The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 823: Horrified

The fiery red big civet cat on the deserted sand with a bunch of children is still running desperately.

"Dahong doesn't need to run, the tribal witch didn't chase it!"

Li Lan shouted to the big civet cat.

The big civet cat ran a few more steps before he had the courage to turn his head and glanced with his ears erected. When they saw them, they were completely empty. Only after the wind and sand and withered grass, they slumped to the ground like water.

"Let's stay here until dark and then go back!"

Liyuan let go of the civet cat's tail, lowered his head and touched his body. After touching the animal skin bag hanging behind his butt, he breathed a sigh of relief and said stupidly, "Fortunately, I didn't lose it!"

Li Lan sat on the ground, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, took out a honeypot ant, rudely squeezed the honey into his mouth, wiped his mouth after drinking, and yelled, "That tribe witch is stingy, actually for Potted flowers chase our children!"

"The tribal witch is the tribal witch!"

"No wonder the adults don't like the tribesmen! We are so stingy to have our protection take advantage of us, and kill them! Dig their core!"

"Yes! It's time to dig their core!"

A group of children were full of righteous indignation, cursing and cursing, but gradually went out.

Li Lan Yigulu got up, frowning and said, "Listen, is there any falcon call?"

The children were all concentrating on it.

Because the distance is too far, the call is very vague, but it sounds familiar, it seems to be...

Liyuan's face suddenly turned pale. He grabbed a small domino on his neck and shouted in horror, "The domino that Yi Wu Yi Wu gave me is hot! It's dangerous!!!"

"Let's return to the territory!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, the top of their heads went black.

All the little boys shivered, and slowly and slowly raised their heads.

The three-headed ancestor-level bird of paradise hovered over their heads, with a gorgeous posture that was breathtaking, and a strong aura that was trembling. The wings shielded the sky and the sun as tightly as possible. The sky entered suddenly. Night.

After half a breath.


The three ancestors wailed toward the ground at the same time, piercing the golden cracked stone.

The sound waves turned into violent winds, and the rocks on the sandy ground instantly exploded. The honeypot ants and other insects lurking in the sand more than ten meters deep all blew themselves up and danced wildly.

All the children bowed their heads, their faces were pale, and they fought hard with their hands in fear.

The guardian dominoes on their bodies were all aroused by the pressure, buzzing several times, and eight small green witch pattern shields enveloped them.

The poor red civet cat of the wild relic level did not have any protection. The internal organs exploded under the terrible wailing of the three ancestors. After resisting for a while, the body exploded suddenly, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood splashing on the child. On our defensive shield.

Li Lan shouted sternly, "Bright red--!"

The rest of the children shone in tears.

But now is not the time for them to be sad.

The three-headed ancestor-level birds of paradise, raised their necks, continuously made terrifying chirps, and their defensive shields flickered like candles in the wind under the attack of this terrifying energy.


Seeing that the defensive shield was about to annihilate, several children closed their eyes tightly, and at the same time uttered a desperate and stern cry, preparing for the impending death.


There was a loud noise in my ears.

Several children shook their bodies with their eyes closed.

But death did not come, and they were not blown into countless pieces of meat like civet cats. After two breaths, the children trembled, and boldly opened their eyelashes soaked with sweat.

They found that none of them had been blown into pieces of meat, because the tribe Yuan Witch who had been tricked by them actually stood in front of them!

In the violent wind and sand, the tribe Yuan Witch’s bone staff burst out with a bright green light, and the surging power of the witch turned into a jade color visible to the naked eye, blocking them all. Under the howling attack of the three ancestors, the defensive shield exudes ripples like a violent wind rushing on the surface of the water.

The pupils of all children shrank.

Then stood there blankly, without any response.

At this time, their foreheads were wet, their faces were so pale that there was no trace of blood, they were shaking unconsciously like being frozen, like young birds falling into the water in winter. They had never been attacked by an ancestor head-on, had never been so close to death, they were all frightened.

The sand is still raging.

The three-headed bird of paradise was still howling, but at this time, in addition to the howling of the bird of paradise, the roar of other beasts was also added. What was even more terrifying was that the ground trembled violently like an earthquake.

The tide of fierce beasts is here!

Through the sweeping wind and sand, everyone can vaguely see the overwhelming monsters and beasts rushing violently towards them. There are more torrential ants than the ant colony, destroying the world, like the end of the world.

Under such a scene, they are as small as candlelights in a storm.

Liyuan tremblingly approached Ye Xi, hugged Ye Xi's thigh with a small arm, and then buried his face on his trouser leg, shivering like a leaf in the wind.

The other child tremblingly hugged Ye Xi's other thigh.

In the end, even the strongest Li Lan also approached Ye Xi with a blank face.

Ye Xi looked down at them.

Although this was a bear child from a group of clan families who had stolen the potted plants from his house, he could not get a group of children to be killed by fierce birds near him. Xiao Mudou, Xiao Axi and their deaths have always been a pain in his heart.

So when the three ancestors appeared, he immediately made a decision to let Tingluer bring Azhi back to the territory first, and he would come to rescue the children. Listening Luer and Azhi were both unwilling at first, but in the end Listening Luer decided to believe in Ye Xi, picked up Azhi, who did not want to leave, and let the white-haired kangaroo carry them away.

"Don't be afraid, backup is here."

Ye Xi said solemnly.

When the wave of fierce beasts was pressed to a distance of only a few hundred meters, the clan forces behind him rushed. The primordial witches and great witches of the twelve clans gathered together, holding the bone sticks and chanting, roaring beasts and roaring warriors under their blessings passed them like a tide, and then fiercely joined the tide of the beasts. Bombarded together.

Amidst the chaos and wild sand, a fiery red civet cat much larger than the scarlet jumped dexterously in front of them.

Li Bishan, the lord of the raccoon clan on the back of the civet cat, looked at Ye Xi with complicated eyes, and finally the big man bent over and bowed deeply to him, "Thank you, and... I was sorry a few days ago."

The voice is low but very sincere.

Apologize for the hostility towards Ye Xi the first time I saw him.

A smaller civet cat came near Libishan "Master Xiwu, sit back with this civet cat and leave it to us."

Ye Xi nodded, patted the Tanuki who was still holding his thigh stupidly, picked up his neck and threw it on the back of Tanuki. The other children woke up, they didn't want to be carried, and jumped up one by one.

Ye Xi didn't plan to participate in this battle, and came to the civet cat together.


The feet of a black elephant fell from the sky.

Several killing giant katydids buzzed and killed like fighters.

The civet cat rolled around flexibly, avoiding the giant pillars and elephant legs and the group of katydids, several dexterously accelerated leaps, avoiding the terrifying beasts and insects in the chaos, carrying Ye Xi and the child like the wind We ran towards the fierce territory.



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