Lu Er asked.

Ye Xi paused slightly.

Chief Tushan turned his gaze behind him as if he hadn't heard.

"No matter which tribe used to be, now I belong to Xicheng." Ye Xi finally said.

Listening to Lu Er keenly noticed that the atmosphere was a little subtle, he stopped asking this question, and instead said: "Then you have hundreds of tribes living together, so there will be no conflicts?"

He knew that in this land, large tribes eat medium tribes, medium tribes eat small tribes, and small tribes fight each other.

Xicheng is like shutting a group of big and small carnivorous insects in a jar. Can it last?

Ye Xi explained slowly: "In the beginning, it did exist, but we now have a code in Xicheng. Those who make trouble will be expelled from Xicheng or executed directly, so it's relatively rare."

"Code?" Listening to Green Ear like a curious baby.

Ye Xi smiled: "Everyone who arrives in Xicheng for the first time will be curious. When I have time, I will take you there. You should stay here for a day or two before returning, right?"

Listening to Green Ear nodded repeatedly.

"Even if I hurry up when I go back, I have to stay here for two days!"

He lowered his head and studied the floor tiles under his feet carefully.

The floor tiles are square, the slabs are straight, the length and width are all arm-length, and it is light beige. If you look closely, you can see the silver silk pattern mixed with flowing clouds. This pattern is unique to the stone itself. The lines are not painted.

Listening to Green Ear, the more I look at it, the more exquisite the floor tiles become, and he feels embarrassed: "Should we wash our feet first?"

Clan people don't like to wear shoes. His big feet go in the wind and mud. You don't need to look at them to know that the soles of the feet are so dark. The floor tiles are so delicate and clean that he is afraid of stepping on it.

Ye Xi said indifferently: "It's okay, this floor tile is very resistant to dirt, as long as it is not stepped on with wet mud."


Listening Lu Er raised his head and pointed at the tiles on the wall.

"Why are these polished so small? Each slap is so big?"

Ye Xi: "Because this is not a stone brick. This is porcelain. It is burned out. Large pieces are troublesome to burn."

Listening to Green Ear scratching his hair.

"...Burned out?"

Ye Xi smiled and said, "Yes, it's not mysterious actually. If you are interested, I will show you where to burn the porcelain tomorrow."


Listen to the green ears jumping for joy.

After standing on the spot for some time, Ye Xi continued to walk in with listening green ears, and continued to teach him science as he walked: "These tiles are relatively brittle, so stick them on the wall. It's best not to knock them."

Listening to Lu Er suddenly stopped.

He found that the group of children who were following their **** sneaked into another corridor, and a group of people were sticking to the wall like geckos, buckling! porcelain! brick!


Ting Lu's speed was as fast as teleporting, and the Chiefs of Tushan blinked and saw Ting Lu's appearing behind the gang of young boys, knocking down one of the children's dog paws with a black face.

"Don't deduct this!"

But it was too late.

These children have strong hands. Several tiles were buckled down with rubber belts, and one was left hanging in the air.


With a crisp sound, it was broken into dozens of white pieces.

Listening to Lu Er, I didn't expect this tile to be so brittle. When it fell, it fell apart and was stunned for a while.

"I knew I would take it..."

Listening to Lu Er stunned.

The other children were also stunned.

They shrank their necks tacitly, like a row of little quails, with their eyes wide open and staring at Green Ears in fear, for fear of being beaten.

Listening to Green Ear staring at them, their faces darkened.

Seeing that Green Ear seemed to be angry, Chief Tushan hurried over and acted as the peacemaker: "This adult is okay. This tile is not worth a lot of beast cores. If it breaks, it will break. Don't get angry. "

Other chief witches followed suit.

"Yeah, I fell as soon as I fell."

"I'll find someone to fill it up again it's okay."

Hearing Lu Er did not look at them, he stared at the row of low-headed little quail in front of him with a heavy face, gritted his teeth and said: "You don't know how skinny these little boys are. Stone bricks may be seized or broken, and take them out!"

With a loud shout.

These children are all descendants of the Cang family. They are not too afraid to listen to Green Ears. The children who buckle the tiles also carry the tiles in their hands behind them, showing a stubborn appearance that even if they are scolded.

Chief Tushan: "Uh..."

Listening to the green-eared eagle grabbing a chick, he lifted a little cub's arm and was about to destroy the baby immediately.

"Don't do it."

Ye Xi suddenly spoke.

Everyone turned their attention to Ye Xi.

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