The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 824: Light curtain

Clan territory.

The blazing light curtain covers all the stone houses tightly, and the emerald light reflects the sky into aquamarine green. The witch pattern on the light curtain twists and crackles like an electric snake, and the witch power is so turbulent that it is heartbreaking. Like a magic like a fantasy.

A little beetle crawled out of the sand slowly.

This is an unusual little beetle. Its shell is harder than the teeth of the king's fierce beast. The insect body inside is also strong like a stone, and it is very insensitive to sounds, so the terrible continuous whining and roaring just now It was lucky to survive the sound.

But the little beetle's luck came to an end, it accidentally hit the light curtain.


With a light sound like being electrocuted, the poor little beetle didn't even have time to make the last sound, and it instantly turned into a small smokey coke ball.


The big civet cat ran against the wind with everyone.

A series of shallow large plum paw prints were left in the sand.

Soon, the big civet cat ran out of the defensive shield. It did not stop or slow down at all. Instead, it accelerated again. Faced with the terrifying light curtain that was about to hit a power grid, it jumped towards it. !

The big civet cat was not stunned or scorched. The light curtain split a small hole from both sides like a waterfall. The civet cat straightened its four claws and penetrated the terrible defensive shield smoothly.

After the big civet cat enters, the light curtain closes automatically.

Back to a safe place, the big civet cat slowed down, trot to the crowd, and finally squatted down.

Ye Xi and a few children jumped off the back of the civet cat.

The civet cat shook his hair, shook off the sand and dust on his body, and then twisted and ran out of the light curtain in twos and threes to join the terrible battlefield.


A big man of the raccoon family glared anger, and grabbed the ears of the raccoon, roaring like a rush of thunder, "Where did you go, who made you run around? You almost lost your life?!"

"...Ah, it hurts! It hurts, my ears are about to fall!"

The round ears of the little raccoon were pulled and deformed, and his head tilted and grinning, tears streaming from the pain.

The relatives of other children also came up. The parents of these children have all gone to fight against the tide of fierce beasts, and the rest are mostly brothers, sisters, and grandpas.


Li Lan hung his head and walked to a young female soldier of the seventh rank.

The seventh-level female soldier was pale, with dried blood stains on the corners of her mouth. The fiery red civet cat that died in the murmur of the ancestor beast was her beast. After the beast died, she was also seriously injured and was temporarily unable to go to the battlefield.

"Just come back."

She touched Lilan's little head.

Li Lan still lowered his head, tears falling down pattering, he wiped his eyes vigorously, but his tears couldn't stop like a faucet.

"Sister, Da Hong is dead--!"

Li Lan endured for a moment, and finally couldn't help crying and hugged Li Yue's thigh.

No matter how daring he was, he was only a six-year-old kid. He saw the civet cat who had grown up with him since he was a baby dead. After all, he couldn't hold back his emotions and broke down in front of everyone.

Liyue hugged Lilan, her eyes red and silent.

The contract war beast is equivalent to a family member, and when the war beast is dead, she feels more uncomfortable than Li Lan, and can't say anything to comfort him.

One was wearing a robe of animal skins with a gully face. It was visually estimated that a raccoon clan of about 150 years old had walked over surrounded by the crowd.

The others calmed down and retreated with the child who had just returned.

The old raccoon clan walked up to Ye Xi and solemnly bowed to Ye Xi, "Thank you, Master Yuanwu for your help."

The screaming sound of the three-headed ancestor-level bird of paradise can be heard even if they are so far away. He knew that even if these little raccoons brought defensive dominoes, they would not survive intact, it was only possible that Ye Xi saved them.

"Thank you Master Yuan Wu for helping!"

"Thank you Master Yuan Wu for helping!"

"Thank you Master Yuan Wu for helping!"

A clan elder took the lead, and the relatives of the children reacted and hurriedly saluted Ye Xi.

Ye Xi nodded to the old man of the raccoon clan, and then nodded to everyone, "The old man is polite, everyone is polite. I believe that anyone who sees a child in danger will not just watch and ignore it."

"Although I said that, I still have to thank Master Yuan Wu."

"It's just a small matter..."

Ye Xi and everyone are polite.

Although the Li family hated tribal people, they couldn't make a face when facing the Yuan Wu who had saved their children. They even changed some of their views on tribal people.

In the crowd, Liyuan touched Lilan behind him, clumsy him with his arms, and said in a very small voice in his ear, "Have you taken the potted flowers?"

Li Lan wiped his red eyes, shook his head and said, "No, I didn't have time to get it at that time."

Liyuan shrank her neck, showing a toothache expression, and said bitterly, "That's probably exploded."

"Flower, what flower?"

The old raccoon clan has sharp ears, and with a smile that has not faded when he talks with Ye Xi, he looks at the two little cubs who are still whispering.

Li Lan Liyuan and the other six children who had escaped dead, his body stiffened, and suddenly he felt a dark cloud.

Originally, they unscrupulously stole the shower burr prank, it was because the relatives were extremely disgusted with the tribesmen, and even disgusted with this sudden appearance of the tribal witch. Even if the tribe Yuanwu came to the door, they believed that the clan leader would definitely favor them, but now that this is a happy and harmonious situation... It seems, um, it's impossible...

Even they want to return the flowers!

Brother Liyuan grabbed Liyuan’s ears again and said fiercely, "The clan elder asks you something, hurry up and be honest!"

"It hurts, it hurts, I said, I said, don't pull my ears!" Liyuan jumped and said with her mouth flat, "It's just that we accidentally took a pot of flowers..."

"What else?!"

"No, just got a pot of flowers!"

"What flowers, where did you get them?!"

"I don't know what flower it is, it was taken from the Yuanwu's house..."

The six words of the Yuanwu House, Liyuan, were weak and inaudible, but everyone present heard them.

Brother Liyuan stared when he heard it, and snarled at Liyuan, "You, you, you, you, you, you actually went to steal things from Master Yuan Wu's house, who do you want to be angry with! How can you be so courageous when you look at being cute?!!! "

"It's not just me, they also went!"

Tanuki yelled aggrievedly.

The scalp of the other little boys was numb.

The raccoon clan always felt a little hot, coughed, and apologized to Ye Xi again and again, "I'm sorry, the little doll is too naughty. That potted flower is very precious, don’t you say what kind of alien plant it is? You must pay for the exact same two pots."

It's no wonder that this Yuan Wu was around a few dolls... It turned out to be chasing the little thief!

Ye Xi smiled and said, "Clan elders don't have to worry about it. The potted flowers were originally given to me by the Cang clan leader, and I didn't intend to take them away. They are belonging to your clan."

"If you really want to compensate, then pay to the Cang clan leader!"

The old raccoon clan "Then pay a pot to the Cang clan leader, and then pay you a pot, and you can rest assured, we must teach these little boys!"

Ye Xi glanced at the battlefield beyond the light curtain and said, "You are too polite..."

He felt weird in his heart.

Such a terrifying tide of beasts is simply unprecedented. In front of it, the swamp toad tide encountered by the Jiugong tribe is just like playing. The clan faced this kind of catastrophic disaster, and he was still willing to clarify the whole story with him. Apologizing, it’s a great psychological quality.

The Li clan never missed Ye Xi's eye.

"Is Master Yuan Wu worrying about the tide of beasts outside?"

Ye Xi replied, "You are too polite. My name is Ye Xi. You can call me by name or Xi witch, and you don't need to call my lord. Yes, the clan elder guessed well. I am really worried about the tide of beasts outside. Such a terrifying tide of beasts is truly unprecedented."

The raccoon clan always smiled and said, "Then I will ask you to call you Xi Wu. Xi Wu don't worry, this is common. After the meteorite rain, there will always be two or three animal tides every year."

"The wave of beasts is terrible, but our clan is not weak. Don't worry, the wave of beasts will be repelled before sunset."

Ye Xi was taken aback. "There are two or three wave of fierce beasts of this size every year? Why Why do fierce beasts and insects attack here so persistently? What makes them crazy more than Origin Stone?"

The clan's territory usually doesn't even have the source stone aura overflowing. There is no reason for these beasts and insects to attack the clan so frequently?

This question silenced everyone in the Li family.

The raccoon clan was silent for a long while and spoke again, but his voice became old and weak, "There is no treasure, if you stand in the sky and look down, you might understand..."

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